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14. June 2010 @ 00:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i need help i got a new computer and now my ipod has half of the music not accessable on it. its as if my music is still there but i just can't get to it. please help.
AfterDawn Addict
17. June 2010 @ 01:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You may get a nasty gram from 'management'. Your title should have been "Help - my ipod lost half its music" or something like that. Then people can tell what you need from your title. Got it?

You should have posted this on the ipod forum.

Now that the prefunctionaries are done...

If you have a Mac you are just screwed, if you have a PC, uninstall itunes ASAP. A security routine in itunes deleted your music. The safest way to go is to first go to file explorer go to tools/folder options/View turn on "Show hidden files and folders" and turn off "Hide extentions for known file types". Your music in in a hidden folder. The name has control in it. Right click, select properties. Make a note of the size. One of the sub folders will have many folders with short names like AA. These hold your music.

Google for a free undelete program I use NTFS Undelete. Install the undelete app then sick it on your ipod. With NTFS you would check the check box next to the drive letter of your ipod. Navigate till you get to the music folders. Undelete the music files The music will be files with 4 letters for a name like AAAC and will have a music extension like mp3 or m4a. Select them for undelete. After you undelete all you can, exit that app. Do the right click, select properties for that hidden folder again hopefully it is bigger now. This will only work if your files were deleted. We did this in case some of your music was deleted. If it was, now it is safe. Deleted files can be overwritten very easily so you try to undelete ASAP to play it safe. Once they are overwritten you can't undelete them properly.

Then copy your music folder to your computer. Now you can install itunes if you must. I suggest using something like Media Monkey instead of itunes. That doesn't delete files on your ipod unless you tell it to.

Note this is from my memory I didn't have an ipod to check.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. June 2010 @ 01:26

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