Denon 2805 questions
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15. November 2005 @ 13:45 |
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Sounds great! Hey, just a guick note...I was backing up my copy of Stealth (picked it up at lunch). I made one copy on cheap media just to see about this blank screen...sure enough, used Intercopy 3 and there was a blank screen and there was no way to go I went to Recode 2, and for some reason this movie could not work with it, yet I used shrink and bam there it was...sniped the beginning with the blank screen made a folder and burned a perfect copy. I wonder what Sony is trying with this blank screen. Madagascar was fine, just finding the prog that didn't have any issue with this movie and perfect copy. I don't know...what I do know is that it pays to have so many progs at your fingertips to check which one can handle the movie and which one has less compression than the others. Hey, I'll chat with ya later. have a good evening.
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15. November 2005 @ 14:59 |
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i know what you mean........ and being off topic, but i am fixing to just go buy this movie as soon as my wife picks me up.
but yes, sony is gettin sneaky, and soon, it will be impossible to back up. ok she is here, see ya
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
15. November 2005 @ 16:22 |
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Thanks again for the great info Gear.
What I want to be able to do is to be able to watch TV with or without the AVR on, but also be able to watch DVD's through the AVR. Will the hook-up method you described enable me to do that?
I can see what you mean about there potentially being a miasma of cables.
If I understand you correctly, I need to get a DVI cable to go from my cable box directly to my TV. But what about going to the receiver, so that I can take advantage of the AVR up-conversion when I want to?
I guess I'll just hook my DVD up directly to my AVR since I never really watch movies without it.
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15. November 2005 @ 18:06 |
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@ darien..
unless your AVR has HDMI upconversion, which i am pretty sure it does not, just run your DVI cable direct from cable box to tv and use your optical out from cable box and dvd player to receiver for digital sound.
and for your analog sounds, just run the rca's, direct, dont use the receiver, so you can watch with amplified sound, or just plain jane.
if you connect it all right, it will work both ways !! i promise.
i need to look your receiver up, but i know it can be done.
even my old P.O.S. sony worked that way, and it was like 4 years old, technology was not there yet, but still worked.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
15. November 2005 @ 18:42 |
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No I don't have the 2805 yet. It shipped from NJ. It's due to arrive on Thursday. I'm getting antsy.
I had to read your response a few times, but I think I get the gist. So by hooking up the DVI from the cable box to my TV, that will get me digital picture. Then I think you're saying to run fiber optic cable from the cable box to the AVR, then use RCA's to go directly to the TV. That way I'll have sound throught the AVR from the optical output of the cable box and analog sound out of the TV from the RCA's.
The Denon 2805 has video up-conversion to component output. So I guess it doens't make sense to run the video from my cable box to the receiver. It sounds like it won't really improve things.
It looks like my TV only has 1 DVI input. I watch TV much more than DVD's, so I guess I'll use that input for my cable box, and just use the component outs from my DVD player to go directly to my TV.
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15. November 2005 @ 18:55 |
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yes, but i think you have one part confused.
providing that you cable box has an optical out, then use it for audio. if not, then just use the left and right RCA output to the tv for normal sound.
same thing with the dvd player.
now if your cable box also has s-video, then use that for your picture instead of just a video cable (the yellow plug)
you should take a few detailed pics of what your equipments a$$ end looks like and post it here, include the tv.
it will give me a better idea of just exactly what you have.
butit sounds like you have got an understanding now !
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
15. November 2005 @ 19:20 |
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Let's see if this works. The pics are kinda crappy, but here goes:
Here's the back of my TV. The DVI input is on the far left running vertically.
Here's the back of my cable box. The DVI out is on the left side, and the optical out is on the right side, next to the S-Video out.
Hope this helps.
OK. I thought I had it, but now I'm confused again. I thought I was supposed to use the DVI out of the cable box to the TV for picture? Then I was just going to use the component outs of my DVD player to the TV for picture. Should I do it the other way around? HDMI to DVI adapter from the DVD to the DVI input of the TV and then just component video from the cable box to the TV?
