will softmod except new larger HDD
17. January 2005 @ 12:19 |
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I was curious I have a softmodded xbox with Evox installed and was wondering if I can put in a bigger HDD? I can FTP to it and have installed lots of emulators and stuff but need bigger. Will 80 gigs work? or 40 gigs?
17. January 2005 @ 15:46 |
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You need to lock the new hdd otherwise your xbox will not boot with it. It is not easy to lock a hdd without mod chip installed, or TSOP flashed.
Crystal Limited Edition (v1.6)
Maxtor 250G HD
EvoX m8_16 Xecuter 3
EvoX 3935
XBMC 1.1.0
17. January 2005 @ 15:54 |
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no it is easy after the new drive is installed to lock it in the evox.ini just undash the lock hd. then click that. it will do it for you.
17. January 2005 @ 16:01 |
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you first need to put this in the menu of the evox.ini
Section "Install Menu"
Item "Install New Drive",@210
Item "Settings",@9
Item "Reboot",@5
Info "Install HDD"
Warning "This will format all drives"
Warning "Make sure you have a backup of C & E"
Progress "Formatting Drives"
ConfigSector "backupdisk.bin"
Format c:
Format e:
Format f:
Format g:
Format x:
format y:
format z:
and undash lockhd. now burn the cd with evox.xbe and your new evox.ini. put in it xbox and boot to it with original hd in. after booted hotswap the new hd into the xbox. click install new drive. when that finishes lock hd. reboot take the cd out. it should work. this is something i thought of it is untested please tell me how it goes. im trying it next week if you want any info then.
17. January 2005 @ 17:23 |
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Thankx I kinda understand, but how do you lock the HDD? What programs and what steps do I take?
18. January 2005 @ 13:44 |
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just use the evox dash lockhd option.
18. January 2005 @ 14:37 |
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If you use evox with a larger hard drive, but dont have a mod chip, can you still copy retail games to the hard drive and play them without the disc? Like, if you rent a game and copy it to the hard drive, will you still be able to play it.
18. January 2005 @ 14:46 |
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of coarse you can. thats the main point in putting a bigger hard drive in.
18. January 2005 @ 17:15 |
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Well, that I know, but I meant without a mod chip.
19. January 2005 @ 05:17 |
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Well I got my HDD in with no Prob. I got a WD 80gig and evox locked it for me. made backups of C: and E: Everything went smooth thanks everyone
19. January 2005 @ 05:23 |
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And also can I take my old xbox HDD and put it in a new xbox that has not been modded and will it work or can I just put it in the new one and install slayers evox and will it work then?
20. January 2005 @ 09:44 |
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no different keys but if you had the same kernel and you relocked it with there key you could.
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21. January 2005 @ 23:27 |
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ok i saw evox.ini on E drive but i didnt see any evox.xb on C can somebody help me thanks
22. January 2005 @ 04:47 |
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