i have a sony handycam (trv38) and im trying to use vdub for cap. i have years of vdub experience.
i have a pinnacle AV/DV2 cap device, and this is the first time i have tried to use the dv/firewire cable to cap thru, since i just got the cam.
i am trying to select Pinnacle AV/DV2 Capture(DirectShow) as the device but nothign shows up on teh screen, and when i doa test cap, it tries to start, but kicks back an error.
then i select the MicrosoftDv Camera and VCR (Direct Show) device and i get the image.
shoudlnt i see something in there for DV as well? or DV-AVI?
then when i try to capture using the m$ device, i get an error, Video Compresor Erro, source image format is not acceptable (error code -2)
i have tried various things like setting the format, but no matter what format i select it says the device doesnt support that format.
also, when i use the m$ device and when i try to set the video compressioncodec in that list its empty, and it says (no recompression dvsd)
i know that the camera is 1MP and has resolution of 352x240 atleast when capturing on the memory stick. but for now i am trying to put the camera in VCR mode and offload the tape, as soon as thats done i i think mostly i will be capturing with the camera in camera mode, usign live capture as the camera operates, directly into vdub(testing purposes)
what is teh problem, the device im using to capture, or the settings?
i have never used the dv cable before and im trying to get on that bandwagon
http://Wolfdogg.org - community site for nordic / northern breed dog handlers and biological knowledge share database for birders, dog sledders, campers, mountaineers, marine reef tank enthusiasts. Also europe image travel log.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2009 @ 15:05
im working with that baord right now, thanks.
phaeron stated that i cant use compression on dv to begin with.
but i am still faced with the same problem because i wasnt really trying to use compression, i was just trying to get it to capture any which way. i am trying to figure otu why the error, and if im missing a codec.
i didnt install studio 9 that came with the pinnacle card, and everything has been working great as far as capturing goes, until i tried it with DV. so i wondier if its a codec if we can pinpoint which one, so i can install it.
http://Wolfdogg.org - community site for nordic / northern breed dog handlers and biological knowledge share database for birders, dog sledders, campers, mountaineers, marine reef tank enthusiasts. Also europe image travel log.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. November 2009 @ 12:02