I am looking to buy a 320GB+HD for my softed Xbox. I was unable to find anything on Google, but I read a post on here mentioning some special formatting with HDs over 500gb?
If so, I won't bother. 320gb is PLENTY of room. I was wondering if anyone could give me a confirmation that these following Hds are compatible with the Xbox.
All partitions over 137gb should be formatted using 32k clusters. You can easily do this with an xbox application called xbpartitioner. I've uploaded it last week so just search for it on here.
Thanks for such a descriptive response. I do have the xbpartitioner on the A1D disc, so I can format the drives that you said on that other post. Pretty important question though. I installed plenty of useless apps with the disc on my 10gb HD, so I think I just wanna use my xboxhdm and rebuild a new "factory" HD only adding the eeprom, and the U/Tdata folders, a complete fresh 500gb HD lets say. Once that is done, I would use XboxHDm with Ndure (new disc for my 1080itv :)) to softmod UnleashX again. Once that is done, I can then use the A1D disc to install xbpartitioner, then do that. Sounds like the right steps?
If i'm upgrading a hard drive, all i do is softmod with NDure (obviously), install the UnleashX dash, then FTP the eeprom.bin off the xbox; finally the original xbox hard drive either gets put away in a box as-is, or the softmod is removed so it's 'stock' again. However i nearly always leave the original drive softmodded as it's effortless to return it to stock anyway.
I would then prepare the new hard drive via xboxhdm using the obtained eeprom.bin, format relevant partitions with whichever method suits, then i tend to use the AID disc to install just the Enigmah boot switcher and DVD2XBOX. In times gone by i'd also install XBMC via the AID disc but for a while now i just install the T3CH version of XBMC via FTP. All that's left is to either tweak my usual settings in XBMC or just lazily FTP over a copy of the UserData folder from another xbox (can't remember exactly which folders as i'm typing from memory).
Those steps sound right and creaky does it nearly the same way i do. Though i do everything with the filemanager after building a new hdd from scratch with my softmod files. I first figure out the version then the files that it needs 1.0-1.5 or 1.6 and then get the correct eeprom. Then when i throw the new hdd in the xbox it will boot avalaunch and i can transfer from my main box to the box i'm moding just by using my network. I hardly ever use a computer unless it's to modify the xml for avalaunch taking off the irc client and telnet.
Anyway i think i've confused you enough by now so let me know if you have any other questions.