First post! I just bought a Denon 2805 and can;t seem to get Zone 2 to work. As far as I can see, there are 2 places that need to be set for zone to. First in the Inital setup menu and in the options menu. I have thme both set to be zone 2 instead od additional surround speakers. How ever I get nothing from my zone 2 speakers. If I set them as additional surrounfd I hear them fire when I do the level test on the speakers, so I know the speakers are wired correctly.
I'm a long time 2805 owner, about 3 weeks now. I don't use zone 2, so I probably won't be much help, but I notice on the front panel under the left dial is a button labeled "Zone 2/Rec Select"
Push it, lemme know what happens!
Congrats on buying a great receiver, I love the heck out of mine!
Yes I have tried that button. With that you can change the source for zone 2. I even figured out the remote has zone 2 volumn. The only thing..I get no sound from zone 2!!! Very frustrating!!! I'm sure I am missing something very little. The manuel appears to have suffered a bit in the Japenese to English translation!
Yes, I have a tough time with the manual too. I was trying to figure out how to send the video out through the VCR-1 port because I wanted to record to my camcorder. Turns out this is under "multi-zone settings" in the manual - very obtuse!
Speaking of manuals, I've got a question for you - what is the model number for your remote? The remote I got with the 2805 is not the one described in the manual(!) I think it's a more advanced model (RC-980) - it has a slider switch to switch between DVD, VCR, DBS, or TV sources.
Nice, but it adds a whole new level of challenge to figuring this thing out!
Good luck, I'll see if I can find something on the Zone 2 deal...
Looking at my remote it is RC-974. No sliders but it will control Zone 2 (if I could turn it on); Tape;CDR/MD (which appears to be the 2805);CD;TV;DBS;VCR; and DVD. Not sliders however, they are buttons to choose which device you want to control. When I push Zone 2, I can change the volumn, and I see it change on the reciever, but no sound from the speakers!
Thanks - I got the different remote and a manual for a different model, I suppose that's what you get when you buy B-stock items. Fortunately someone on this site sent me the URL to get the 2805 manual.
I'll hook up an extra set of speakers tonight and see if I can get them to play in Zone 2.
I think I found the answer to my own question. In reading a review of this receiver, I found a paragraph that talks about Zone 2. If you use a Digital audio input , that signal is not passed to zone 2 apparently.
Now my next question. Can I run a digital AND a analog signal for the same device and hope that zone 2 uses the analog, and the main uses the digital?? Very confused now. Looks like I will have to use spliters on the analog signal, because that is how I connected each device to the TV in for time when you don;t want to use the receiver but instead want to use the TV speakers.
Wow, that seems really strange that only analog signals get passed to zone 2.
Were you able to tell it what audio source to send to zone 2? I see on pg 67 of the manual that you can use the Zone2/REc out button to activate the function knob, which in turn should let you switch among input sources. I had to do this when I wanted to send an input to VCR-1.
Hey you're right, there's a bullet in the manual "Digital signals are not output to Zone2 audio jacks"
I think you wouldn't have any problem connecting a 2nd set of cables to one of the other audio inputs - pretty klunky though... Good luck!
Hey this might sound stupid but this is how it worked for me. You can listen to any source in Zone 2. The bullet is refering to "Digital OUT" signals. If you run your CD player into the Denon using a digital cable, the denon will process it and send out an analog signal to your speaker in Zone 2. If you want, you CAN run both digital and analog INTO the Denon....but don't, it just gets more confusing.
In set up ... set it up for "Zone 2" speakers
Then .. On the remote control.... push the "Amp" button until you see "Multi"... At "Multi" then pick your source. Now, the funny part is... now you need to turn the volume up. It's a separate volume control and threw me for a loop the first few days. The default volume on Zone 2 is basically off. So just turn up the volume. I felt pretty stupid when i finally did that. Hopefully that is all your problem is.