Hello hope all is well,
My dvd burner has started to make my computer crash, when i go to burn anything to dvd/cd my computer crashers its even started to crash when i put the dvd in the burner.Ive uninstalled any software that was installed just before it started to do this,reinstalled the drive and cleaned inside of computer. I have tried with loads of types of software. Thing is after its crashed a few times it does it fine. Thank you for any help.
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Service Pack Service Pack 3
System Memory 512 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)
Disk Drive Maxtor 6Y120L0 (120 GB, 7200 RPM, Ultra-ATA/133)
Are you able to start the burning process before the PC crashes? If so, you should have a log created by whatever software you're using to burn your discs. Post that here and it will make it easier to identify the problem - could be a number of things based on the amount of information you have provided.
Hi its getting to the point now where i just load up the burning software(imgburn) and it crashers and reboots.Not sure at all what to do with it think i need a new burner.
I would suggest that before you replace your burner, you check that the IDE and power, or SATA, cables are connected properly and even try replacing the cable first.
What about accessing retail discs (film/game DVDs) in the drive itself? Will it load them or does it merely crash when you try and read a disc?
No visible damage doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong with the cable. If the power supply to your drive is fine then it is probably an issue with the drive itself.
You could try flashing a firmware update (if you post your drive model, I'll locate the latest one for you), but it doesn't sound like that is going to do much good. You could also try uninstalling the IDE controller that the drive is located on and then rebooting (Windows will reinstall it), in case something has gone wrong there.
Can you insert blank media in to the drive and have it read it without causing a reboot?
Honestly it sounds like faulty hardware, I don't have a lot else to suggest - sorry.
Ok I have done the thing with the IDE controller and updated the firmware still the same and it does read blank media when i put it in drive.
Thank you for trying to help me.
Well it's certainly quite an odd one. Perhaps you should do some general maintenance on your PC such as virus/malware scans, defrag your HDD (I would recommend O&O Defrag, google it) and run a registry cleaner (such as CCleaner, which is free).
If all of the above fails, and you are using up-to-date software, then I could only guess at it being your drive. How old is the drive?
ok ended up reinstalling XP getting some more ram and a new burner still the same.So ive got a external dvd drive of a friend and that works ok. I think maybe the PSU could be not working right.
It is very possible (and now probably very likely) that the power supply cable to your drive from your PSU is faulty. Sorry to hear you replaced so many parts, I did suspect PSU originally.