How to get US radio in Mexico:
6. February 2010 @ 20:02 |
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I hope I'm on the right fourm. If not I apologize. I have listening to sports radio out of Sacramento here in Baja Mexico for the last five years with no problem. Suddenly two days ago, I get a page that says its no longer available where I live. I'm not sure what happened or why, but can someone tell me how to remedy the situation.
7. February 2010 @ 18:58 |
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Hello! Is there anybody out there? There must be someone that has an idea of how to remedy my problem. Its hard enough to get any kind of tv or radio here from the us and the one thing I was getting, a station from sacramento, is not gone. Does anyone have any suggestions?
9. February 2010 @ 16:47 |
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I want to thank everyone for all their help.....
AfterDawn Addict
11. February 2010 @ 00:25 |
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You talk about radio but state you get a page. Is it radio or internet? You will need to clairify that before anyone even has a clue as to what your problem is. In either case there may not be much of a solution. Maybe the US station is now banned on the internet in Mexico. Maybe they went out of business how would I know?
Now, someone responded are you happy?
11. February 2010 @ 12:12 |
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Yes, thank you, now I'm happy. And yes, my bad, I've been listening on my computer. The station hasn't gone out of business. Its KHTK in sacramento. I was getting it through I've been listening to it for three or four years now, and then suddenly one afternoon a sign pops up and says this station is no longer available in your area.
AfterDawn Addict
11. February 2010 @ 12:49 |
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Now it is clear. US has its own license agreements. They are now tightening down. Your ISP is Mexican so by law they must exclude you. To get that station you will need to aquire a US idenity. That is easier said than done. Could you get the station with a huge antenna and a signal booster?
I suspect you are just out of luck.
23. February 2010 @ 19:31 |
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Thanks for the response. Since the station is in Sacramento I doubt I could get it. Is there a legal way to block your isp so they don't know your location. Its a bummer since I live in Ensenada just 6o miles from the border.
AfterDawn Addict
23. February 2010 @ 23:22 |
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You can't block your ISP any more than you can block the telephone service. You use them to get to the internet or to place a call. Blocking them stops the service. You get to the web through an ISP. That ISP is located in a country.
Actually there is a solution... It does not have much band width so you may not be able to stream but who knows. It is slower than good dial up. It is also a pain but you can take a US idenity. You need to use Firefox with addins. You can log into a server in the US and use that server's ISP.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. February 2010 @ 23:31
Suspended due to non-functional email address
24. February 2010 @ 12:38 |
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I use a program called streamtuner.. don't know if there is a windoze version (probably something similar) or use vlc when you find the stream..
the station you want might be on there.. and you could possibly use a web proxy to mask your ip... thinking out loud here.. because it's crazy that they can broadcast to the world, but only the parts the riaa say they can.
bring back good old analog broadcasting.. or why not get an interest in the good old short wave dx-ing.. I used to listen to jap metal in the middle of the night all the way from Tokyo.. on a 3 valve trf regen homebrew receiver...
Hey Mez mate.. have you noticed how Saipan plays nothing but rap/hip hop garbage these days.. talk about imperialism from yank invaded and held by force territory.
24. February 2010 @ 16:44 |
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First off, thanks for responding. Secondly, how do you aquire a web proxy? I know someone else said something about Firefox. Not sure how that works either.
AfterDawn Addict
27. February 2010 @ 16:39 |
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TOR is a free web proxy. If you checked out the link I provided you would know better.
Scum is far more devious than I, so check out streamtuner. If it doesn't run on your computer there will be something like it that will. Just google key words in the description.
On a side note... My daughter is into Jap and Korean TV and music. She is starting to learn the languages inadvertently.
Scum, the US stole Saipan fair and square! I would guess it has great strategic value. I am certain it has all sorts of spy equipment to ease drop on all their 'friends'.