Connecting Denon AVR (2805) to 2 speakers (stereo mode)
10. January 2006 @ 18:50 |
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I'm not familiar with them at all. Remember, I am a complete newbie. I only know what I have read on CNET and heard from friends who seem to be in the know. Is there one I should consider instead of the Denon?
The speakers I am looking at are these:
Thoughts? These were an editor's choice on CNET and look good on paper. Seem good? I like the fact that they come in Chery wood and look great so I do not have to hide them.
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12. January 2006 @ 04:16 |
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Hi sfo1sjb! I hope you are well? I would stick with the 2805 if you can get it replaced; it really is an awesome machine but like you said, they've replaced it with a new model as they always start doing at this time of year. BTW, they replace speakers with new models at this time of year too and give probably ever larger discounts on the old ones that you got on the Denon. I know you said you can't afford it now but those deep discounts are always available at this time of year and will, in fact, get better and better through March. "High End" stores often have the very best sales and discounts because no one goes there for last year's models. I shop at "Tweeter" all the time at this time of year...but ONLY at this time of year (well, I wait until closer to March)!
I haven't had a chance to look at the speakers you linked; gear has a pretty good site too. The thing is, speakers are the most subject part of the system. I don't know that I'd feel comfortable buying without even hearing. My example: I have top of the Mirage buddy has top of the line Polk. Both are truly awesome but have an entirely different sound. I think his Polks are entirely too "brassy" or sharp ... he thinks mine are too neutral or not bright enough...but that is the whole point because we listen to different things and have different needs. You too will notice this difference when you go sample them; many models of the same cost...all very good quality ...but sound different from each other. That's where the subjectivity of personal taste comes into the mix.
15. January 2006 @ 07:35 |
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Gerry...thanks for the input. Maybe I need to do some more comparison shopping on the speakers. I was going off 2 reasons for the speakers I linked...1 highest rating on CNET (not sure your thoughts but so far CNET has yet to do me wrong) and the fact that they come in real wood cabinets so the speakers are attractive rather than something I would have to try to find a way to hide. To my knowledge they only sell direct however and I do not believe it is possible to listen to them in advance like in a showroom setting. I will check their web site to see if they have demo locations or the like.
Do you happen to know the new model number for the replacement of the 2805? Pickings are getting a little slim on eBay and web sotres for the 2805. Seem to be close to gone. I have the high bid in now for a replacement 2805 and the auction ends today so I have my fingers crossed.
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15. January 2006 @ 13:01 |
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Hello! I will look to see what the replacement model is...something tells me it's a 2806 (I seems to recall seeing that) but I will doublecheck.
I must have given you the wrong idea; I didn't mean to criticize you choice in speakers, I know nothing about them; I simply couldn't understand buying speakers without hearing them first ... I'm sure they can be returned if you don't like them. But, heh, what do I know? My friend Ralph did the same thing with some seriously pricy speakers he bought from a company called "Ohm Acoustics" without ever having heard them; he saw them reviewed. When they arrived, I thought they were the strangest looking things but the sound was awesome! I think maybe choosing speakers was difficult for me because of what I listen to. Will get back to you about the new model. Get that thing soon!'ve got more patience that me!
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15. January 2006 @ 13:42 |
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Gerry1 beat me to the punch.........03,04,05,06.......indicate year model
1803.....low model made 2003
2804.....step up, made 2004
3805.....another step up made 2005
and so on
check out this.........The AVR-4806 will be available around April of this year at an MSRP of $3,500.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. January 2006 @ 13:54
16. January 2006 @ 09:41 |
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I got my 2805. It's on its way! $550 including shipping and insurance. Pretty good price all things considered. I just hope this one works.
The deal with aperion is that they give you a 30 day in-home trial. You only pay for shipping if you return. (Not cheap when you consider the size of the units but much cheapr than paying for new ones.) I am going to get into some show rooms and see if I can hear some other set-ups for comparison's sake. Thanks for all the help.
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16. January 2006 @ 10:30 |
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$550... not to bad, but i know there is a wee bit better for that price range (online) you just have to find em.
i saw the flagship onkyo at one time for like 6 bills..
but that unit weighed like over 80 lbs.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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23. January 2006 @ 04:27 |
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Howdy sfo1sjb (that's too hard to remember). How are you? Any luck getting the new 2805? Remember to try to find some speaker somewhere to use for a center; again, it doesn't have to be wonderful. Someone must have one kicking aroung...hell, go to a salvation army of a pawn shop...just something to deliver the center dialog. Put it in the center, set it to small, keep the volume down and keep the center EQ flat...just dialog.
Hope you are well. I haven't been around as much as usual; my hard drive is dying so I'm not online much at home. Hopefully, I'll be in full swing by Friday. Take it easy!....Gerry
23. January 2006 @ 21:32 |
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Gerry. You are right, my handle is not a terribly easy one. It comes from a work acronym from a former company. SFO is for San Francisco, 1 is the District office and the SJB are my initials. I began using is as a user name for the web because it is anonymous and no one ever has it taken. I should probably come up with something easier though.
