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18. February 2006 @ 10:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The point of System link is to play games with your friends NOT strangers on internet. Let say I have a group of friends like 12 or more ppl. And we want to play games (ex:halo2) together on the weekend. So we setup 6-8 xbox in local network at someone's house. After 4-5 round of shooting. We are having fun and getting hungry. Then call to a Pizza store and get them delivery. Then we eat, drink and talk about the game. It is a game party fun fun fun all night long on the weekend. That are the greatest part of Xbox. With PC, I'm you guys don't have that Spirit.
Uhm, you can do that. Its called LAN-party, when you get your PC:s to local network in someones house. Ppl do it all the time with PCs. Theres also some HC-parties like assembly. Thousands of ppl in same area, playing, coding, doing all the stuff with their own PC:s. And you said we don't have that Spirit. ;) ~ Peliohjelmointiopas yms. ~ Neonbits -pelitalo
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18. February 2006 @ 20:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'll pick a PC over console anyday
Only true gamers say that. LOL. I love PC games. The only bad thing about pc is you need to keep upgrade your computer every 4 or 5years. But that's same with console. I don't understand how people can buy console when there's a pc!!!!!
19. February 2006 @ 20:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
WOOHOOO GOOO PC!!! Seriously, system link is basically the same thing with PC Lan parties, everythings the same but yeah, Host on pc's can do anything, BAN, ADD Id, reserve id's, NEthing, so systemlink(BLeH) mean its not bad, but hey, i still prefer playing games on the netowork for free than paying monthly for xbox live....which just add more cost to the monthly bills
19. February 2006 @ 21:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
2 : rihgt682
PC RuleZ!!!

I wouldnt ever consider another console got a ps2 with about 100 games and you know how with a PC. PCs are great for everything.
It really depends what kind of games you like. Pc is only good for first person shooter.

Dont know what thats all about?

but with the right controller you can plug it into your USB and play your Grand Theft Auto's , racing games, etc. In my opinion PC is the best for any game why play a game on console when you can play it on PC with 10x better graphics. Yeah PC is expensive but its way worth it. Youll get your moneys worth plus a little extra. The gaming experience is priceless! So for all the people who have not tried PC gaming or do no want to. You are missing out bigtime.
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20. February 2006 @ 07:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think console is like a mini pc but you can only play games.You can't surt the web,downlaod music,chat,video,burn movies,burn games,email,word and etc..... They are so many advanages with pc. I don't think that pc cost so much more. Not to mention pc games are cheaper.
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20. February 2006 @ 08:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok. You guys kick my ass here. I'm in your side now. I just got the adapters for xbox controllers and ps2 controllers to connect to PC through USB ports. I'm not used to keyboard and mouse to play game. I start playing Halopc, my first game on PC. But I hate the auto aim.

Well my pc is not good enough. It wont be able to load Doom. It gave errors. But Halo is ok. Hmm.... maybe my video card. I have 1GB memory.


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20. February 2006 @ 10:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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21. February 2006 @ 00:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok ok... this is like comparing a vw beetle to the mclaren... and its funny to see how many of you prefer the vw beetle... but you know what? its not that odd at all when i stop to think about it... because there are alot more beetles on the road... but i have a question for you bitTorrent people out.... how are you finding games worth playing? when i look for any good games in a p2p program all i can find is shit like sim city3000 and pong.... wtf... am i just unlucky?
21. February 2006 @ 00:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the pc is the xbox...and the playstation and the gamecube and the psp... plus its a jukebox... a tv... a dvd player... a mailbox... a peep show... a telephone ... a fax machine..... a stereo... a word processor.. a publisher.... i mean there is no fucking limit... it is what it is and it is what you make it.... the xbox is just an xbox... woooo the only arguement here i saw worthy of attention in the consoles deffense is the money youll save after modding it out.... but what are you trying to achieve when you mod it out? your trying to make it more like your pc... lol see where im going with th@?
21. February 2006 @ 01:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i was talking to the first half of this thread by the way.... i just noticed what you said.... rihgt682 i have to agree with you
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21. February 2006 @ 12:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So what is wrong if I use xbox or ps2 controller?


