Unlocking help! iphone 3g 3.1 frmware unlock only!
Junior Member
18. October 2009 @ 10:13 |
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Hi there, i am selling my iphone 3g with 3.1 firmware. and the shop who i'm selling it to will give me an extra £80 if it is unlocked, but not jailbroken! i have done it before, but only with the 1st generation and and a really old firmware and as i understand things arnt as easy anymore. so i have done some research and it seems that the only way to unlock it is to jailbreak the damn thing first. so i was wondering if i could jailbreak it, unlock it, then unjailbreak it and still keep the feature of it being unlocked? any and all help is greatly appreciated.
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Junior Member
18. October 2009 @ 10:20 |
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Hi there i forgot to mention that the shop's way to they check if it is jailbroken is if it has a pineapple logo on bootup, so if you can jailbreak it and keep the apple logo i guess that would be ok too.also any alternitive that will result in it being unlocked and not jailbroken is worth mentioning, and i am even willing to drowngrade firmware if that is possible. :)
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AfterDawn Addict
18. October 2009 @ 22:27 |
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what baseband is your phone using?
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Junior Member
19. October 2009 @ 02:10 |
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Hi there again. Done some research and I guess my base band is either 5.08 or some later one as I got it on release date so if it hasn't been upgraded via iTunes update it will still be 5.08. I'm pretty sure the firmware 3.1 upgrades it to 6.0..... Automatically though. I can't tell for sure as I don't have fuzzyband or jailbroken iPhone yet to check. But I will be jailbreaking it very shortly, as it seems I have to if I like it or not to get it unlocked. :)
Xbox 360 rules!
18. November 2009 @ 15:41 |
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Hi everyone
I am in need please of some urgent help
I don't expect any one to tell me their details on their phone but I do not have an iphone 3gs yet
My parents are away and I need help just to be reassured that they are not being shafted
Here are the details in the settings
firmware modem capability 16GB
usable capacity ok
phone 0/500
version TG01-V6.1.0
buildtime 20090922
bt name xphone
no imei number
This phone is from a shop and still boxed but it does not say 3gs on the box but it is a 32gb with the capable capacity of 100gb
Is this a hoax?
I really do appologise for intruding but they are in another country and they have been to this shop before without any problems.
I would really appreciate the afterdawn members to help me out here
Junior Member
18. November 2009 @ 18:56 |
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btw if you want to ask different questions make a new thread, I'm not too bothered but you will get a lot more people looking at it than on this one as it is old and I managed to fix the problem myself.
If your parents arnt there I wouldn't recommend buying anything that expensive anyway.
But I'd does seem like it isn't quite right and has definatly been hacked or maybe corupted in some way. if it's a well know shop like carphoneware house or even apple I'd take the chance as you can return it at least with in 7 days, howevers it's a one of a kind independand shop that specialises in these thing I would run away and never come back, because they only want money and don't give a sh*t about customer satisfaction and as soon as they have the cash would probally neglect you.
I would reccomend just getting a new one or refurbished from apple as it has long warantees and no fus garantees/money back. (also it won't be able to take 100gb, it maybe hacked to accept it, but you won't be able to fit or find a hdd or flash chip that would fit the apple size anyway.
Xbox 360 rules!
19. November 2009 @ 02:50 |
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You know when you said you do not want it jailbroken,you could unlock to any network then delete cydia could you not?
19. November 2009 @ 02:54 |
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Also use Itunes and restore to 3.0 or 3.1 using a custom restore then you should not have the pineapple logo,and it should revert back to apple
I did it with a iphone about a week ago
With the custom firmware that I used had cydia already there,so you can use it to unlock your phone then delete cydia.
Junior Member
19. November 2009 @ 03:12 |
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As I've already said the problem has been solved, it wasn't that I didn't know how to delete cydia after i jailbroken it, it was even with virtually all the evidence of it being jailbroen deleted that I could possibly do, there was still a root partion (on the hdd/flash chip which it automatically makes when you jaibreak. As a result when you did a restore/complete erase of the system because it was a command left over from original apple firmware it didn't know that there was a seperate root partition, bricking the phone because it deleted crucial system files in it. Anyway I got a round it by telling them(the shop I was selling it to) i had already done before I came lol. As there is no problem anymore don't continue this thread. And if you don't know what I'm talking about/don't believe about it bricking you divice, try it yourself while making a backup first, it's just one of those side effects of a jailbroken iPhone/iPod touch I guess.
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Junior Member
19. November 2009 @ 03:15 |
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Oh yea about getting no pineaplle logo with a jailbroken iPhone, when you use pwnage tool to jailreak, do expert and select no logo to keep your original apple logos after it's jailbroken ;)
Xbox 360 rules!
Junior Member
19. November 2009 @ 03:34 |
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Ps you can never truely brick an iphne you can always restore it byputting it into recovery mode by holding both home and lock buttons in for 30sif it has already been jailbrokenif it hasn't then you need to follow some vids but it goes somthing like hold lock infor 10 then both for 10 the home for 10
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