I knew at emulating, can someone give me a hand?
20. October 2004 @ 15:50 |
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I just bought Super Smash Bros.Melee. i'm new at emulating, can someone tell me how to emulate it? If someone can, it would make me very happy. Thank you.
21. October 2004 @ 04:55 |
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Aaaaw man!
Don't tell me you just bought it without having a clue on howto emulate it?
A PC can't read GC discs.
You need a GC, PSO 1&2, the Gamcube BBA and Phoenix installed on your computer to rip your Smash Bros game to your PC.
Afer that you need a GC emulator which happens to be compatible with Smash Bros Melee.
I know an emu that (kind of) plays gamecube games, but still it's to buggy to really play a GC game.
So I hope ya can still return it man!
Or I hope you know someone with a GC, PSO a BBA so he/she can rip it for ya.
Just wondering around
21. October 2004 @ 06:28 |
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Come on, there has to be a way to emulate it..
or else I wouldn't have paid money for the real game, I would have just stole it off the Internet!
Junior Member
21. October 2004 @ 08:58 |
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It is seems like you know more than everyone else on the board, so why dont you tell us brad. I would love to know too.
21. October 2004 @ 15:03 |
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Quote: Come on, there has to be a way to emulate it..
Like I said:
A PC can't read GC discs!!!!!
You need a GC, PSO 1&2, the Gamcube BBA and Phoenix installed on your computer to rip your Smash Bros game to your PC.
I could quote my post, but I could also tell ya to read it again
Just wondering around
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. October 2004 @ 15:04
21. October 2004 @ 20:54 |
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21. October 2004 @ 20:56 |
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how do i get all of those things???...
Junior Member
21. October 2004 @ 23:27 |
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buy the adapter and the game. go search the forums for the thread about phoenix.
Breathe in for luck...
22. October 2004 @ 07:57 |
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what is the adapter???
Junior Member
22. October 2004 @ 13:21 |
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it's the broadband adapter that hooks your gc up to the internet (or your pc).
Breathe in for luck...
22. October 2004 @ 21:57 |
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Senior Member
28. October 2004 @ 14:15 |
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You mean to tell me that you purchased a GC Game and you don't even have a GC?? Wait, backup and read that sentence... there's something wrong there! LOL
Junior Member
18. November 2004 @ 05:22 |
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wow... you're all a bunch of assholes. why don't you actually help the guy out instead of sh*tting on him repeatedly.
Phoenix: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/96141 download: http://xtremeconsole.com/ (you have to sign up; go to downloads, search for Phoenix)
Gamecube Broadband Adapter: http://snipurl.com/aq84 (this will link to nintendo's accessories store; the address was just crazy long)
Phantasy Star Online I & II: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/223859.asp
Here's a general tutorial on the whole thing:
note: Phantasy Star Online(aka PSO) I & II plus will not work. You need to purchase the original linked above
Sorry to be so offensive, but it bothers the sh*t out of me when people on forums direct others to the search (as if the person who posted didn't know it was there), or are just assholes.
Did you all ever think that we should know the answer off the top of our heads?
This is a forum, make people feel welcome; and be useful or don't post.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. November 2004 @ 05:25
Senior Member
18. November 2004 @ 06:52 |
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bigflavor, how many times have you just straight up asked a question before even attempting to look to see if it was already asked. That's what bugs me. A quick glance on the topics and his question would have been answered right away. But your right, good job on helping him. From now on, whenever some noob posts a question thats already been answered a gajillion times I shall point them in your direction!
Junior Member
18. November 2004 @ 07:19 |
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feel free to do that.
hey, check out this nifty idea i just had.
for now on, when someone posts that same question. we can post this thread in response. then they'll come to this thread and see the answer. holy crap, actually assisting new people.
It's as if I just created this idea that will impact the entire internet. Instead of having non-cooperative forums, they'll be forums filled with people that actually help each other out.
what a novel idea.
In fact, when I gather all the information, I'll make a tutorial page compiling it all into one place. Then all these "n00bs" you speak of can go to that page and set it up. I'll include screenshots and life will be good.