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21. February 2006 @ 21:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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So what is wrong if I use xbox or ps2 controller?

what do you mean by that??? on the pc or the actual console???
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21. February 2006 @ 21:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think he meant on a pc. Well i don't like to use controlle because you have better aim with mouse and you make a lot faster turns.
but what are you trying to achieve when you mod it out? your trying to make it more like your pc
LOL, that is so true. and My moded xbox costed $450. which was so expensive.

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22. February 2006 @ 07:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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22. February 2006 @ 02:33
"Well i don't like to use controlle because you have better aim with mouse and you make a lot faster turns."

i have to agree definetly with that one... the mouse is best part to use for FPS
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22. February 2006 @ 07:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After a couple of days playing halopc, I can see why you guys refer mouse and keyboard over xbox and ps2 controllers. With mouse and key board, you just point and shoot. Plus it got auto aim so 100% hit target. Look like you dont need experiences in aiming. Just move your mouse quickly to the head and shoot. If I use xbox and ps2 controllers, it is much slower to aim and I get killed by that time.

Playing halo on xbox is different. You have to aim inorder to hit target. Even you aim at the ear, you still miss the target. So if you are a great shooter, you have a lot of experiences with aiming and shooting.


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23. February 2006 @ 14:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They should use mouse for xbox. Then people might buy it. They should also make it so we can hook it up to monitor.

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23. February 2006 @ 21:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After a couple of days playing halopc, I can see why you guys refer mouse and keyboard over xbox and ps2 controllers. With mouse and key board, you just point and shoot. Plus it got auto aim so 100% hit target. Look like you dont need experiences in aiming. Just move your mouse quickly to the head and shoot. If I use xbox and ps2 controllers, it is much slower to aim and I get killed by that time.

Playing halo on xbox is different. You have to aim inorder to hit target. Even you aim at the ear, you still miss the target. So if you are a great shooter, you have a lot of experiences with aiming and shooting.
humm... Halo is about the only game that have auto aim on PC(if you don't cheat in other games) and that auto aim is inherited from console version. Try playing games that are not inherited from console. Like HL2 or Painkiller. ~ Peliohjelmointiopas yms. ~ Neonbits -pelitalo
24. February 2006 @ 09:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

After a couple of days playing halopc, I can see why you guys refer mouse and keyboard over xbox and ps2 controllers. With mouse and key board, you just point and shoot. Plus it got auto aim so 100% hit target. Look like you dont need experiences in aiming. Just move your mouse quickly to the head and shoot. If I use xbox and ps2 controllers, it is much slower to aim and I get killed by that time.

Playing halo on xbox is different. You have to aim inorder to hit target. Even you aim at the ear, you still miss the target. So if you are a great shooter, you have a lot of experiences with aiming and shooting.
Well, i've played the demo version of halo on pc, but where does the auto aim or should crosshair point at when it auto aims?? if its the body, doesnt it prevent your from shooting a perfect head shot?? Like do you have to tweak the mouse little to shoot the head?... i mean i guess it can be a little down fall to the game but i guess your still really kinna aim but with precision instead of accuracy
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25. February 2006 @ 15:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The PC is better than a console!!

Many have said that the PC is more expensive...but you have to pay more to get more right?

First of all, you can not only play games with your pc but you can also back up games and about five years later you can play emulated console games...look at project 64 these's amazing...Cxbx is an emulator that takes a real .xbe xbox game and not a rom in other words meaning you can download xbox games and in the future you can play them...not to mention while you are waiting for the emulators, there are many great pc games out there!!

All of you who say you do not like to play with keyboard and mouse: here is a solution, buy an xbox 360 controller and connect it to ur comp and download the patch by microsoft to make it work on the comp!!!