San Diego Chargers - 2004 AFC West Champions
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16. November 2005 @ 03:25 |
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Darien, you can find well detailed pics of the 2805's backside in Denon's website but it is obvious that you're getting antsy (not that anyone can fault you for that!) but I do think you're putting the cart before the horse here. When you have you're AVR in front of you and all you're equipment's backsides in you're face, Gear's words will make much more sense ("doing once is worth a thousand hearings"). So too, I would set up the system first using a no-brainer piece of equipment first like a CD player just to make sure all speakers are working properly (calibrate later if you wish but make damned sure they're all working properly before you get on to the more complicated stuff). AFTER, you're sure, then proceed to this stuff. I followed gears instructions and it was not only easy but works like a charm (thanks guy), it will all make much more sense when everything is laid out if front of you rather than using "pics and you're imagination" (sounds like I'm typing in a porn site!)....Gerry
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16. November 2005 @ 04:23 |
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yes, gerry is right, once its in front of you it will be more clear. and i have not seen the unit yet, but i am sure it is similiar to Gerry's 3805 (does it have HDMI inputs?) i dont think they do. but even if it did, it acts as a middle man for upconversion, now you have to buy twice the cables (not worth it in my mind) so just run direct. i am at work now, so i cant access much here, i would try to draw a picture, but it is cold as hell here, and we are outside, so it would be like a kid with crayons. your pics are kinda blurred and not very clear, the flash hides the image. but from what i see, your cable box...... run your dvi from that to the tv direct, use the optical to the avr for sound (when unit is on) and rca's while off. you may have to set up the avr for 'both' analog and digital (mine has that option) when the avr is off, for your video, use the component or s-video. on my old dvd player, i could not run it that way, because it would not support both outputs when connected. but then again, i only watched movies with the receiver on anyway, so it still worked out, and my wife knew how to operate the old receiver.
i will get back to you later.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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16. November 2005 @ 04:32 |
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Darien's 2805 has DVI/HDMI inputs, HDMI outputs and video conversion of analog to HDMI.
Cold in south Texas while on a Nov day in Philly, guys are walking aroung without shirts. Not quite right somehow! Gear and Moviedud, you guys started speaking a foreign language there, were you speaking of making DVD backups? I've been using DVD xcopy platinum to make backups and it is as easy as a click or two but the thing is, they don't make it put out of business. I can still make backups really easily but I'm looking for software of a similar nature; do you know if they still make something equally easy?...Gerry
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16. November 2005 @ 12:29 |
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@Gerry 1, yes, I feel that it doesn't get much easier than CloneDVD 2, but many of the mentioned progs can be very easy to use. CloneDVD 2 is very simple to learn and it even remembers your personal preferences towards sound options, commentary options and once it is set you really do not have to do much except click 2-3 bottons through a filmstrip type interface and let it go. If you have dual burners or one rom and one burner then you can even have it set up to burn automatically. I prefer Rebuilder/CCE Basic for the movies that require a lot of compressiona and actually after you set the source file and destination folder it can be set up for 1 click mode and it does a great job. It is slower than the others but the others are transcoders, while Rebuilder uses encoders (better quality and do a great job of handling large movie files where compression is great.
Many like the Dvd Fab from and I personally enjoy Recode 2 and Intercopy 3 (not a consis6tant prog when re-authoring but it does great qulaity even with a large amount of compression.
Hope this helps.
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16. November 2005 @ 12:47 |
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Thanks MovieDud; you helped a great deal and I'll investigate. My Xcopy platinum still works like a charm but I'm getting a second computer as well as setting up something for my sister. I read so many nasty posts about Xcopy platinum but I've never had a problem with it unless I use cheap media. Didn't work well at first but I called 1-2-3 studios and a techie had me remove RecordNow and some DVD player that interfered, told me to go into task manager and close anything running and I haven't had a problem since...also sounds as good as my originals. Tried Nero once and was ready for the valium. Need something easy; techno-dunce left brainer here! Thanks again!
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16. November 2005 @ 13:27 |
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i'm gonna pm a mod, this is waaaaaaaaaay off topic !!! ;) teehee !!
i watched stealth last night, omfg, that movie has bad ass surround, i could even set my yammy to do a matrixed 6th channel. even though i have mine set up for 9 channels, it still showed the iocn for a rear center (matrixed). i am gonna make a back up and pass it along to my dad.
opps, did i just mention that..... shhhh, don't tell.
@ MovieDud... do you know how to extract multi channel sound from a DivX file or even an AVI file (if encoded in multi channel)
i only use Nero, but have any dvd, vso proggies, and divx2dvd..
