I just bought a Kindle Fire and would like to root it to use the apps I have already bought from the Android Market. I'm using the following tut- http://www.geek.com/articles/gadgets/ho...fire-20111223/- and I believe I've gotten everything installed correctly to my PC. Now though, I'm stuck on #3(Root). More specifically, I'm not sure how to do this part:
"Connect your Kindle Fire to your PC via USB. Open a command prompt in the adb folder. Type the following commands (one by one):
adb push BurritoRoot2.bin /data/local/
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/BurritoRoot2.bin
adb shell /data/local/BurritoRoot2.bin
adb root
adb shell id
(if result is 0 continue, if not start over)
adb remount
adb push su /system/xbin/su
adb shell chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
adb remount
adb install Superuser.apk (skip this step if its already installed)
After finishing, your Fire will reboot and it will be rooted." Also, I'm not sure I installed my Kindle driver correctly cause I don't see it in my device manager. Can anyone help?
If you can get the apps onto the fire, and they are compatible with the fire, there is no need to root at all, and to just play some games or whatever, rooting is probably a bad idea.
Originally posted by Jigen: If you can get the apps onto the fire, and they are compatible with the fire, there is no need to root at all, and to just play some games or whatever, rooting is probably a bad idea.
If I'm correct, Amazon doesn't allow you to get apps that I've already purchased from the Android market onto my Fire and doesn't even allow access to it. I've already tried. They want you to purchase all your apps/movies/etc. from the Amazon store. That's the main reason for the rooting. I figured it out already though and it's working fine.