Need Help on Aladdin Modchip
5. September 2004 @ 21:15 |
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Hi, can someone please help me. I just installed the aladdin live mod chip in my xbox. When I hold the power button the button flashes red but nothing appears on the screen. Isn't the linux bios supposed to boot up? I think it might have to do with the "DO" wire. Can someone please help me. Thank You
Senior Member
6. September 2004 @ 03:02 |
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Thi is common with noobs. Check all your points and look for bridges and splashed.
Make sure the do has good contact and is not too loose.
-Xbox v1.0, X-ecuter2 lite, EVO-X DASHBOARD,
-PS2 V4(gap), PS2 V5, duo2
-BARTON 3200+, wInDoWs XP(sp2),
asus A7V600-X,120GB
9. September 2004 @ 10:54 |
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I had my aladdin live mounted upside-down and my drive spinned up three times and my screen stayed black. I mounted the chip the other way round and it worked. Accept that I still can't get it to load my bios.bin i put on a cd.
Senior Member
10. September 2004 @ 08:31 |
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Try putting your bios on a dvd-r with some dummy files.
-Xbox v1.0, X-ecuter2 lite, EVO-X DASHBOARD,
-PS2 V4(gap), PS2 V5, duo2
-BARTON 3200+, wInDoWs XP(sp2),
asus A7V600-X,120GB
11. September 2004 @ 05:02 |
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I solved my problem by using ozxflash instead of trying to get cromwell bios to open a flash utility
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13. September 2004 @ 19:39 |
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what type media did you use for that?
14. September 2004 @ 03:29 |
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I just used Imation cdr.
I have a philips dvd-player on a 1.5 xbox (Focus tv-chip), It has no problems with cdr.
Anyone know how to burn craxion4.0-generated iso on DVD with Nero?
26. September 2004 @ 17:34 |
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Just open nero(not express), cancel the new compilation screen. Click file and open, on the bottom pick list select image files(iso) Browse to your iso and click on it. On the burn compiliation window make sure and pick dvd and not cd. Make sure to put a check mark and finalize cd no further writing possible. Start burning. When done if you put in back in your computer's drive it shouldn't be able to properly read it.I made several test runs with dvd+rw untill I felt comfortable everything was working right.
good luck
30. September 2004 @ 21:42 |
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It seems to me that Aladdin chip does not get the 3.3v power connected. This happens if you have a v1.5 xbox (with a Focus video chip)
Crystal Limited Edition (v1.6)
Maxtor 250G HD
EvoX m8_16 Xecuter 3
EvoX 3935
XBMC 1.1.0