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
16. November 2005 @ 17:04 |
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Hey guys. I realize I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here. But I know that the 2805 is so flexible that there are MANY ways I could hook it up. I just wanted to get what was the best set-up for my particular application. I think you guys have helped me to find that. I still would like to check out how my cable looks with the up-conversion of the 2805. Especially if it will make my non-HD channels look better.
I went to Radio Shack tonight and bought a fiber optic cable, HDMI-to-DVI cable and a DVI cable. I'll just take back whatever one I don't end up using. Hopefully, the quality of the Radio Shack cables is good. Usually they have their own cables and the Monster Cable equavilents. But for some reason they didn't have Monster Cable HDMI or DVI cables.
Receiver should be here tomorrow! I can't wait!
Cold in Texas huh? Well it was about 80 today here in Cali. :p
San Diego Chargers - 2004 AFC West Champions
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16. November 2005 @ 17:08 |
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yeah, we had that cold front drop down from canada, gettin chilly tonight too, drops down to like 30 degrees f, got my heat on, brought in my one dog, had my chiwawa get maimed last night, the wife is crushed.
anyway, darien, your better off buying an HDMI cable both ends, drop by best buy or any audio/video store and buy the adapter to DVI
sooner or later, you may not need the DVI and all will go to HDMI connections. so you will be prepared and wont have to buy another cable.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
16. November 2005 @ 17:13 |
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Thanks again for the info gear. They did have Monster Cable adapters at Radio Shack. I'll pick one up.
Do you think that running the cable TV through the AVR will improve my non-HD picture at all, or is that just a waste of time?
San Diego Chargers - 2004 AFC West Champions
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16. November 2005 @ 17:14 |
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@gerry1. I understand and I definitely do not want you to hit the pills, but rather try a couple of the progs. I mentioned, as several others at ad mention quite frequently...CloneDVD 2 is simply, user friendly, power to re-author is great for the user (I like the scissors feature, a lot like Shrink or Recode 2...just not as precise, but beyond that works very effectively.) There are two others I mention only as actual 1 click progs...1 Click Dvd and Dvd ClonerII, I have them as well as X Copy Platinum (I actually kept the files, and other stuff on my cruzer drive and just placed it on the second computer and works great, I just have learned so much at ad and found the progs: Rebuilder Pro, CloneDVD 2, Recode 2, Intercopy 3 are much better and provide amazing quality in the backups...if you want to do dual layers just stick with Decrypter (Iso mode) and I actually burn with ImgBurn the same Iso file...Awe-some...every dl plays just as the original...I'm kind of anal in that I like several backups for different parts of the house. Definitely download several and try them out before you buy...make sure you understand (and if you don't come here and ask and there is a lot of help and plenty of well done guides.)...make sure it works with your set up, both computer and stand alones. Hope this helps and have a good evening.
@gear79, I have not handled anything like that so far, but I always like a challenge and love to learn so I'll get back to ya as soon as possible. Yes, that movie has awe-some surround...I really cranked it up last not and my wife thought something crased into the house (Not kidding!) I'll get back to you soon my friend.
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16. November 2005 @ 18:23 |
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@ darien, you can run the cables in and out of the receiver, but me personally, i would not, because now you are introducing 'the middle' man here and picture quality may be either exactly the same, or slightly worse. plus, you have to have the unit on just to watch tv. but for your own personal 'trial and error' give it a shot, after all, you will be the one viewing your product. it certainly does not hurt to try it out. heck, you may get a better picture after all, all models of avr equip is different, and some spend more money in areas that way. but like i said, you will only know an learn by trial and error. it will only cost you a few minutes of your time.
@ Movie
i encountered that problem with stealth and decrypter, stopped at 6% and would not advance, i am gonna hit the shrink forums for solutions.
good nite all !
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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16. November 2005 @ 19:05 |
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@gear79, You know it was strange that Recode 2 wouldn't open but shrink could easily open the dvd, and I re-authored, using the sart/stop feature and removed the plank screen and then placed it on the HD and used Recode 2 and...flawless. I know I didn't have to go back to Recode 2 since it was no compression, but I wanted to see what caused the movie from going through analysis with Recode 2...anyways I made two backups and both are perfect, I compared the original to the backup and actually used the freeze and zoom feature to expand just to notice anything, but I couldn't. I'm pretty happy. I later place the entire files on HD using Decrypter and not one problem...I mainly did it to see how Decrypter handle this and it worked. Have you tried any other prog. that you have? It seems that everyone is finding different methods to backing up this movie as well as Madagascar. I received the update to AnyDVD today (v. I wonder if that will help with these latest movies that have been issues for many? hey, keep at it my friend, and I know you will be successful as I have learned a great deal from you and many others at Ad...keep teaching and passing on your knowledge.