I am supposed to get my new 2805 tomorrow or Wed. Can't wait to get it hooked up. I am on the look out for a cheap center speaker. Sorry to be so lame, but can it be any kind of speaker? Do I need something that is rated at at least 100 Watts? Can it be one of those old style 2 or three way speakers? I can get one of those pretty cheap at a thrift store if I need to. I am prowling eBay for a center speaker cheap.
Once I have the system set up, I will post my outcome. I really appreciate the assistance. Any thoughts on those Aperion speakers? Any other sets you recommend in the same price range?
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24. January 2006 @ 04:32 |
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HI Sfo! How are you? Yeah, I'll bet you can't wait to get it set up! I remember how I was when I was expecting mine...and what you've been through would have made me a real nut case.
Obviously, using just anything for a center speaker is hardly ideal but the center speaker is so important that even that will be infinitely better than none. THe two or three way speakers you spoke of are o.k. until you get something better. It doesn't have to be 100w; you won't be really cranking it and you'll be setting the speaker to "small" with a totally flat response. Some effects do come through the center but you can toy with that later, you only want it for dialog at least initially so set if for small and the equalizer totally flat. If you do get one of those two or three way, get what seems to be the best rated. You know though, you can probably find a real cheapie center at walmart of radio shack...I'll look around. You can run without a center but believe me, you don't want too; it'll be really weird. If you have a regular tube TV you DON'T want to sit an unshielded speaker right on top.
Set the whole system up and connect everything before turning it on. You don't need zillion dollar speaker wire that so many are suckered into buying but don't use cheap crap either...decent 16g speaker wire from like radio shack will do fine. Connect your speakers carefully; Make sure you have positive to positive to positive and negative to negative. On the 2805, the positive is the red post and the negative is the black post. I don't know how your kenwoods are marked; it could be red and black, it could be (+) and (-) or it could be just a red dot of paint on the positive. Make sure you have clean and solid connections at both stray strands of wire sticking out all over the place. Only turn it on after you've done this.
I haven't checked out the aperions yet but I will; I'm curious. Gear also has a site of some with nice specs that are inexpensive; I'll find it or ask him to post the site.
Don't let yourself get too frustrated when you fist set up. To some its a sinch and they get the hang of it immediately. If you're like me, you get a bit frustrated at first but after doing it, you wonder why you had a hard time because its so easy. Talk to you later SFo, keep us posted....Gerry
25. January 2006 @ 16:13 |
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Thanks for the tip. I will check @ Radio Shack or the like for something cheap for that center.
I got the 2805 today and hooked it up, at least partially. I have the CD player working with the Kenwood speakers. Sounds awesome, especially since these are a pair of $75 used speakers with ne center as yet. I still have to hook up the video components so I can get sound via the Dennon on DVD's and the like.
I am pretty stoked about this. I can only imagine how good they will sound once I get the surround going on them! Let me know what you think when you get a chance to look at that Apreion site.
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26. January 2006 @ 03:44 |
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Hi SFO! How are you and the new toy coming along? I'll bet you were glad to finally get it and gladder still to find that it works!
I was looking at the aperions; really nice and price is good too. Which of their models were you looking at? Tell me, what will be their primary use, movies, music both?
Gear has been posting another speaker site very similar to the aperions which you should also take a look at: <> Check out particularly these two sets of five speakers..."AV-HTB+" and "SX-HTB+" the first goes for about $275.00 the second for about $475.00 (both come without the sub but you can add a sub at any time).
Take a look at your 2805, does it have surround A and Surround B (not back speakers but two surrounds on the right and the left instead of just one.) if so, this is a nifty feature for which your Kenwoods probably do once you get your new speakers. I ignored this feature for the longest time; surround A is used for movies while surround A and B is designed for music. I thought it was nonsense and never even tried it for the longest time but I was stunned when I really is neat.
Well, gotta go. Hope you are well! ... Gerry
P.S. SFO, if you don't mind my asking, what would you anticipate your budget to be for speakers (say, a matched set all the way around). I've been trying to find some idenpendant reviews of both the Aperions and the Fluances and I've been coming across some rather good deals. I had no idea that people like Polk and Klipsch and others made so many multiple speaker "surround packages" the better of them (with sub) for about 700.00 and some for about $500. With the Aperios though, if you were looking at the "System E" that sold for $2,300.00 we could put together much better for that kind of money. With speakers, it use to be that "bigger is better" but with subwoofers now, that isn't necessarily the case anymore. With small speakers, it will take the bottom quater of the sound and route it through the sub...bass, being non-directional, you will notice no difference. Mirage makes a small speaker surround system; the speakers are the size of half a grapefruit and the sound was so awesome, it made my jaw drop! Anyway, get out of that old fashioned frame of mind that bigger is better...ain't necessarily so anymore. ....Gerry
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. January 2006 @ 08:58
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1. February 2006 @ 05:46 |
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Hi SFO! I'm not too sure when you're planning to get speakers but I thought I'd let you know that Crutchfield is having a great sale on some matched speaker systems...not top of the live but nice stuff at nice prices.