bricked? 2g, 16GB
Junior Member
8. September 2009 @ 22:45 |
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IT loads to the apple logo, then reboots. Windows never recognizes it, nor will redsn0w. Got it from craigslist for $100 as a project. Can it be fixed?
I r teh hackorz!
AfterDawn Addict
9. September 2009 @ 15:33 |
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did you have the guy you bought it from test it out in front of you to ensure that it works?
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Junior Member
12. September 2009 @ 11:45 |
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I bought it this way on purpose, I want to see if this is fixable. Sometimes it gets stuck in a boot cycle (Get's to the apple logo, restarts, and does that endlessly.) Other times it sits at the apple and freezes. i know its firmware issue
I r teh hackorz!
AfterDawn Addict
12. September 2009 @ 16:34 |
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unfortunately I don't have any experience in that. I haven't had the issue, so maybe if someone else can offer assistance, go for it.
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Junior Member
13. September 2009 @ 21:46 |
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Ok, Update time.
I've done some research.
Sometimes it gets into a boot cycle.
Sometimes it just freezes.
It WILL enter DFU, but windows and redsn0w do not recognize.
It WILL NOT enter recovery mode.
I r teh hackorz!
Junior Member
14. September 2009 @ 00:01 |
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Sometimes it gets into a boot cycle.
Sometimes it just freezes.
It WILL enter DFU, but windows, iTunes and redsn0w do not recognize.
It WILL enter recovery mode, but windows, iTunes and redsn0w do not recognize.
I r teh hackorz!
Junior Member
21. September 2009 @ 20:58 |
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Am I screwed or what?
I r teh hackorz!
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21. September 2009 @ 21:21 |
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Well if it isnt recognized in dfu mode your not going to have any access to it, and without that you will pretty much have to buy a new logic board or use it as a hat weight.
AfterDawn Addict
22. September 2009 @ 15:30 |
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yeah, you are most likely screwed. Unfortunately, you might want to do a little more research when buying broken products. RROD 360s you can fix, iphones on the otherhand, I haven't heard much in the way of fixing them.
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