Hi Guys,
I think I've chosen the proper spot for this...I have a lappie that won't burn my media all of a sudden. Before I turn ya loose, it's not physical as the drive was recently replaced, it is showing up in device manager and under E drive in "Computer", I've already tried deleting the uppperfilters and lowerfilters, restored my system to a day it was working properly, cleaned out the viruses/spyware (yes, I had plenty), it does play commercial discs and plays burned discs but it freezes up after a couple of minutes, so we'll say it plays intermittantly. No I'm not using Verbs as I ran out and grabbed some Mems, but I've had good burns with them before. I have Itunes on the lappie (It's an HP G series) and have had trouble with filters in the past, along with when I added Roxio, but I removed Roxio, though not Itunes yet. I suspect this is related to a damaged CDrominf file or registry error, but that's where I stand now. Can anyone offer me suggestions outside the box of the usual suspects please? I guess I could remove Itunes but I'm tired of spending 30 min reloading it due to filter issues Itunes creates and I don't think I added any new burning proggies. Oh, I should say I use Imgburn and the burns are showing it going through the burn process and when it ends, it ends abruptly and spits out the blank disc after completion, but it seems to kick it out when it normally would take a minute or two to finalize, as though it's bailing out at the finalize..
Thanks my friends
Was I supposed to put my thank you under "edit" or "reply" Attar?
THANK YOU AS ALWAYS ATTAR! I actually didn't see one and not sure a malfunctioning DVD/CDRom drive would be an Imgburn issue, but I'll try it. My best guess is somehow the cdrom.inf file was damaged (since I don't even have one) or an upperfilter/lowerfilter issue as my dvdrom drive lowerfilter is listed as DRVMCDB in my registry, and I don't believe that's right. The upperfilter is the correct GEARAspiWDM as I understand it. Could be a bad drive but I want to try to fix issues before buying products and my burner was replaced just last yr
Thanks for your input
Brother, the site you forwarded me to isn't even AD is it? Where can I ask on AD since it looks like I've put my question in the wrong place (I'll wait till the day has passed if it's considered double-posting of course)I sort of wanted to resolve this today but 24 hrs won't pass till 2:30, any suggestions where to look up burning issues besides the Imgburn UK site you added? I don't have any reason to believe this is an Imgburn problem but a problem with my lappies burning configuration ie. the filters or the physical drive itself, not a software proggie I'm using to burn. I suppose I could try burning with another proggie?