Apologies for repeated what is probably a oft asked question, i had a scan of the board but i couldn't quite find what i was looking for.
I just want to stop downloading things that i can't use, having tried IMGburn i stated using dvdflick to burnm dvd's. seemed fine, but i'm getting a lot of problems with out of synch sound.
found a link on this thread that suggested my problem was VBR and that i'd need gspot and avidemux to fix. downloaded both, gspot recvealed it was VBR but when i came to try to convert it with avidemux i can't get it to work...is there a simple tutorial out there...or freeware that will convert and burn without the synch problems..
I'm sure there'a an easy sdolution but i'm completely confused.
Does the source file (the download) play in sync on the PC?
VBR audio might be a problem if you want to play an AVI video on a standalone player - however, when the video is converted to DVD format using DVD Flick, the audio is now CBR.
DVD Flick saves the output to a folder before burning, you can play those files on the PC to verify that the audio is synced before burning.
I often find that DVD Flick will output video that is out of sync so I use FAVC instead.