PSP Demo ISOs, Newest - Jean D' Arc, God of War soon
Senior Member
10. June 2007 @ 16:24 |
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no problem dude. (remember i couldn't have made this thread without the support of other members :D)
24. June 2007 @ 23:21 |
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Here's one I just found, it's apparently a Syphon Filter Logans Shasdow demo. I haven't downloaded it since I don't get enough bandwidth but feel free to add it into the first post if it is confirmed tested & working. :)
File Format - RAR
File Size - 320mb
File Size Unpacked - 450mb ISO
Password - None
26. June 2007 @ 12:10 |
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is that real???????
cuz the offical sony website to get it sent to you just went up
Ps3 60gig
Psp 2.8 2gig mem card
ps3 username smac137 might get a new 1 hit me up
Senior Member
26. June 2007 @ 12:18 |
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yes it seems to be real, however i heard it will only run on 3.40 OE A
Here is the boxart for the demo, and if you look closely you can see it saying "Demo disc, not for resale " on the top.
thanks for sharing JakeT99
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. June 2007 @ 04:15
26. June 2007 @ 21:31 |
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there is a 3.40 OE C now, what are the differences from it to OE A
Senior Member
27. June 2007 @ 04:15 |
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sorry thats what i meant to say, lol im used to saying 3.03 OE C
27. June 2007 @ 12:12 |
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any1 try it
ps the pic is gone
Ps3 60gig
Psp 2.8 2gig mem card
ps3 username smac137 might get a new 1 hit me up
27. June 2007 @ 20:27 |
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Oh, there is a 3.50 oe i hear.
Junior Member
28. June 2007 @ 11:06 |
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thanks for the Jeanne darc demo. the cut scenes looked great from the trailers I saaw. I'll give it ago tonight.
2. July 2007 @ 05:53 |
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Junior Member
3. July 2007 @ 23:07 |
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hi everyone. i'm new @ this. but can someone tell me where (website that has torrent links) i can download games and movies for psp? thanks a lot!
PSP Metalic Blue - 3.10 >> 3.50 to downgrade >> 1.50 >> 3.40 oe-a >> 3.52 m33 >> m.53 m33-3 >> 4.01 m33 >> 4.01 m33-2 >> 5.00 m33 >> 5.00 m33-3
4. July 2007 @ 19:01 |
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9. July 2007 @ 11:16 |
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yo is nutere 's wipe out pulse demo real
any1 try them???
if so nice find
Ps3 60gig
Psp 2.8 2gig mem card
ps3 username smac137 might get a new 1 hit me up
Senior Member
9. July 2007 @ 11:31 |
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I can confirm that both the Logan's Shadow and Wipeout Pulse demos are infact real.
15. July 2007 @ 12:11 |
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hey, i'm on 3.51 m33 cfw and i had a question bout the persuit force iso. when i load it up it gets stuck on the screen with the police badge that says persuit force and the police 318. at the top it says some other crap like the game is currently in development. to get it to work should i use a lower CFW version? thanks much.
"So fall asleep with the windows open
Come to me with the worst you've said and done
You'll close your eyes and see me
A little death makes life more meaningful
I stand no chance at all"
18. July 2007 @ 10:03 |
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the person who ripped the game has'nt got it to fully work yet then.
10. August 2007 @ 16:28 |
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hey who here have the game b-boy demo?
12. August 2007 @ 00:14 |
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not me. . . Why?
Suspended due to non-functional email address
15. August 2007 @ 10:35 |
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where can i overwrite my 3.4 firmware our downgrade it i don't want the 3.5 downgrader
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15. August 2007 @ 10:38 |
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is there a way to turn the psp games (iso) to convert it so that the psp think is a demo
16. August 2007 @ 09:21 |
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ummm... not quite sure?!? for what?
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17. August 2007 @ 15:25 |
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what store names has the most likely to got a lumius that 3.5 downgrader and how do you know when a lumnius is unpatch
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
19. August 2007 @ 18:46 |
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you search, if ur in the states, you have to check used game stores, as Lumines was pulled from retailers shelves.
match the ULUS/ULES listed in the downgrader instructions if ur unsure if it's unpatched.
EDIT> Silent Hill: Origins Demo should be up pretty soon, it leaked and is on torrent sites now.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. August 2007 @ 18:47
20. August 2007 @ 10:05 |
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Its not really hard to find them. Just go to any game store that sells used games.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
21. August 2007 @ 18:30 |
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Silent Hill Origins - UMD Demo
-=-Has been modified (by me) to run on 3.40OE-A and above, original was only for 3.51M33 and above.-=-
File Format - RAR
Archive Size - 2 Parts
Total Archive Size - 503MB
CSO Unpacked - 513MB
Password - None
Part 1 (286MB / 292,969KB):
Part 2 {217MB / 222,780KB):