I am filming with Panasonic DVX 100AE (16:9palDV and import my staff with firewire, export to DVD via encore cs5 High quality). Lately I have a strange problem, playing my videos in television screen beteween 14 inc and 30 inc, video quality is very good
but when i tried to see the same video in 37inc or bigger television screen I saw a low quality video about -10% or -15%. I have a little blurness, a kind of little flicker specially when camera travveling along the set and small dim squares appears in the image. These dim squares are viewed very well on the people face.
I think this is low video quality problem.
How can i fix my video, i want only 15% to improve.
Originally posted by davexnet: Too low a bitrate? Post a sample so we can evaluate it.
Sorry my friend but i dont know how to post a sample. Anyway I think something doing when i try to convert dvavi (from premiere cs5 finshing the editing) to mpeg2, trying to make a file so to send to the encore for burning.
I tried microsoftavi and mpeg 2 many versions but the video quality is medium.
Do you know the best codec for encoding via media encoder to create high quality Dvd?
for example h.264, mepg 2, uncompressed e.t.c
I agree with you, I need o lossles codec.
However the media encoder has many codecs, do you know which of those are losless?
I have tried mpeg2-dvd, mpeg2, microsoftavi and the quality is unpropriate (low or medium).
Suprisly, yesterday, I tried H.264 and I think this codec work
very well and the quality seems excellent, Today i 'll test the video
quality in 37inc television set. I think uncompressed microsofr avi is very good also.
I have checked video quality on 37inc tv. The quality is E X C E L L E N T !!!!!
I Think H.264codec is the solution.
Any other suggestions?
best wishes
I render the timeline via media encoder to H.264 (i am doing my simple adjustment
depending what I want to do) and then I import the file in to encore and the
work done.
Importing assets with dynamic link has the exactly same result and quality
and then build and burn the dvd.