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Pioneer vsx-2 speakers and issues
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Junior Member
25. April 2006 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thnaks for the reply gerry, i have been waiting patiently, but i know i cant expect answers immediately! I aint been doing nothing at all lately, as i said before, i graduate this summer so i have a few months off, its a hard life! Aint looking forward to entering the real world and getting a job though, the amout of training you have to do to keep your registration is quite unbelievable!

Managed to turn the sub off, i forgot to turn the front speakers to large, so thats why the sub wouldnt switch off, duh!

I was asking around over at the avforums for answers as i found a few users with the same amp as me. Its a shame i didnt get a reply as i figured someone with the same amp would have some good tips for me.

Video problems are still an issue. I still have no brightness/contrast options when viewing HD video via the component inputs. I noticed that when viewing HD video, the video converter light goes off if that helps? I have d/l a few GB of HD samples and they are all the same. Dark heavy black show 'ghost' like images, its really annoying and does spoil the viewing expereience. I thought that maybe my eye's would have adjusted by now, but that aint the case, its becoming more frustrating by the day! For example, the cockpit view in project gotham 3 used to look stunning, a real driving experience, but now the dash board in any car looks like its been taken over by casper the annoying ghost! Everything else in game appears darker than usual. Tried messing around with the in game options and my tv settings but still having no luck.

Same goes for ps2, HD gaming is darker than usual, with 'ghosting' blacks and still off centre. NTSC games arent so bad as they are usually a bit off centre to the right when on a PAL display. This seems to provide more of a balance in getting the screen on centre as my amp displays my ps2 way off centre to the left.

If your out there Ced, or any other vsx2 users, please give me some input, as i really need to releave all this frustration!
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25. April 2006 @ 08:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My apologies Menz, but I didn't PM him until this morning. I left him links to your amp and TV and told him which post to look at where you explain the display problem. I feel bad; I should have PMd him sooner but frankly, I just forgot in all the mayhem. Sorry.
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3. May 2006 @ 06:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry about the lateness of my reply, just read the PM...

Tvs are normally very good at sencing the properties of a video signal (i.e. NTSC, ATSC, PAL, SDTV, HDTV, 2:3 pulldown, ect...). Its a long shot but I would start by using a diffent cable with your PS2. What you are discribing I've only seen happen with damaged low quality coax cables. When the resistance of the cable changes it can effect everything about the picture (and sound) adversly.


So, everything is dark? With a projection TV all off the brightness is determined by the Lamp. Do you buy your TV new or referbished?

Will get back to you after I have done more reaserch,

Junior Member
3. May 2006 @ 08:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the reply ced, i have been waiting patiently!

I think you may be right on the ps2 issue. I bought some cheap ass component cable to do me for now, I will check using my s-video cable as it a half decent cable when compared to the component.

As for the TV, i bought it new. Everything on it is great, but all went to pot when i bought the receiver. When viewing my xbox and ps2 on high def using component in, hdmi out on my receiver, the blacks look all funny showing ghost like images. Not all blacks are like this, just really dark/grey areas. I managed to combat this by turing the brightness and other options down on my telly. The 'ghost' images more or less disappeared but gave me a picture that was too dark overall for my liking. In my receivers manual, it states that i can adjust the brightness and contrast options in the a/v parameters but it appears that this option is only available when the video converter is on. I know this because i switched my 360 to standard def for a bit. when i go into the options, the brightness and contrast options are there. However when i turn the video converter off, the options disappear again. When i can adjust the brightness/contast on the receiver, i can get the picture quality i had before with no dodgey blacks and everything is bright and wonderfull as usual.

I really hope this makes sense and if there is anyting specific you need to know then please ask and i will reply. My last few posts go into as much detail as probably possible, but as i said, please ask if you require more info. I havent contacted pioneer yet, i was going to hold out first to see if any of you guys could help me 1st.

Thanks again for taking some time to help me again ced, its appreciated.
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4. May 2006 @ 03:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just stopped by to say hello....out of town all week again and away from the site for the most part. Hope you are well menz adn Ced! > forums > home theater > receivers and amplifiers > pioneer vsx-2 speakers and issues

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