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Ashampoo Audio Problems
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Junior Member
3. May 2010 @ 01:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Need some help figuring this out please. i am using Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 to burn, copy cd's. when i copy an original cd to a cd-r the audio remains the same and i have no problems. when i create a new cd-r from music files downloaded to my computer (mp3)the sound is VERY LOW. i can hear it, but i have to turn the volume up almost all the way for it to sound just a tad bit louder.

i have adjusted the volume setting to the max while recording, i have checked on 'normalize tracks'. i just downloaded wav and flac codecs but dont know much about that or if installing them would help or hurt.

please advise. thank you.
Senior Member
3. May 2010 @ 05:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It could be that the files had a massive dynamic range; a brief peak and the rest
of the file was at a low level. Or maybe the normalize or "volume" didn't really work.
Only way to tell is to download an audio editor, something like Audacity and open
the files in there. At least that way, from the graphical representation, looking at the
levels meter as the file is played, you'll be able to see what is wrong.

Then you can fix it in the editor and save as WAV files.
Then burn those to the CD.
Junior Member
3. May 2010 @ 11:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for your willingness to help. i will try what you said and post back results. but just a question... would i have to do this (convert every file to wav), each and every time i am going to rip/burn music to a cd-r? since it recorded them ALL at a very low level, i am guessing it is either something with ashampoo or my audio settings itself. also, do you think these codecs could help or not make a difference? lastly, does anyone know what the optimal settings for RealTeck HD Audio is? Btw, i also have all the updated drivers for the sound card/system.

if anyone has any more ideas, please feel free to chime in. i would hate to have to change all my files to wav before burning. thanks again.
Junior Member
3. May 2010 @ 11:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for your willingness to help. i will try what you said and post back results. but just a question... would i have to do this (convert every file to wav), each and every time i am going to rip/burn music to a cd-r? since it recorded them ALL at a very low level, i am guessing it is either something with ashampoo or my audio settings itself. also, do you think these codecs could help or not make a difference? lastly, does anyone know what the optimal settings for RealTeck HD Audio is? Btw, i also have all the updated drivers for the sound card/system.

if anyone has any more ideas, please feel free to chime in. i would hate to have to change all my files to wav before burning. thanks again.
Senior Member
3. May 2010 @ 13:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try using IMGBURN to create the audio CD. The audio CD is really just WAVE files
formatted for the CD media. If you provide WAV input, no conversion should take place.
If you provide mp3, the mp3's should be simply decompressed (to WAV) on the fly as
they are written.

I've got no idea what your program is doing. If you're not sure what it's doing, try something
Junior Member
3. May 2010 @ 23:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i dl audacity and i don't know what it is exactly i am looking for. i open a file, hit play, and the L/R levels start to move and there is some graph image in gray with a lever moving from left to right. i'm not computer savy, so i don't know what i'm doing wrong, but i have no idea what this audacity is supposed to be doing.

and yes, ashampoo can do a number of burning options. in my case, i am burning mp3 files onto a cdr, and ashampoo converts them on the fly.

but still the problem remains where there is very poor volume output.
Senior Member
4. May 2010 @ 00:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can you post one of the troublesome mp3's to a file hosting site ? I'll take a look
at it. Try
Upload it and put the link in here. > forums > digital audio > audio > ashampoo audio problems

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