Hello and thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this and help me out.
I just modded my first X-Box. I know I am a little behind the times. I am running Evox with XBMC.
I am connected to my laptop via a crossover cable. I have internet connection on my X-box. I can stream all of my music and videos with no problem, that is, until I turn my X-Box off. Once I turn it back on I must reboot my PC and go to my Evox dash to restart the network then go back into XMBC and do a reboot in order to get my network back online.
I have my MS dash set to Automatic (DHCP), my Evox set to Automatic (DHCP) and XMBC set to Automatic (DHCP).
After all that I have no problem with my network.
I am at a loss. I have read all that I can find on network issues and most everything points to FTP issues.
Please point me in the right direction to solve this before I regret getting hooked on all of the amazing things this modded box has to offer.
sounds like your router is hooked up/setup wrong and you're only getting one ip address.
Make sure the cable from your modem goes to the port labeled "lan" on the router. If you have that cord connected to any other port, the router will act like a switch and will give the ip address out to the first available device.
I am running a wireless modem. The X-box is running right into the network port on my laptop. The modem is on the other end of the house. I never loose my internet connection on the PC, just the X-box.
There is another laptop in the house and it does not loose connection either.
OK...I think I figured it out. It has to do with firewall settings.
I am running Windows XP Home.
I had to go into firewall settings, advanced tab, settings, services, tick all the boxes related to my X-Box, then ICMP tab and tick all the boxes except, Allow outgoing source quench and Allow outgoing time exceeded.
I hope this will help others down the road. All though I would not wish this nightmare on anyone.
Again thanks for the support.
I don't know what I would have done to get my X-Box to where it is today without AfterDawn and all of the wonderful members and their posts.