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23. April 2005 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I would appreicate any help i have a yamaha rx-v800rds and want to connect my tv just have a 21" hitachi set and dvd player. i have connect all my speakers and have connected my cd player thats fine but how do i connect dvd to receiver and tv and get it all to work i have a ixos xht401 scart to 6 rca can i use this.? thanks in advance for your help.

regards paul

23. April 2005 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
akery6969 to hook ur tv and dvd player up to your reciver this what you do theres actually a couple of ways the first way is you can use digital cables to connect your dvd player to your tv. To do it that way you need to find out if your dvd player and reciever are capable of digital to find this out look on the back of your dvd player along with your reciever if it says digital out on your dvd player and you have the same lookin device on your reciever than its capable of putting out digital sound.
23. April 2005 @ 16:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you want to do it the other way you use rca jacks to hook it up this way is really simple. All you do is you put the yellow rca plug into the video OUT in your dvd player than the other end of the yellow rca plug you put that into your video IN on your tv that takes care of the picture portion
23. April 2005 @ 16:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
for your sound you take the 1 side of red and white portion of the RCA jacks and you put it into the dvd player it should be right next to where you plugged in your yellow into the dvd so once you have done that you take the other end of the red and white plugs and you put those into your reciever now this part is simply up to you which part you want it on you can either plug it into you LD/DVD slot in the back of your reciever or Video 1 your best bet is LD/DVD so you just plug the red and white rca plugs into your slot on your reciever but remember which slot you put it in because that will be the feature you have to go to when your going to watch a movie
23. April 2005 @ 16:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you want to hook up a satelite box to get surrournd sound as well or cable box this is how you do that you take another RCA cord and you plug in the red and white plugs into the out port on your satelite/cable box than you take the other end of the RCA cord and plug the red and white plugs into the tv/sat port on your reciever once you have done all of that you should be ready to go I hope all of this helps > forums > home theater > receivers and amplifiers > help.!!!! novice trying to connect up.

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