Check other posts in the forum before posting a super broad question. But I will explain this to you even though it has been covered a thousand times before.
First off, I would expect that you want a solderless mod chip. I would go with the XBIT, seeing that is what all of my friends have and it works great. If you feel like soldering, go with the DuoX-2 from The reason why I choose this over the executor is because it comes preflashed which is nice (this is the chip I use). If going with the XBIT I would go to and get it from there for $59.
The complete tutorial to flashing and loading the evox, and also ftp(ing) to and from the XBIT modchip can be found here:
Also, if you are going to be sending games to your hard drive on your box (which is what I do because it saves me money for the discs) I would get a larger hard drive. The best results I have gotten with hard drives is Maxtor.
Also, you do know that your computer cannot read xbox games correct? You have to either download the game from the internet or you have to ftp your game to your computer from your xbox.