Ulitmate Bit Torrent Guide (Links and pics)
Junior Member
22. November 2005 @ 00:10 |
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Hello,im looking for wedsite that have alot of game and seeders especially RPG game cause RPG is my favorite game,i already visited the bitsoup and pisexy..i still thinking of finding better place for Game Torrent wedsite if have free private wedsite then better cause not overloaded with LEECHERS. hehe i live on malaysia and 1k modem,i was thinking of getting 10K coporate internet but can't eford..price for USA is 350++$dollars for malaysia is RM1400++ per month
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28. November 2005 @ 03:33 |
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Ok guys, major problems configuring my setup.
I have followed all instructions - forwarded ports, tried different sites and no change. I am Dl'n at never over 20kb on a 1.5 meg DSL connection.
I have a
Zyxel Prestige 2602HWL-61C 4/4 DSL Wireless router
Am using Azureus for all my downloads.
When i do an TCP listen port teston Azureus it comes up "NAT Error" I'm using port 51000, and have tried others with no luck
I have been through the cmd command and fixed a static IP on my web connection. then been to my router configuration, and setup a port forward for port 51000 (with the IP i found with the "cmd").
I have been to shields up and I get "Stealth". What might beof notice is the IP address that comes up on the first page of shields up is totally different to the one i set as my static IP.
I have also been to the NAT test, which comes up with a failure.
What can I do???? HELP!
Junior Member
3. December 2005 @ 00:12 |
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11. December 2005 @ 15:45 |
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Nice speeds, but please either delete or edit that picture because the material it contains could get yourself and/or the site in trouble
Senior Member
21. December 2005 @ 23:24 |
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That picture is too BIG,you don't want to get yourself banned from here do you.I suggest to crop the size of it.
Junior Member
23. December 2005 @ 03:59 |
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I hear a lot of people say you need to use something to block your IP address or you could possible get in trouble with your ISP for using these networks is this true and what is the best one to use for blocking?
25. December 2005 @ 09:30 |
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is it possible for ur modem to block certain ports? ive tried everything trying to get my ports opened to let bittorrent have free access it just wont work. i port forwarded all the necessary ports for bitlord (what i always use) and my downloads are stil pretty slow. the max i have ever gotten with a tons of seeders was around 175kps but i knoe my connection can get much higher. i thought maybe norton was blocking my ports but i dont have internet security anymore and i cant find anywhere to configure the ports in antivirus options. does anyone know what can be done?
28. December 2005 @ 21:59 |
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OK .... I've been seaching threads for over 12 hours now and have some slight improvements in DL speed. I've been using Bitlord 1.1 for 6 months and settling with under 10KB/sec dl on a 5MB DL capability. I finaly opened some ports and everything picked up. But most DL are less than 10KBs and some are 50KBs. I used to wait weeks for 1G movies and I've cut it in half but you folks seem to me doing better ... WTF!?
Log for Bitlord is as follows:
BitLord 1.1 is running on:
CPU : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+ 2000 MHz
RAM size : 1,023.55 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Default tracker optimization rules file loaded.
Start Listening at TCP Port:49152
Start Listening at UDP Port:49152
Windows XP ICF Status: Firewall port is opened.
Update Local IP:
UDP tracker report: WAN IP =
Connected to UDP helper tracker on 2005-12-28 22:47
Windows XP ICS Status: WAN IP: 66.24.*.*
Windows XP ICS Status: PortMapping Successfully Added.
Windows XP UPnP Status: Found WAN Connection Device [D-Link] [http://support.dlink.com/]
Windows XP UPnP Status: Found Service: WANIPConnection
Windows XP UPnP Status: WAN IP: 66.24.*.*
Windows XP UPnP Status: Port Mapping Existed!
STATS are as follows:
Overall Infos: Torrents: 22 | Peers: 1017 | Sockets: 1275 (HTTP: 33)
TCP Connections: Established: 222 | Half-Open: 4 | Waiting: 795
Overall Download Rate: 66 KB/s Connection Limits: 100 - 225 per task
Overall Upload Rate: 19 KB/s Upload slots: 5 - 8
Disk Cache Size: 40.25 MB (Min: 6 MB, Max: 100 MB)
Free Phys Mem: 477.86 MB (Min: 50 MB)
Disk Read Statistics: Request: 18732 (freq: 1.5/s), Actual Disk Read: 8010 (freq: 0.4/s), Hit Ratio: 57.2%
Disk Write Statistics: Request: 48005 (freq: 3.3/s), Actual Disk Write: 5201 (freq: 0.3/s), Hit Ratio: 89.1%
So can someone tell me how to improve this???? PLEASE!
Junior Member
29. December 2005 @ 15:46 |
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I have a question about bit-torrent. This has probaly been asked before but I got a game from bit-torrent and used a keygen. The only problem i have is, it asks for the install cd to be in the drive. I did however mount the image and its listed in my computer. Yet it still asks for the cd install in the drive, so what do i do? Sorry for probaly asking a noob question.