Sorta like what I did with kazaa-lite, back in the day; or the ps2 fliptop case, or the vx6000 cell phone.
http://home.nycap.rr.com/stopcbt/p2p/kazaa/ http://home.nycap.rr.com/stopcbt/vgs/ps2/ and
instead of being a pompous, elite (i'm glad I don't know how to make that word with numbers), useless forum member; maybe you can take it upon yourself to help people (yes, you knew this was coming) like me. 125,000 people agree.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. November 2004 @ 07:36
Senior Member
18. November 2004 @ 15:02 |
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Hey I have a better idea, why don't we just point them all to the tutorial that is THE FIRST POST IN THE FORUM that answers all their questions already! Or even better why don't we force people to read through the FAQ before allowing them to be registered! Here I'll start the "official" required FAQ right now!
Q: How do I find answers to my questions
A: Look before you ask
Q: How do I gain knowledge and experience
A: Look before you ask
Q: How do I learn to stream GC games
A: Try before you ask
Q: Should I purchase a game or some hardware when I have no idea if I can even achieve my desired results because I didn't bother to read any posts about the proper procedures for streaming games or even check to find out if I owned a bloody gamecube before I ran out and purchased an expensive gamecube game?
A: Please contact user "bigflavor" for that answer
Q: How do I?.....
A: Open your F-ing eyes and read the damn posts before you ask!
and bigflavor, we all gaze in stupor of thought and bask in your mighty majesty at your monumental accomplishment of creating some tutorials for Kazaa Lite, PS2 flip top case, and the vx6000 cell phone. If only, if only, I had known that your guides existed I might have been able to use them... Oh wait, I didn't read those guides and damned if I didn't download music to my hearts extent from kazaa, and maybe, just maybe there were several hundred thousands that owned PS2 flip top cases and vx6000 cell phones that had the wherewithall to FIGURE IT OUT FOR THEMSELVES!
Thank you... drive through
bigflavor... just maybe you too will someday be l33t :)
Junior Member
18. November 2004 @ 16:09 |
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well i was just bored and angry.
and this turned gay real quick.
you won. go grab some pepsi spice... and continue justifying being a lazy sack of useless crap.
and my name is matt.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. November 2004 @ 16:49
Senior Member
19. November 2004 @ 07:17 |
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Hey that was fun, I'm just a master debater (or masturbator depending on what time of day it is)
Seriously though, Peace Matt, I was just having some fun with you. Hell, I might even have agreed with you at first, I just like arguing I guess.
19. November 2004 @ 14:55 |
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Quote: Q: Should I purchase a game or some hardware when I have no idea if I can even achieve my desired results because I didn't bother to read any posts about the proper procedures for streaming games or even check to find out if I owned a bloody gamecube before I ran out and purchased an expensive gamecube game?
A: Please contact user "bigflavor" for that answer
you guys could start your own forum, seems like fun!!!
Writer: Lite-on DVDRW LDW-851S
Media: Memorex Pocket DVD-R 1.4GB
Cube: PAL Revision 1.0 (Platinum Version w. LoZ:TWW)
Drive version date is 23/08/2002 (61)
GC version code 18 DOL-001
ViperGC BIOS version 1.0 =)
Suspended permanently
2. December 2004 @ 10:41 |
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the only way to emulate gamecube games is first streaming the gamecube game to the computer creating a iso then downloading the gamecube emulator then running the iso in the emulator
and yes there is a game cube emulator
Senior Member
2. December 2004 @ 15:41 |
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Actually it is pointless to be honest to emulate the games on the PC side since it requires a very good graphics card.The emulator programs out do not support commercial games,which means that if you stream some of your games they may not work.I would keep telling why,but the main problem is that there are not alot of people with super computers to emulate this system which is probably what it will take.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Suspended permanently
2. December 2004 @ 19:09 |
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first off not true the current emulators from project gamecube can emulate commercial games
and you only need 128 meg of memory on your video card to run the emulator
Senior Member
2. December 2004 @ 19:40 |
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Quote: johnodd4 (Newbie) 3. December 2004 @ 00:09
first off not true the current emulators from project gamecube can emulate commercial games
and you only need 128 meg of memory on your video card to run the emulator
The emulators currently out don't support all commercial games.This is a proven fact and even if you do have a good graphics card you still can't run all the games.It has been proven that you can't emulate the games at full speed on the computer side also without having a computer hooked up just like the system to even run the games on the PC side.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................