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Tutorial: How to FTP in to your Xbox
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Junior Member
1. April 2009 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You'll want to set your xbox's ip address to The computer should be the host. You could also try commecting through windows explorer. Just open "my computer" and type in "ftp:".

Also, did you manually configure your system's ip?
Suspended permanently
1. April 2009 @ 12:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what is your network configuration.. do you have a router?? or a hub????

This is very simple kindergarten level basic networking.

I can see where you are going wrong.. but you will have to learn it yourself otherwise we will be back at square one every time you reboot either pc or xbox
1. April 2009 @ 13:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Going straight from pc to xbox
no router or hub
I have successfully reset xbox to
Still flashfxp not connecting

Maybe this is kindergarten stuff for you, but there are a few of us who are afraid to say what our issues are for fear of being insulted with comments like that.
I, for one, gave up on the xbox for quite some time due to that very reason.
When asking for help, I heard comments ranging from newbie, rookie and google it to dang you are stupid.
You will have to learn it yourself is something I never thought I would hear on a forum.
Aren't forums where people help each other with advice?
Where would forums be if every question was answered with
Go find out for yourself?
Hopefully that was not your intent.

We're Friends. You Smile, I Smile- You Hurt, I Hurt- You Cry, I Cry- You Jump Off A Bridge... I'm Gonna Miss You

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. April 2009 @ 13:05

5. April 2009 @ 01:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi i am new comer.

is thhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnbhnbgujhyuy
5. April 2009 @ 01:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry my keyboard is mess up.

is this crossover cable any good.
11. April 2009 @ 07:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok im really new to the xbox modding but still not too sure what across over cable is, is it just an ethernet cord can that be used for ftp
Junior Member
13. April 2009 @ 21:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i follow the guide on the first page on this thread and it work first time nice one

Junior Member
13. April 2009 @ 21:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
using a cross over cable

18. April 2009 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I recently softmodded my xbox. Im trying to ftp via a crossover cable.
xbox -
ip -
subnet mask - 255-255-255-0
DNS 1 -
Laptop -
firewalls off. lan properties configured to
ip -
subnet mask -
*connection refused - ping 100% loss*
windows explorer ftp failed
I have read countless tuts on the matter and none of the configurations suggested have worked. some say make the xbox ip and pc ip THE SAME others say set as above. i've tryed so many configs that im begining to think its the laptop itself. Is a desktop a requirement for ftp? I dont know what else to try.
any help please
21. April 2009 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have my xbox connected to my Sky modem and that wirelessly gives me the internet on my laptop. I had it working a few days ago when rebooted my xbox with SlaYer 2.7. I reinstalled everything, made xbmc my dashboard and so on, FTP'd it with CoreFTP. Turned my xbox off then put it back on and it wont automatically pick up the connection again.

The light on the front of the modem keeps flashing on and off too... The modem model is a Sagem.

Ive looked at a million forums but they all have similar problems but not exactly mine.

I know this a problem that pops up in forums all the time put they dont specifically help!

Just wondered if any one would like to help me please?
30. May 2009 @ 18:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello everyone.
I've read the forum but I just cant find an answer to my problem. I've bought an xbox 360 with iXtreme 1.6. When I try to run the DVD with Slayer EvoX or anything similar I get this message: "This original Xbox game is not supported on your Xbox360 console...etc". I would like to install this Evox because I'd like to make a FTP connection to my pc. I really dont know what to do.
Junior Member
31. May 2009 @ 06:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it does't work on the xbox 360 it for the old black xbox

24. August 2009 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does the xbox have to be modded either with a chip or soft to use FlashFXP? Mine isn't modded so when i try to connect it says that it is connected but then loses connection before showing any files.
24. August 2009 @ 17:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by PureHunge:
Does the xbox have to be modded either with a chip or soft to use FlashFXP? Mine isn't modded so when i try to connect it says that it is connected but then loses connection before showing any files.
Surely your xbox is at the very least softmodded ?...

(If it's modded that is) don't bother with FlashFXP, there's better out there, for instance (free) Filezilla from

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. August 2009 @ 17:40

Suspended permanently
24. August 2009 @ 20:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
strewth.. how many more times do we have to post the same basic networking guide? Wish the admins would get their fingers out and bring us the updated forums so we can close all this repetitive garbage down.
20. October 2009 @ 16:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey guys I need some help, my tech teacher softmodded my xbox and told me i could FTP my games to the XBOX, how do I do this?
Junior Member
12. December 2009 @ 01:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
anyone knows how to ftp to filezilla with router and xbmc?
I used to ftp with crossover cable (you can see my noob questions in the first page of this thread) but i recently got a router and can't connect, PimpDawg says you have to switch static off, guess xbmc didn't exist back then or wasn't popular, but when I change to DHCP I lose my xbox IP info, I tried logging in with previous settings but won't get past "waiting for welcome message"
is this already solved? go ahead and change your cheap cars for luxurious cars like the 1.5 million Bugatti Veyron!!!
9. March 2010 @ 01:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is sort of yesterdays news but I am just working on it now, so bear with me and help please.
I have successfully modded my V1.0 Xbox with a Xecuter 3CE chip with lastest BIOS version 3294. I have the Xbox wired via CAT5 patch cable to my Linksys wireless N router. My network is setup like this, sat internet resides at 192.168.01 which connects to internet port of linksys which is at and gives out IP's starting at Every client device so far as worked perfectly with this (IE: Wii, wireless printer, laptop, until the Xbox. The X3 config live screen shows the Xbox IP as, the Linksys shows this in the DHCP reservation tables and has the Xbox's MAC address. I have tried statis and DHCP modes in X3 config live, I've tried changing the gateway to, etc. I've tried with win fire wall off.
Yet when I connect vis Filezilla it connects, shows the Xbox's folders, lets me create new directories but when I try to transfer a file, Filezilla says connected...waiting for welcome message, then times out and keeps retrying.
I have also tried IE 8 FTP method and again it sees the Xbox but when I say open FTP in windows Explorer it times out at some point and says access denied.
What the he77 is keeping me locked out or what am I doing wrong? I feel it is something simple that I do not know. Is their a bug in the X3 bios with the FTP?
I need help. All I am trying to do is get XBMC over on it for now and later I want to use the Xbox to stream SD movies over LAN to my TV. I think I could burn a DVD-R with XBMC Installer Deluxe but that doesn't solve the streaming part and it's a nagging matter of the fact that this should work, dang it.

