iphone 3gs updated with 4.0 firmware
14. July 2010 @ 02:20 |
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Okay guys i bought a iphone It was a At&t phone had it for a week and for some reason my girl friend decided it would be a good idea to Update it today with the new 4.0 firmware.
what my question is, is there a update for either sn0wbreeze, blackra1n, redSn0w.
or any other programs to hacktivate my phone?
for I do not have the sim card so i see the lock screen.
I have been reading that there is no way as of yet I have to wait a little while for there to be one made but I guess this is my last ditch effort to ask in a fourm if there is a way
Thanks in advance and happy coding!
14. July 2010 @ 11:45 |
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Hi! ^o^
Was the device Jailbroken before? If it was, do you know if it had SHSH hashes on Saurik's server? If you are unsure you can download Firmware Umbrella from here, hook up your device and see if it will download the older firmware hashes from CYDIA server. If it will, there is hope, if it won't you're out of luck.
If it does download the hashes, browse to this location "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and open the "hosts" file in notepad and add " gs.apple.com" to the bottom of the notepad and save it, then install the lower firmware of your choice through itunes as normal, by holding shift, clicking restore then browsing for the firmware file. You can download firmware files from here. You will need to change the file extension from .rar to .ipsw for itunes to recognise it. It will only install the the firmware which you have hashes on file for, so if you'd don't have hashes for firmware 3.0, you won't be able to downgrade to it and so on. Unfortunately the only way you're gonna be able to hacktivate the device at this current time is to downgrade it first then jailbreak it.
If you need anymore help, just let me know! ^o^
Edit - From my experience, when trying to downgrade, I've had to downgrade my version of itunes also. It's just trial and error, so just give it a shot. lol
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. July 2010 @ 12:00
14. July 2010 @ 20:38 |
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Hey link thanks for your quick reply so i got umbrella and this is what it said when i clicked save my shsh
Name: iPhone Baseband: ######## 07/14/2010
18:24:26.404 Processing SHSH Request...
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 Asking CYDIA for SHSH blobs for iPhone3GS 4.0 ######)... 07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open]
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 You have saved your SHSH locally and the request was sent to CYDIA. This means that CYDIA DOES have your SHSH. Do NOT bug semaphore about the Cydia home page showing this version.
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 Caching shsh files...
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 Found [1] shsh files to cache...
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 Cached [1] shsh files
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 #############-iphone-4.0.shsh has been opened in Explorer 07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 TSS Server has cached the following files:
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 iPhone3GS 4.0 #################
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 Devices with ECIDs matching the above AND restoring to the exact firmware version listed above will succeed!
07/14/2010 18:24:26.404 *Please note that iPad and iPad3G share the exact same SHSH. If you see iPad above and you have an iPad3G THEY WILL WORK JUST FINE. There is just no way for me to tell the difference between iPad and iPad3G from the SHSH alone.
Im sorry to ask this but the shsh what is that the only thing i could find on the subgect was Blobs for spirit
I am also sorry for asking but where do i get my hash? i looked up the server but no luck
Is this the tut i should be reading? link
Will that work for my 3gs?
AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!! I wish you all the best!!
15. July 2010 @ 06:21 |
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By the looks of it, you've only saved the SHSH for firmware 4.0. After looking at firmware umbrella again, I realised that you need to click the advanced options box and this will show some more drop down boxes. From there select another firmware revision for 3gs from the second drop down and leave location as Cydia. I would suggest 3.1.2 or 3.1.3. If Firmware Umbrella doesn't get the SHSH blobs for any of those firmwares, then you're screwed.
That tutorial you posted is right and will work for your 3Gs, but only if there are SHSH Blobs on Cydia for lower firmwares. You will know this after trying to download them using Firmware umbrella.
Originally posted by free1: Im sorry to ask this but the shsh what is that the only thing i could find on the subgect was Blobs for spirit
I am also sorry for asking but where do i get my hash? i looked up the server but no luck!
I'm not sure what you meant here... o.0 The SHSH blob is basically what is used in the signing process by Apple whenever you do a restore or upgrade for your device. As far as I'm aware, they've used it on every device now since the iPhone 3Gs. if you follow that tutorial you linked in your previous post, you wont need to worry where your SHSH blobs are as itunes will be redirected to Saurik's server to be signed instead of Apple's which is why you can still downgrade when Apple stops signing.
This will be the message firmware umbrella will give you if it can't get an SHSH for your selected firmware revision.I requested and SHSH for 3.0.1 and got:
Quote: 07/15/2010 11:26:59.592 This device isn't eligible for the requested build.
Also, after getting the SHSH using Firmware umbrella, it should save them in "C:\Users\[CURRENTUSER]\.shsh"
I hope this is making sense... lol
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. July 2010 @ 06:29
Junior Member
15. July 2010 @ 07:29 |
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Free1 what baseband have you got?
15. July 2010 @ 11:31 |
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Originally posted by Joebhoy: Free1 what baseband have you got?
