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Can't put downloaded M3U files to use.. Other threads not helping.
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8. September 2010 @ 19:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm finding multiple M3U files available on my newsgroup. Although I am aware that an M3U file is merely a playlist and doesn't contain actual MP3 files, there are so many audio files available in this format that there surely must be a way to convert/save/play them. I have read other threads that say you must create a HTML document in order to access the music via the web, or at least that's what I gathered from them, I couldn't really understand what was trying to be said. Could anyone shed some light on this please? Winamp won't play just the M3U file itslef in its original format.
AfterDawn Addict
10. September 2010 @ 09:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
M3Us contain the location of the file to play. Since the file was not made on your computer how would you expect it to work? How to use them is go though the list with an editor and hunt down each tune manually. Not all that handy but that is reality. What would be real handy is you think to your self I would like to hear music that I will love and have never heard before then the music plays in your head. When that is invented someone will get rich. For now, a person need to live in the real world. What you are suggesting is far from the real world.

you must create a HTML document in order to access the music via the web
You didn't understand what you read because it was several levels above your understanding. Media Monkey has a plug in script that will build an HTML page that will link to sites selling the music you are missing for an artist. Sometimes they will let you listen to a short sample. That is a far cry from what you thought you read.

Maybe you could get a Media Monkey (MM) user-programmer to make that kind of web page for a play list. At least you might be able to hear a sample. Join the MM forum and post the request in the development section. Do not put it in the wish list section. The development forum are MM users who are VB and or SQL programmers. They often take on projects the regular staff wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. This is something they would never touch.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. September 2010 @ 11:53

11. September 2010 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks... you smarmy cunt.
AfterDawn Addict
11. September 2010 @ 12:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, you must admit thinking the computers a magical things is a bit funny at least to me. I can see not only are you a complete moron but you are ungrateful and no manners. Probably raised in a pig sty... I guess that is not your fault but your parents.

Your welcome!

I am sure you are too lazy to actually pursue the project. You prefer the magic approach.
12. September 2010 @ 20:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow! You clearly feel very strongly for the subject. I can just picture you, sat on your PC for 95% of your free time, wallowing in your irreparable state of social rejection, browsing computer forums looking for someone you feel has an inferior mind to poke fun at for being "several levels below your understanding", snivelling as you ctrl + c/v phrases from generic insults websites to falsely enhance the feeling of triumph you receive on your wordly quest to mask your feelings of impotence created by being 'misunderstood' to whoever comes into your personal vicinity." Well excellent guess Mr Mez, the topic is below my understanding, which is why I took the time to post a question and seek help. I expect more from a 'senior member' not to shoot down people who are reaching out for help. Although the great Oscar did once say, "one who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination", so I can forgive you for the complacent life you seem to live, and pray that your barriers to personal development and bitter attitude won't last forever.
12. September 2010 @ 21:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL! good one lghtning, I get so pis#ed off when people respond like that. pathetic rly. anyway I too have been searching for this and have come to conclude that they're just not worth it. its possible but takes too long.

stamp out evil
AfterDawn Addict
13. September 2010 @ 00:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by lghtning:
Wow! I can just picture you, sat on your PC for 95% of your free time, wallowing in your irreparable state of social rejection, browsing computer forums looking for someone you feel has an inferior mind to poke fun at for being "several levels below your understanding", snivelling as you ctrl + c/v phrases from generic insults websites to falsely enhance the feeling of triumph you receive on your wordly quest to mask your feelings of impotence created by being 'misunderstood' to whoever comes into your personal vicinity." Well excellent guess Mr Mez, the topic is below my understanding, which is why I took the time to post a question and seek help. I expect more from a 'senior member' not to shoot down people who are reaching out for help.
Awh, you almost made me cry! I am so embarrassed by that masterful slam.

I did give you a good answer with maybe too much condescension.
I didn't have to work at all to find you. I admit I was a smart ass but I don't know everything. But I do not think I need to kiss your ass just because you are too lazy to do a little research or even a bit of thinking for your self. You expect persons to do your thinking for you. Then get real nasty if I give a bit of attitude but your attitude and rudeness is fine.

Well at least you found a loser buddy. Obviously he has had his ass kicked a few time. Maybe the two of you can dream up more moronic questions to amuse me.
Senior Member
13. September 2010 @ 10:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wish they would.. I for one like a good laugh ;) Add to that I'm the master of rude and offensive and we're good to go

Now don't nobody go reporting this pair of numtys before we all get a good giggle out of their lack of grey matter



ARR! Them pesky Navy! Get out of my sea!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. September 2010 @ 10:49

AfterDawn Addict
13. September 2010 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good thread.

Don't worry Mez, when I first saw this I was planning on replying in much the way you did!

AfterDawn Addict
13. September 2010 @ 19:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, I am not at all worried and I was a bit too condescending so I didn't want to report the cursing. You have to expect some nasty feed back when you are a smart ass. I actually enjoyed it. I normally don't get sassy with someone who is confused unless they indicate a superiority. I usually respond to smugness combined with ignorance and laziness with a bit of a barb. That is what happened here. You prick their bubble then they attack you. They believe the world exists to serve them. That was all part of the lesson I had to teach.

I haven't had a brawl since Dan the moron. Dan took on an entire thread claiming the US had all sorts of futuristic weapons, some defied known physics. Finally a moderator who couldn't believe his eyes got into it with him and could only get him to shut up with a month off. Dan made these two look like Einsteins. Dan was mental, lightning sounded smart, he was just too lazy to do some research.

I did give him a good answer no one on several threads would answer as he stated. Most persons will not respond to a bizarre question like that because you know there will be trouble. Which there was.

Well ps355528, that is the best attitude to have or at least it is mine.

But then I don't give a rats ass how a person responds. They can call me the biggest ass hole in the world and I would respond no, I am not that great! I know I am a jerk but a very helpful one. As you suspect, I actually enjoy a little repartee.

Only a newbie would think members and above are Boy Scouts and that our mission is to be polite even if it hurts. I get that line at least once a year with my mouth.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2010 @ 10:53 > forums > digital audio > audio > can't put downloaded m3u files to use.. other threads not helping.

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