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xecuter 2.6 vs Xenium ?
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26. September 2004 @ 15:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey all. I'm looking into helping a friend mod his xbox cause he already has it hooked up through his comp to access his broadband and he wants to do some cool FTPing and stuff (we're both programmers and wanna take a crack and writing some homebrew stuff in addition to playing backups/imports etc.) Anyway, I'm looking into modchips and it seems that most people recommend the Xenium ICE solderless chip (around $60). I've also read a lot of good things about the Xecuter 2.6 & Xapter which is about $15 cheaper. My question is what features would i be lacking if I went with the cheaper solution? From what I've read thus far it seems that features tend to depend more on the software you run with the chip than the chip itself. A list of what would be harder or impossible to do with the xecuter vs the xenium would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
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27. September 2004 @ 11:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If your serious about writing homebrew I would recommend the new xecuter X3 chip. With the number of bios it can store, plus all the onscreen and ftp options it may make life much easier.

ver 1.0, 1.5 and 1.6 with 200gb hdds & X3. Team Xecuter Pro front panel with LCD Screen (rocks). GC with qoob pro, Team xecuter's iced cube case mod and a BBA.
27. September 2004 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would also recommend the Xecuter, either 2.6 or 3. In my opinion it's the best Xbox modchip out there...

Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware boot discussion > xecuter 2.6 vs xenium ?

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