Senior Member
30. December 2005 @ 00:52 |
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krbydrm, It's probably a game that requires anti-blaxx, 'google' it
That is a tool that hides your drive
Or you could always try burning it to an actual disk
:S sorry been away from this thread from a while but most of the peoples questions have been answered in my tut just read it
30. December 2005 @ 16:59 |
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krbydrm, that could also need a NO-CD patch. most games require them and can be found almost anywhere from a google search.
Senior Member
31. December 2005 @ 02:00 |
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NO-CD files are for after the game is installed!
You may need one after.Their simply a cracked .exe that you replace the oringinal executable file with. But you need to install the original .exe by using the CDs given.
Also read the .NFO in wordpad they can help you when your struggling
Hope that helped
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. December 2005 @ 02:01
3. January 2006 @ 22:00 |
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Having problems writing iso image to dvd. iso came from bittorrent, plays fine through real player and vl media player. Thing is, when I went to play it on my dvd player ( after burning with decryptor ) is says playback by are limitations. sorry about the double posts but i need expert advise as you can see its 3 am here and i cant go to sleep unless I know.
15. January 2006 @ 08:09 |
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i have a 2.3mb/s internet conection speed hovever i can only
download at a max of 32kb/s is there somthing wrong and if so how can i fix it?
ps a have read all the prevous messages and acted acordingly but i still peak at around 29-32kb/s
15. January 2006 @ 08:46 |
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Figured it out, iso image was PAL.
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16. January 2006 @ 12:52 |
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i used to be able to get good speeds of 120+ kbs but i am lucky to be getting 1 or 2 kbs now. i have ran a virus scan, spyware scan and uninstalled all torrent applications i had on my pc so i could start afresh. i put bitlord back on and i just getting 1 or 2 kbs again. is there any thing else i need to adjust or fine tune. please help.
19. February 2006 @ 06:28 |
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I just joined this forum to thank the author of this thread for the incredibly detailed information presented for us newbies. I just discovered Torrents and are really looking forward to learning everything I can about how to use these programs and processes. Right now I have nothing but problems, but if this thread is an example of the quality of assistance that is available, I feel a great deal more relaxed about embarking on my new adventure.
Thank you J-Kwon ... very much !
Senior Member
19. February 2006 @ 08:20 |
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NP Theron,
Fire you questions at me when/if you need to
Good Luck....
Nice to see it get dug back up :)
O and bizzle congratz on becoming an addict... (dont know how long u hav been one :D)
25. February 2006 @ 09:48 |
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Ive notcied that earlier in the thread someone was not able to get there download past 15 kb/s or so. The pictures that were put on this post showed me that Azearus was set to only be 20 kb/s down and 55 kb/s up. You are not going to get speeds faster than 20 if its set at only 20 kb/s. Also windows has its own firewall. That needs to be shut off. then theres any internet security or even virus protectors that should be shut off or set up to allow Azearus to work. And finaly your router needs open ports and azearus has to be set to them ports. If you think u didnt set the router right just go to DMZ setting in router and turn it on then set it to the ip address of the pc useing azearus. DMZ is not good to leave on because it opens all ports. This is simply to see if you set up the ports right in your router or not. Another thing. if your upload is maxed out, you will get little to no download speed and the same way the other way around. What to do is limit ur upload speed to about 1/2 to 3/4 its max. This will prevent killing ur down speed. Do not limit ur upload speed too low. torrents cant work if you dont share! O and one more thing. Make sure no other programs are running that use the same ports as azureas. All programs should have there own ports or you will have issues. This is all I can think of right now but this should be of some use.
Senior Member
23. March 2006 @ 08:52 |
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Damm...kwon this guides excelent!!
Nice one mate :D
I'll send you a PM, i'd like permition to post it somewhere, all credit will be givin to you.
23. March 2006 @ 09:03 |
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Just link to it, I'm sure kwon won't mind :-)
Senior Member
23. March 2006 @ 09:37 |
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Aye go ahead.....
Link me too it when its done
Bizzle can answer all my questions :)
25. March 2006 @ 23:45 |
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Hi..i have follwed the guide in the portforward.com to open up my port for bitcomet..but however when i run the test in the shields up website it shows me that my port is stealth. Anyone knows what i can do to solve this problem?
thanx alot!
26. March 2006 @ 00:10 |
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Hi..sorry..i have managed to open up my port now..using port number above 50000.but now i have a new problem.
I tried running the test in the NATCheck but the test failed. I used the hash ID from a torrent inside mininova.org.
Test result: Unable to connect. This likely means you need to adjust your port forwarding configuration, or there is no client running on that port
currently using:
-bitcomet ver 0.57
-wireless internet connection using linksys router WRT54G
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Senior Member
26. March 2006 @ 01:25 |
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I would reccomend switching to uTorrent
All I can think of is that you have forwarded a different port to the one you are using.
Anyway uTorrent has a 'troubleshooter' so use that instead :D