PSP 3.40oea wont load iso/cso
Junior Member
19. August 2007 @ 06:35 |
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i have a problem! when i go to configuration it just freezes and shuts down, hence i cant change the kernel!!any ideas please? because i cant play any games.
Junior Member
19. August 2007 @ 16:02 |
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what firmware do you have?
Junior Member
19. August 2007 @ 18:46 |
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3.4 OE-A
Junior Member
20. August 2007 @ 12:04 |
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ok um go to recovery mode then configuration find 1.5 kernal and change it to 3.40 kernal then exit and go to advvanced there should be 3names flash 0 and 1 and some other one which is the first one on the top i just forgot the name i think its options then there will be 3 things there disable them all then that all . hope it works
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22. August 2007 @ 16:19 |
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Hi still have a problem hi have the 3.40OE and the option is active not the 1.50 in options. Hi have the 3 options in advance disable and hi diactivate the umd run but still dont work and when hi diactive the Umd run the game dose not even start´s. Game like Fight Night 3 S Tour and many more
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25. August 2007 @ 15:33 |
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anyone ???
Junior Member
27. August 2007 @ 15:28 |
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Lol have a problem with booting up burnout dominator.iso
My PSP life: 1.50>2.00>2.71>3.03> 3.30(Noooo!!!)>3.50>3.50HEN>1.50>3.40OE-A>3.52M33>>3.52M33>3.52M33-4>1.50>3.40OE-A>3.52>3.52M33-4
Plainin to get the slim (moddified) BUT IT THE ONLY THING IS THAT IT HAS NO 1.50 KERNEL!{^_^}
24. September 2007 @ 23:26 |
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hi on my recovery mode when i press x to go to the configaration settings all i get is a blue blank screen and my cso games have suddenly stopped working any help??
26. September 2007 @ 20:16 |
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i have followed all of ur advice i have tried 2 iso's and 1 cso and none work when i goto game there is nothing there at all i have a umd inserted the kernal thingy is set to 3.40 all my options except that UMD one is disabled DOES ANYONE HAVE A CLUE WHAT IS WRONG???? also i have a PAL PSP
AfterDawn Addict
26. September 2007 @ 22:03 |
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I would suggest going to 3.52 M33-4. First i would recover to 1.50 then upgrade to newest CFW...
First off make sure your PSP is plugged in to the AC Adapter. Keep your PSP plugged in the whole time you are doing these steps.
The PSP also needs to have a battery charge level of 75% or higher. To check the Battery level go to your system settings then battery information. It will give you the % level there. If it is lower then 75% turn off the PSP and let it charge till it is over 75% (I would recommend charging it to 100$)
Now it is time to downgrade to 1.50
Format your memory Stick using PSP system settings.
Download this RECOVERY file.
Extract the file which will extract a RECOVERY folder. Now connect the PSP to PC via USB. Place the RECOVERY folder in the /PSP/GAME folder of the PSP Memory Stick.
Now go to recovery menu.
Do this by turning off the PSP. Hold the power button up till the power led turns off. Now hold the R shoulder button down and keep it down while turning the PSP on.
The Recovery menu should come up. When it does select the option "RUN PROGRAM AT /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP follow the on screen instructions and it will downgrade your PSP back to 1.50 firmware (After it downgrades you might get a blue screen with a bunch of text. If you get this screen just hit O and the PSP will reboot and you will need to enter your settings).
Go to the System Settings then system information and make sure it says 1.50 before continuing below.
If it says 1.50 then you can start the steps below. If it doesn't then you did something incorrect so try the steps above again.
Time to update to 3.52 M33 then 3.52 M33-4
Format the Memory Stick using system settings.
Download the 3.52 M33 CFW linked below. (I have placed all needed files in this download)
3.52 M33 HERE
Extract the file which will extract a UPGRADE_FILES folder. Inside this folder is kxploitpatcher, kxploitpatcher% and M33CREATOR.
Copy the M33CREATOR, kxploitpatcher and kxploitpatcher% folders to the PSP/GAME folder.
Go to Game Menu Memory Stick and run the KXploit Permanent Patcher (There will be a corrupt data file also here but ignore it because It is normal). It should run and say patched successfully and reboot back to the XMB(PSP menu).
Now go to game Menu Memory Stick and run the M33CREATOR.