As his iphone has been updated to IOS4 officially, he will have baseband 5.13.04. Althogh this can be unlocked, he can't at the moment until he downgrades and jailbreaks his device again, because as far as I'm aware, there isn't a jailbreak for 3GS on IOS4 unless you update with a custom IOS4 firmware from Quickpwn or sn0wbreeze. So unless he can downgrade, he won't be able to unlock and use his device again until there's a jailbreak tool released.
I've already done a couple of 3GS for people who have "accidentally" updated thier device, so I can tell you first hand that with a lil persistance, you can get it working again! ^o^
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. July 2010 @ 11:42
Junior Member
15. July 2010 @ 15:02 |
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I won't lie im no expert but I think your wrong to be honest.
Is your iPhone jailbroken?
15. July 2010 @ 18:19 |
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Originally posted by Joebhoy: I won't lie im no expert but I think your wrong to be honest.
Is your iPhone jailbroken?
I assume you mean me? lol I have a 3Gs jailbroken on IOS4 with Baseband 05.12.01, which is the baseband for 3.1.3 firmware. I updated using a custom firmware which is why my baseband hasn't been updated to the latest one, 05.13.04. I would have had a lower baseband than that, but whilst trying to update to 3.1.3 with a custom firmware, I carelessly selected the wrong firmware! >.< What a n00b mistake to make. lol
16. July 2010 @ 08:23 |
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Originally posted by iphonsoft: If your iphone jailbreake or locked you can easily unlocked by the iphone unlock tutorials.
Take your scam links elsewhere! >.< anything to do with iphone tutorials and software can easily be found for free anywhere online!
Ignore this persons links!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. July 2010 @ 08:29
Junior Member
16. July 2010 @ 09:33 |
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Didn't mean you link!!
Try this open Cydia, Manage, sources
Edit, Add then type http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com (symbol on sn0w is the number 0)
Hit add source
Then search for ultrasn0w 0.93 and install the app.
Your phone should reboot then insert your sim card it should say waiting for activation it should only be there for a second.
After this your phone should be activated/unlocked.
16. July 2010 @ 14:44 |
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Hi there,
I accidently updated my iphone 3gs to 4.0 today and now i cant jailbreak or unlock it. I am stuck on the connect to itunes logo. I have tried to do the steps above to downgrade to 3.1.2 but get a 3198 error. Any ideas of have to get rid of that?
16. July 2010 @ 17:17 |
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hey joe sorry i dont know if you read my original post but i dont have the sim card so i cant open cydia I am stuck on the emergency screen / sim lock. hence me wanting to hacktivate my iphone"............... again.
Sorry i forgot to mention it was unlocked and jail broken before my GF updated the firm
And link im having trouble down grading did you say you also had to down grade your ituens
can you tell me what Version of itunes worked for you? and anything else you can think of
Again i would like to thank you again for taking your time to help me out :)
16. July 2010 @ 17:21 |
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Originally posted by free1: hey joe sorry i dont know if you read my original post but i dont have the sim card so i cant open cydia I am stuck on the emergency screen / sim lock. hence me wanting to hacktivate my iphone"............... again.
Sorry i forgot to mention it was unlocked and jail broken before my GF updated the firm
And link im having trouble down grading did you say you also had to down grade your ituens
can you tell me what Version of itunes worked for you? and anything else you can think of
Again i would like to thank you again for taking your time to help me out :)
Quote: I accidently updated my iphone 3gs to 4.0 today and now i cant jailbreak or unlock it. I am stuck on the connect to itunes logo. I have tried to do the steps above to downgrade to 3.1.2 but get a 3198 error. Any ideas of have to get rid of that?
Hold down the top/power button and the circle/bottom button for 10 sec then without releasing the circle plug a usb into the iphone it will enter DFU mode then you can restore and try again
16. July 2010 @ 17:54 |
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Hey link i have my 3.1.3 shsh what do i do now? what do i do with it?
07/16/2010 15:52:40.586 Asking CYDIA for SHSH blobs for iPhone3GS 3.1.3
07/16/2010 15:52:40.586 SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open]
I downloaded 3.1.3 fim and just tried to put it on my iphone
I get the error message {3194} downgrade itunes too?
and yes i changed # gs.apple.com
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. July 2010 @ 18:22
16. July 2010 @ 19:57 |
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Originally posted by free1: Hey link i have my 3.1.3 shsh what do i do now? what do i do with it?
07/16/2010 15:52:40.586 Asking CYDIA for SHSH blobs for iPhone3GS 3.1.3
07/16/2010 15:52:40.586 SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open]
I downloaded 3.1.3 fim and just tried to put it on my iphone
I get the error message {3194} downgrade itunes too?
and yes i changed # gs.apple.com
After having a quick float around the noet, I found that the error you're experiencing is the same as the 1015 error and you should be able to fix it using this, but i can't verify the reliability of that source and whether that does actually work... >.< I hope it does work for ya! ^o^
Don't forget to let me know! lol
16. July 2010 @ 20:26 |
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Quote: After having a quick float around the noet, I found that the error you're experiencing is the same as the 1015 error and you should be able to fix it using this, but i can't verify the reliability of that source and whether that does actually work... >.< I hope it does work for ya! ^o^
The link for that software in your link doesnt work. :-(
Having the same error 3198 problem
16. July 2010 @ 20:56 |
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hey west are you starting the because I think thats the server that itunes thinks is the actual server so your just redirecting the info server
after i start the TSS server in umbrella I get the 1015 error so i am going to look more into this
Is that what i have to do link? start the TSS server?
