Ok i got everything working completely fine, execpt when it is sopposedly uploading the game, in the dos window the .........'s stopped filling the screen after a short while, idk if it is soposed to do that, and i leave it to upload for like an hour and it just says loading on my tv screen, and waiting.................. on the dos screen. Can anyone please give me any advice?
but when i try to load Eruasia on there it werks, and transfers that fine, and i put the game on stand by to send then choose send option B and then it says waiting and a few dots pop up but then they just stop
Have you checked your firewalls? (make sure they're disabled, and if you're running XP make sure the one built into XP is disabled as well.) Other than that, it would be one other problem...your network card.
You can also double check the network settings on the GC. My Network was setup for addresses like 192.168.2.xxx, and the gamecube proggies seem to like the gamecube to be set to You can change it in the command line with some of them, but the 100mbit starcube loader, s3-gcsim.exe seems to only accept the address on the gamecube. I had to change the address on the router internally, and reassign all the static IP's on my network to get it functional.
*sigh* If only I could afford the $70 for the viper... (and if only I could solder it in without breaking something. lol.)