There may additional settings on you DVD player and/or Cable Box.
I may be able to help on the receiver side though.
Denon, like many receivers, allows you to reassign the digital inputs to any component input you want.
According to your user manual on page 19, the defaults for the COAX inputs are:
What I've done with my Denon AVR-3803 is to try and use the default inputs first, i.e. plugged a DVD player into COAX2, etc. That way, I don't have to change any of the default settings.
So your DVD player's coax cable should be connected to COAX2.
Now I don't have a CD player but I do have a second DVD player. For my setup, I wanted to change the COAX1 default from CD to VDP.
I did this by reassigning the digital input. Check out page 37 of your manual entitled: Setting the Digital In Assignments.
In your case, you should try connecting your cable box to DBS and assigning CD to OFF (if your aren't going to use it) and then set DBS from OPT2 to COAX1. DBS I believe stands for Digital Broadcast Satellite but I could be wrong. In my setup, I have my satellite receiver connected to the DBS input. In my case, my satellite receiver doesn't have coax cable so I simply connected its optical cable to OPT2 on my Denon that way I didn't have to change the default like a mentioned above. LESSON TO LEARN: it doesn't matter what "abbreviation" you use as long as you assign it to the corrent digital input you are using. For example: you could hook your cable box to the VCR1 input as long as you change VCR1 to COAX1.
Unfortunately, Denon receivers (at least the ones I know about) don't allow for the inputs to be renamed like Onkyo and others.
I'm sure if you are getting a picture from your cable box and/or DVD player you already know about using the Component assign feature and/or used the defaults.
This may not solve your problem but it should get you started in the right direction.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. February 2005 @ 21:10