I would like to mod my new slim to play backup games on cd-r. I would also like to play backup movies(cd-r also). Can anyone tell me if I can do this and what is the best set-up out there? I will need a program to make my backups and also one to do the mod? I would rather not open up the ps2(diassemble).I have lloked at swap magic for slim but I am not sure if it does the movies?
I believe your ps2 can play your backup movies w/out a mod chip. You will not find many people who will mod our slimline ps2 because of the laser problem issue. I would almost say just buy swap magic and a flip top case for your slimline.
Nope, using that softmod technique will not mess up your laser... However, the slimline ps2 lasers sometimes just go out on their own because they have some major defects!
I just bought a dvd burner and I was wandering if some movies are small enough to fit on dvd disc without using DVD Shrink? I have not installed it yet. Also is the flip-top easy to install?
Usually older movies do fit on DVD-5 discs, but all of the newer ones require you to shrink them. You could always fit a full dvd on a dual layer disc, DVD-9, but those discs are still quite costly! And also they require a dual layer burner, but those drives are just as cheap as the single layer dvd burners nowadays.
Yeah, the flip top is so easy to install! Did you get the whole case or just the flip top?
i am trying to do the movies first. I am having trouble. Do I use shrink first or decrypter. I have tried the decrypter to burn and I get an error I/O. When i go to shrink, the files are not there. i used read ISO. It created 2 files(iso and mds). I have everything I need(Ithink) Just having a little trouble. Any help would be great!
Ok, I would use DVD Shrink, because it shrinks your movies (unlike DVD Decrypter). If you do start using DVD Srhink you will need to get a copy (or demo) of Nero because that is the program it uses when burning the disc.
4) Click "ok" It will then analyze the movie quick (takes a minute or two)
5) After it is done, make sure to uncheck the different languages on the right hand side that you will not be needing (ex. if you see a french file checked, uncheck it seeing that you do not need this)...
The more junk like that you can find and uncheck means the better the quality of the video will be because you are deleting things that take up space on the dvd.
6) After you have found the so-called "junk files" on the right hand side, click "backup"
7) Now, find that folder you created for the movie you are backing up and click it to go inside of it. Now click "ok"
8) The movie will download to your computer, and this will take around 15 mintues. After it is done, it will eject and tell you to put in your blank dvd disc, so go ahead and do that.
9) Now it will burn the dvd to a disc and when it pops out it should work perfectly!
You can also copy your DVD-5 or DVD-9 movie into regular dvd-r/+r dvds with the following two programs.
Anydvd - overrides the protection on the DVDs
CloneDVD - Copies the movies into your blank media. If the movie is dual layer or DVD-9 it will converted into a DVD-5.