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17. November 2005 @ 02:59 |
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well, i have AnyDVD running in the background, and now i can get it to 69%, with decrypter only, it hits 9%, i let it run last night, 3,350 tries later, would not crack. other proggies i have are avi2dvd, AnyDVD, vso's divx2dvd, Nero 6 (full) win dvd, and of course shrink and decrypter.
i am getting ready for work now, so i will tackle this later tonight. since my printer has now fried, i will research this at work as well, and print out results there.
talk about one hijacked thread and off topic too !!
i have not seen any mods in this area for some time....... oh well
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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17. November 2005 @ 04:32 |
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It is strange that shrink wouldn't handle it. Shrink worked for my copy, but again that doesn't mean anything. I'll think about today and get back to you maybe through a pm. Have a good day at work.
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17. November 2005 @ 04:58 |
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i got it, did it before i went to work. i have never tried this method before, but it worked. left the movie in the drive, opened shrink, ran it through, re-authored, and burned. worked just fine. i was always just used to using decrypter, then shrink, placed it in the hdd, and backed-up that way. doing it the new way, it does not place anything in the hdd or create folders. so i did a test play, and it works. i only backed up in 5.1 and chose not to use DTS, for the simple fact it was faster, and if i ended up with a coaster, i would not be devistated...
i learn something new everyday....
anyway, now lets get back on topic... today is the day darien gets his 2805..............wooooooooooohooooooooooooo !! best he is already creaming...... haha !! j/k
let us know darien...
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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17. November 2005 @ 05:08 |
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I was loking at the 2805 then I noticed Denon has several new models, along with Yamaha that have 7.1, HDMI inputs and outputs, video upconversion using DCDI technology and a host of other features...not as cheap of course as the 2805, but still I feel behind in my receiver options, but I have to wait for this one to begin going bad, but to be honest I haven't had a lick of problems with my YamahaRXV 995...and these things are like Denon...built like tanks. Not problem I'll just enjoy a friend's new purchase at ad. Have a good one.
congrats on the copy!
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17. November 2005 @ 05:49 |
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Thanks for all the info and advice. CloneDVD2 sounds like my speed. Will look into it (as well as that movie which gear isn't trying to duplicate; must be a great flick).
Gear is right: you've got a great piece of equipment, try all your options, see what works and what you like. Best way to learn and know for sure. Darien, can you bi-wire your speakers? My 3805 has bi-amping/wiring capability; I'll check to see if your's does. Not every one is into it and I can see why. Usually doesn't matter much but with me it does because of the stuff I listen to. Keep us posted on how you're making out with your new toy!
Temp has dropped nearly fifty degrees since yesterday and will be down to 20 tomorrow. Should have stayed in Miami. Got a lot of chuckles reading your gearhead comments; you're a pretty funny guy!
@all...I pity the guy who tries to follow this particular thread! Have a great one!...Gerry
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17. November 2005 @ 06:27 |
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i follow this thread just fine Gerry.... i like multi-tasking. from dvd players, to well, just to sum it all up, i dabble in it all here now that i have found AD..
did i mention my wife's dog was murdered ? little chiwawa (spelling)
she is heart broken.
did i also mention, not in this thread i am sure, but another...
my new yammy, 2 weeks after i bought it, it went tits up...
had a bad DSP board, they gave me a new unit, but i was furious. they told me they had to order it from yamaha, straight from japan, was gonna take a month to get and fix... i demanded a new unit, i did not pay all that money for a refurbished unit, even though it was covered by warranty. i am sure all of you would not want to drop that much money and then get a refurbed unit... i also got me some free banana plugs for my bitching... i had paid cash for it, so i demanded some compensation, and i got it.
anyway, i have babbled on long enough.
its a cool 40 degrees f here gerry, got my jacket on and the heaters going in the shop.... boss dont like it cuz we have the doors open too, he says we are wasting money... oh well, i dont pay the bills here.
see ya all later..
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69