Tomkat112(7) equipment
Modded V1.0 Xbox with Xecuter 3CE
Dell Studio 17-Win Vista64- Linksys WiFi-N
Panny 42", Onkyo 605 AVR 7.1
16. March 2010 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am a noobie on almost all levels of this lol OK I need to know how to burn a dvd to play on xbox I have dl c-xbox tool and not a hundred percent sure how to use it I am guessing just like Ultra ISO or any burning program but does it automatically turn iso into xiso anyone help is appreciated I have done a lot of reading a lot trust me and still am missing something fill dumb when I figure it out just now learned how to soft mod and thought it was so easy when I figured it out anyway any help is appreciated also have dvd2xbox how do I install it I have burnt like 5 dvds and they show on my xbox I can read them but they wont load get error 03 or 05 everytime I try to transfer to xbox HELP me please

Learning Everyday
6. May 2010 @ 12:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by PimpDawg:
An Easy Way To FTP To Your Xbox

One of the most popular questions in Xbox forums are "How do I FTP to my Xbox?" So I figured I would write the ultimate guide on how to do this as effectively as possible. If anybody has anything to add to this, please post a reply.

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol; this allows you to transfer files from your computer (host) to another computer/object (client). You can use either a crossover cable to connect your Xbox directly to your PC, or a router (both ways are discussed below). When you connect through a router, DO NOT use a crossover cable! Use standard straight through cable. The program we will be using to FTP in to the Xbox is the popular FlashFXP. You can download FlashFXP right here off of Afterdawn, or from here

How to FTP to your Xbox Dashboard using a Crossover Cable

Before I begin, you need to make sure that you are indeed using a CROSSOVER CABLE. That is a huge beginner mistake.

1) Now, you may want to make sure that your firewalls are all turned off, and possibly your anti virus software for the time being. In your custom Xbox dash (i.e. Evolution X, Avalaunch, Unleash X etc.), make sure your settings are configured for STATIC, and change your IP address to this, Also, make the Xbox's primary DNS the same as your computers IP address shown below ( Scroll down, and click SAVE before you exit that screen!

2) On your computer, go to "Start" "Control Panel" "Network and Internet Connections" "Network Connections" Then right click your "Local Area Connections" and click "Properties" Click on "Internet Protocol TCP/IP" and then click the "Properties" button. Now, make sure that the "Use the following IP address" is selected. Type in this IP address, and a subnet mask of Click "Ok" Note: your computer may need to be restarted if you are using an older version of Windows.

3) Reboot your Xbox now, and if your computer is running an older OS than Windows XP, reboot that also.

4) Now, open up FlashFXP and click the lightning bolt.

5) A window will popup as shown below.

6) Type your Xbox's IP address in the "Server or URL" text box ( Port should stay at 21. If your dash is using it's default settings, your user name and password should both be xbox (all lowercase). Now click connect and within a few seconds, you should see a picture as shown below with your Xbox folders on the right hand side. Now you can transfer files to and from your Xbox!

How to FTP to your Xbox Dashboard using a Router

Before I begin, you need to make sure that you are NOT using a crossover cable, but a straight through cable. Again that is a huge beginner mistake. If you need help connecting your Xbox through your router, has a tutorial on how to do this: Here is a basic picture taken from on how your setup should look like:

1) Again, you may want to make sure that your firewalls are all turned off, and possibly your anti virus software for the time being. Also, make sure that your Router is 100% working. Now, connect your straight through Ethernet cord into your Xbox, and the other in to a port on the router. Boot up your Xbox. In your settings in your custom dash, make sure that the "Static" connection is turned to "Off", then scroll down and click SAVE. Reboot your Xbox. Go back into your settings on your dashboard and make sure that DHCP is now enabled, and that you have an IP address showing. Now, it's time to open up FlashFXP...

2) Open FlashFXP and click the lightning bolt.

3) A window will popup as shown below.

4) Type your Xbox's IP address in the "Server or URL" text box (IP address varies per Xbox). Port should stay at 21. If your dash is using it's default settings, your user name and password should both be xbox (all lowercase). Now click connect and within a few seconds, you should see a picture as shown below with your Xbox folders on the right hand side. Now you can transfer files to and from your Xbox!

I followed the guide using a the pc option and it worked fine the first time.....Thanx PimpDawg > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > tutorial: how to ftp in to your xbox

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