custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.
yeah,thats what i did with nero. but for some reason it wont play in my stanalone.i need to burn an audio disc as opposed to a data disc.oh well,something to sink my teeth into so to speak.
Try Media Monkey use the link near the end of the top sticky. Media Monkey wants strings attached to down load a free copy from their site.
It is not a data disk but an mp3DVD that you need to make. Sometimes a data disk will work depending on how smart the player is. Most new players will only play format compliant disks. The mp3s need to be in a certain directory and you need a correctly named and structured play list. Not too hard but it must be too much for Nero. But then Nero has plenty of problems burning all sorts of disks. MM has some utilities that check for track dupes which is easy to do with a DVD mp3 disk since they hold about 1,000 high bit rate tunes and double that for 128s. Their disk burning routines are second to none and walk you through some nice features.
yeah nero calls it a dvd jukebox disc,but after the dust settles it is still a data far all of the programs i have checked out can only burn a data disc.thanks mez,will give it a try.
The data disks might be configured correctly but I know MM makes disks that are readily accepted by several players. It is the same format as a mp3CD. Once you use MM burn utility it is unlikely you will use anything else for audio burns.
upon further experimentation i found that media monkey only produces a data file.just my luck my player ignores those.i have found a program called audio dvd creator that does the job.its not freeware so i will look for awhile to find a free program before i shell out for this one.