hi im using windows media player for mp3s and im having a minor problem.Ive got a folder called akon stadium in my music which added to WMP but the first track didnt add.I want to know if theres a way to manually add just 1 file (which is in a folder).also does anyone know where the album art is saved on my computer????I'm using windows live and i think my version of windows media player is version 7.any help would be appreciated.
custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.
I would strongly urge you to pick a better app. Not only is it very inferior but you have no privacy. If you are connected to the internet WMP sends what you are playing back to somewhere. If you use some kind of cyber attack blocker you will notice you are attacked every time you play something. Try WinAmp or Media Monkey. They are the most popular audio apps. They have completely different interfaces. MM is a busy interface. WA has the minimal look.
If you just simply locate the file that it didn't add and then play it with WMP, will it not add it to the library? If you go to File (right click in the space where it says Library etc) > Open, you should be able to open the file separately into WMP. You could also try removing and re-adding the folder if you haven't already done so.
I'd hope your version of WMP isn't 7 otherwise you are 5 versions behind the latest, 12. If you mean the version that comes with Windows 7, then it should be up-to-date.
yes i think i made a typo there i am using windows 7 and the version of windows media player that came with it.I opened the file in windows media player and tryed to drag it to the library but it wouldnt work.dragged it to the play lists fine.I tryed re-adding the folder but it said a folder can only be added to the library once.will try deleting it from the library and re-adding it.
custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.