16. July 2010 @ 21:04 |
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Originally posted by free1: hey west are you starting the because I think thats the server that itunes thinks is the actual server so your just redirecting the info server
after i start the TSS server in umbrella I get the 1015 error so i am going to look more into this
Is that what i have to do link? start the TSS server?
If your getting the 1015 error then the video in this link may help you!
17. July 2010 @ 00:03 |
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Okay well i down graded to 3.1.2 and now im stuck i cant use black rain because it wont boot the device for some reason But ill keep you posted
17. July 2010 @ 02:04 |
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Okay so I down graded to 3.1.3 fine
when I run Blackra1n It quickly says Its done and says waiting for boot
so I waited and it never rebooted so just unplugged it I checked with Spirit and it says i am running 3.1.3 on the iphone but i cant hacktivate it Still looking for a way to get past this emergency screen. anyone have any ideas? if blackra1n is not working and I made a ipsw with sn0w breeze and It just stopped at prepairing phone for restore and I have to
wait for some time then gives me a 1604 error. WHY ARE YOU SO COMPLICATED!!
Thanks guys! and yeah i saw that vid for the black rain its just i cant use it for soem reason
17. July 2010 @ 05:10 |
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Congrats on the downgrade! ^^ atleast the tricky bit is out of the way! You said you downgraded to 3.1.2 earlier? If you downgrade back to 3.1.2 the jailbreak with redsn0w 0.92 that should hacktivate aswell! ^^ well it did for lemon firmware 3.0 last year! Dunno whats changed since then though! Lol
Because you don't have a sim to activate it, the whole process is that little bit more complicated! >.< we'll get there though! If it doesn't work with 3.1.2 is there an older version you can downgrade to? 0.o
Also, you won't be able to do anything with custom ipsw until it's been jailbroken again! >.< as I said try going back to 3.1.2 and using redsn0w! ^^
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. July 2010 @ 05:15
17. July 2010 @ 09:07 |
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Originally posted by free1: Okay so I down graded to 3.1.3 fine
when I run Blackra1n It quickly says Its done and says waiting for boot
so I waited and it never rebooted so just unplugged it I checked with Spirit and it says i am running 3.1.3 on the iphone but i cant hacktivate it Still looking for a way to get past this emergency screen. anyone have any ideas? if blackra1n is not working and I made a ipsw with sn0w breeze and It just stopped at prepairing phone for restore and I have to
wait for some time then gives me a 1604 error. WHY ARE YOU SO COMPLICATED!!
Thanks guys! and yeah i saw that vid for the black rain its just i cant use it for soem reason
Did you get an error after downgrading??
17. July 2010 @ 09:45 |
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Originally posted by free1: Okay so I down graded to 3.1.3 fine
when I run Blackra1n It quickly says Its done and says waiting for boot
so I waited and it never rebooted so just unplugged it I checked with Spirit and it says i am running 3.1.3 on the iphone but i cant hacktivate it Still looking for a way to get past this emergency screen. anyone have any ideas? if blackra1n is not working and I made a ipsw with sn0w breeze and It just stopped at prepairing phone for restore and I have to
wait for some time then gives me a 1604 error. WHY ARE YOU SO COMPLICATED!!
Thanks guys! and yeah i saw that vid for the black rain its just i cant use it for soem reason
I finally got it past the emergency screen!! This is what i did.
"C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and open the "hosts" file in notepad and add " gs.apple.com" to the bottom of the notepad and save it,
Then open the umbrella program and run the tss server
then install the 3.1.2 through itunes as normal, by holding shift, clicking restore then browsing for the firmware file
Then when complete you will get a 1015 error.
Then uninstall all itunes programs from your computer and reboot
Then install version 9.0.3 of itunes and reboot.
When rebooted you will not be able to open itune. Go to music in your documents and click on the itunes folder and move the first file to desktop. you should be able to open it now.
Then download blackra1n and install.
This is how i got it to work!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. July 2010 @ 09:50
17. July 2010 @ 10:00 |
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. July 2010 @ 11:47
17. July 2010 @ 15:54 |
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to west yes i do get a error the 16** when i try and load my firmware that i made in sn0wbreeze I tried to use iReb but there is no fix for the 3gs yet
and to Link yes i did the whole downgrade itunes 9.2that for some reason gave me 3.1.2 I only have my 3.1.3 shsh so i can only downgrade to 3.1.3 I will try the 3.1.2 again
But when i do run black rain it still shows me the emergency screen
redsnow 0.9 wont recognise any other ipsw then 3.0 :( so when i run it i still get the emergency screen
Ill down grade to 3.1.2 and try redsn0w