Clearly a pc can (or will in the near future) do everything a console can do. (in this case an xbox)

Although, I do have and love my xbox, I still agree that a comp is better and I have almost finished collecting money for my comp that i am building

the specs are as follows:

-4 gb ddr (pc3200) 400 mhz ram
-intel pentium 4 3.2 Ghz (640) cpu
-80 gb internal hdd and 250 gb external hdd
-5 fans (I will buy watercooling later on)
-very big tower
-1 cd-rom drive, 1 cd-burner drive and one drive that does it all dual layer dvd etc...
-floppy disk drive
-256 MB pci express 16x graphics card by ati (x600 pro)
-asus p5gdc motherboard (socket 775)

I will obviously pay more but think about the next generation you guys will have to buy a new console therefore paying more money while I will only have to upgrade my graphics card...back to the money factor....when the time comes by choosing the console side you will end up losing money...

Don't count on halo 3 by the 360 to beat the!!!! when halo 4 comes out on the 360 halo 3 will be on pc (better and improved ofcourse just like halo 2 on pc coming soon it will be better than the xbox version)
Now you guys mioght think omg!!! u have to get windows vista to play halo 2 on pc but I am certain that someone will find a patch/crack that will make it work on XP!!!

What more do you guys have to say against the comp!!!
Note: when ppl say comp they are never precise as to what comp they just complain about that fact!!!

Besides all that xbox is also pretty expensive...because if you want to play backed up games you will depend on a comp for that....i no u guys will say but oh ima buy a comp cheaper....there calculate

-comp can do many more things in every way especially gaming wise!!!
-xbox+360+an ok comp=almost as much as a kick ass ready for the far future comp...

If there any more complaints or questions, direct them to me...

Thank you...

If I insult you...don't get insults are "friendly insults"...I know this sounds stupid (ridiculous) but I am fet up of writing, "no offense" in my posts...

My Comp: (will add specs later)
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25. February 2006 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Computer rocks!!!!! I love my pc so much!!!!! Only stupid people will say console is better than pc.

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26. February 2006 @ 19:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
extremely educated approach... i havde to agree it with you.... but id rather say some shit like "pc or are you stupid?" i honestly cant believe they had to ask... im blown away... of course pc reigns
26. February 2006 @ 20:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the specs are as follows:

-4 gb ddr (pc3200) 400 mhz ram
-intel pentium 4 3.2 Ghz (640) cpu
-80 gb internal hdd and 250 gb external hdd
-5 fans (I will buy watercooling later on)
-very big tower
-1 cd-rom drive, 1 cd-burner drive and one drive that does it all dual layer dvd etc...
-floppy disk drive
-256 MB pci express 16x graphics card by ati (x600 pro)
-asus p5gdc motherboard (socket 775)
You sure you know how to build?? I mean man, you should do a little homework before posting the correct specs., i build comps and yeah , the asus board supports the ddr2 and other than that wrong cpu too, lol...well newais, PC rocks still lol
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27. February 2006 @ 06:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you dont own a ficking computer, so do not post. AND dont even say playing games on PC is better than Xbox.

Back to download on pc, nowadays there are tons of security check for PC games playing online. Even you get free games download, but you can't play online. Some of good games you have to pay to play, just like xbox Live.

I'm here not to talk about PC abilities. I'm here to talk about playing games on PC and Xbox.

As everyone know PC is way better than xbox for everything else but playing games.


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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27. February 2006 @ 13:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As everyone know PC is way better than xbox for everything else but playing games.
That's a lie. Pc is beter than xbox playing games.
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27. February 2006 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hmmm PC Vs Games Console?

So all this talking was write on XBOX or PS2...NO. All of us use a PC for learn and find games, news , cheating codes and I can go for ever. Every game is made on sometype of Computer and not the Console it self. No matter what anyone says PC are the winner, you can do 100 things more than just play, and if you have the desire to learn and surf the net you don't even have to pay for new games or anything like that again.

One more thing is there a EQ, EQII, SWG or WOW for any console game? Guess Not.

Mention anygame that a console game have that a PC can't have?

Anygame can be made for a PC, but not any game can be made for a console game.

Don't take me wrong consoles games are good, for the purose they were made, however if I have to choose no doubt a PC over any console any day. > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > pc vs xbox

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