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WAV File Shorten Question
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19. December 2012 @ 16:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've used Audacity to capture some stories from a set of audiotapes, and made .wav files of all of them to burn to an audio CD (My daughter's box won't play MP3's). Nero proclaims them as a group way too large for a single CD. So I use Audacity to save the files at a reduced sampling rate (they're spoken stories), and surprised when the same error appears.
So I pushed the limits with a test: Same 15.5 minute story converted to 22050, 16000 and then 8000. File sizes 78,185K, 56,733K and 28,367K. Shrank the file size all right.
But Nero reports them ALL as being 15.5 minutes in length, which I guess they have to be, as they're all read at the same speed, eh?
So even if I re-sample them all down to 8000, and they are easily 1/4 the file size of those sampled at 22050, I still can't get them all on one CD?
Must I be missing something?
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2012 @ 19:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
CD is 80(?) minutes - is the total running time more than that?
20. December 2012 @ 08:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by attar:
CD is 80(?) minutes - is the total running time more than that?
20. December 2012 @ 08:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There are six, approximately 15 minute stories, so total time would be about 90 min. Yes, I could make 2 CD's, but I thought by "shrinking" the wav files using a lower sampling rate, I could fit them all on one CD, much like I've used DVD Shrink for movies that were a little over the limit.
If six 15-minute stories are always going to be too big for a single audio CD no matter the sampling rate, then there isn't any point in re-sampling at the lower rates.
AfterDawn Addict
20. December 2012 @ 22:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Unfortunately you can't do that with a wave file. That only works with lossy formats like an mp3. If you do that you would have to burn them on a mp3 CD regular CDs are lossless formats.

By the way, not all CD player can read the 80 min. I usually burn 70-75 minute CD unless I know what the player will be.

I use 40 BR for my audio book mp3s. I have listened to library books that were 16 and I think I have heard so library books that were even lower. The human voice is down in the 1-2 kHz range it doesn't that much or a bit rate to faithfully store that information. > forums > digital audio > audio > wav file shorten question

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