I'm having problems with playing DTS audio in my system....
I have the Gladiator DVD (with DTS)
have Sony DVD player with DTS
Yamaha 5730 receiver with DTS decoding....
Have bought a Monster digital coax cable...
I can play all audio modes DDPL2 DDPL etc, except DTS
I go in the DVD audio setup on the disk and enable the 5.1 DTS, then the DTS led comes on on the DVD player, I go into the receiver and switch to DVD-auto and it doesnt make any sound, so i switch to DVD-DTS and the dts light turns on the receiver, but still no sound......
Cant figure it out, i phoned BEST BUY and they couldnt tell me anything to help...
I think I know what the problems is....
try this...
turn on DVD player without any disk in it.
you should get it's generic DVD screen, if not press the "stop" button.
Now, on your remote control, press the "set-up" button.
This should bring you to the DVD set up page.
Search the menus, you should see things like "Audio" "Video" "Display"....
Go to the "Audio" menu and you will see the DTS setting.
Make sure it is checked "On" or set to "Bitstream"
Then exit.. and I'll bet your problem is solved.
Most DVD players have the DTS default set to "Off" and most sales reps at big department stores don't know this.
Use DTS anytime a movie is decoded with it.. It has a more dynamic range than regular Dolby Digital.
You stated,
"I can play all audio modes DDPL2 DDPL etc, except DTS"
I hope you understand that DPL2 and DPL should really only be used if you only have a stereo signal, such as VHS tapes or regular analog television (Right and Left audio). In other words..... Use Dolby Digital not Dolbly ProLogic during any DVD watching or any source that Dolby Digital is available.....Dolby Digital has a much higher audio resolution than Dolby ProLogic or Dolby Pro Logic 2. DTS is just a notch above Dolby Digital. Both DPL and DPL2 are still only 2 channels of sound while Dolby Digital and DTS are both 5.1 channels .......
Can you play Dolby Digital? You are using "DDPL2 and DDPL" - those are incorect anagrams so I'm not sure if you can even play Dolby Digital... should be DPL2 and DPL. It's:
Dolby ProLogic2
Dolby ProLogic
Dolby Digital
there is no such thing as:
Dolby Digital ProLogic
Dolby Digital ProLogicII
Here is the order to choose what to use,
1. DTS
2. Dolby Digital
3. Dolby ProLogicII
4. Dolby ProLogic (I don't even know why they add this to recievers that have DPL2 anymore, you should never use it)
I did look, and found that the H/K had better options for the price,,,,, Did i mention the H/K was on SALE
for 300 off (dcn dollars) the regular price..