GOD this is so frustrating. Whenever I install apps from Installous, it removes them when I sync my iphone with itunes?! I have tried transferring purchases and authorizing this computer, nothing helps!!! Any ideas
Originally posted by JimmyChoo: GOD this is so frustrating. Whenever I install apps from Installous, it removes them when I sync my iphone with itunes?! I have tried transferring purchases and authorizing this computer, nothing helps!!! Any ideas
Have you installed appsync for ios4 from the hackulous repository. O.o
Originally posted by JimmyChoo: I tried to add the hackulous repository again (dunno how it got removed) and it says http://apt.modmyi.com Host Unreachable
Ignore my earlier post. A few people I know who have iPhone 4's are having the same problem. Most likely that installous and appsync haven't been made to be fully supported on iphone 4 yet.
I'm sure the guy's at hackulous are sorting this out as quickly as possible, so just be patient.
Also instead of installing through that repo, I'd recomment installing through this one...
That is the official source for that application.
Also, appsync for 4.x still works with 4.0.1, but obviously not on iphone 4 at the moment.
As I was writing this, I connected to cydia to see what changes there are and appsync for 4.x has been updatd, so perhaps you could try again and see if it works! ^o^
Hey, thanks for the help. I went on cydia and couldn't see the update? Odd...I then went into manage>Sources>Hackulo and there was no update for appsync. Hmmmmm. Print screen it?
You prob already have it installed then. The latest version of appsync for IOS4 is 1.0.2, so go into Cydia and check that you have appsync for 4.x installed and make sure that the version number at the top is 1.0.2. I can't say whether this fixes the issue with iphone 4, as I don't have one myself, I have a 3gs, so all you can do is try it for yourself
Right....appsync 3.x or 4.x only sync's cracked app's to the phone. Because they are cracked app's itunes does not recognize them as their own so attempt's to delete.
your 2 solution to this as far as i know is to download the app's onto your desktop and transfer the downloaded app into itune's then sync with your phone (it work's) or you could ssh into the phone and drag and drop the file's onto your desktop.
Originally posted by oneeyedcrock: Right....appsync 3.x or 4.x only sync's cracked app's to the phone. Because they are cracked app's itunes does not recognize them as their own so attempt's to delete.
your 2 solution to this as far as i know is to download the app's onto your desktop and transfer the downloaded app into itune's then sync with your phone (it work's) or you could ssh into the phone and drag and drop the file's onto your desktop.
Actually, you're wrong. I download apps all the time from installous and when I connect to itunes, it will then download them from my device and store them in "C:\Users\USERNAME\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications"
Yeah i just realised that two day's ago. Ihavent used installous since the 2.2.1 day's and it never transferred the cracked apps to itunes back then.
then i installed it the other day and got this confirmed by a reliable source.
I'll check these thing's more often from now on, instead of coming on here making a right neep of myself thinking i know it all!!
Originally posted by oneeyedcrock: Yeah i just realised that two day's ago. Ihavent used installous since the 2.2.1 day's and it never transferred the cracked apps to itunes back then.
then i installed it the other day and got this confirmed by a reliable source.
I'll check these thing's more often from now on, instead of coming on here making a right neep of myself thinking i know it all!!
Lol no worries, we all get stuff wrong now and again! Lol when I installed appsync on os 3.0 I went sounding off on the hackulous forums and made myself look like an ass! >.< claiming it didn't work, but it was just me being a retard and doing it wrong! Lol ah well, lesson learned! Lol