When you run the M33CREATOR it will show parsing 150 writing 150 then parsing 352 writing 352 something like that. When it is done it should reboot back to the XMB.
Now go to Game Menu Memory Stick and run the 3.52 M33 UPDATE that the M33CREATOR created. It will flash the files to the PSP when it is finished it will say press X to shutdown. Go ahead and press X after the PSP turns off turn it back on and go to system settings then system information and check to see if your at 3.52 M33 firmware. If you are then do the below steps. If you are not then you did something wrong and need to redo the steps above.
If your at 3.52 M33 reformat the Memory Stick again.
Download the below 3.52 M33-4 update.
3.52 M33-4 HERE
Now extract the 3.52 M33-4 update.
After installing 3.52 M33-4 follow the below suggestion to get your ISO/CSO files working correctly...
Make sure the title of the ISO/CSO is short.
Correct -- Fifa07.iso
Not Correct -- FIFA-07-[PSP][EUR][www.torrent].iso
Now right click on the ISO/CSO file and choose Properties. Make sure the Read Only and Hidden box is unchecked and the Archive Box is checked.
Go into recovery mode (Hold R shoulder button down while turning on PSP)
Now go to configuration then to UMD MODE and keep pressing X till you see Sony NP9660 NO UMD.
When it is set to the above setting go to BACK and press X.
Now go to ADVANCED and press X.
Make sure all the settings here are disabled.
Now EXIT out of recovery.
Now try the ISO/CSO.
3. December 2007 @ 13:41 |
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hi, i have a prbloem with this cf, i can get the games to appear on the game manu, i put them on the ISO folder but they just dont show up... can you guys help me...
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22. December 2007 @ 07:43 |
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i had PSP 2.80...Now i changed my version to 3.40 OE-A
I downloaded a ISO game..Copied to Memory Stick in ISO folder.
Now i cannot play the game...the technician told me to insert a demo UMD disc to play the games..
wat shud i do,i dont hav any umd disc....and from wich site v can download good iso games for free.
AfterDawn Addict
22. December 2007 @ 11:26 |
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Originally posted by DJMachu: Hi,
i had PSP 2.80...Now i changed my version to 3.40 OE-A
I downloaded a ISO game..Copied to Memory Stick in ISO folder.
Now i cannot play the game...the technician told me to insert a demo UMD disc to play the games..
wat shud i do,i dont hav any umd disc....and from wich site v can download good iso games for free.
You should install an M33 version and use the Sony NP9660 NO UMD driver.
Go HERE and follow this small guide which will install 3.71 M33-2 to your PSP. After you update to 3.71 M33-2 just run the 3.72 M33-4 and 1.50 kernel ADD ON-2 to get the PSP fully updated.
Then go HERE and follow these steps to get your game ISO/CSO working properly.
If you don't want to update to the most current custom firmware then go into recovery mode (Turn off the PSP and then hold R Trigger down while turning it back on). The recovery menu should then come up. Go to configuration and then to UMD ISO MODE and change it to 1 of the NO UMD drivers. Then exit out of recovery menu and try playing the game. But you will get better game compatibility going to 3.71 M33-4 and use the Sony NP9660 NO UMD driver.
28. February 2008 @ 20:18 |
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Hi Guys
Umm I ahve a problem with my psp which has a CF of 3.52 m33
The problem is that everytime i click on the gamefolder which has my games saved in it (on the psp itself),it begins to loads and then cuts off after a few seconds, i really dont know what happened, it doesnt do it when i click on PICTURES,MUSIC,VIDEOS, etc, it only happens when i click the games folder and LocationFree Player.
Please Help Much appreciated
29. February 2008 @ 01:18 |
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Thanks for all your tips on getting ISO's to work.
Just a quick one though, does it matter which UMD I use? I know I can't use UMD movies for it, but does it matter which game UMD I use?
Senior Member
29. February 2008 @ 03:04 |
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depends on what fw your on some games require high fw like 3.50 so if your having problems with some new games and you've try all the things to get it working it might be that you need to update you fw to a newer version. so far all games run on 3.71m33-4
as for umd videos they can be ripped and played but they can only run on 3.71m33+ (i think dont know if it was on 3.52m33?)
29. February 2008 @ 03:25 |
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I have the custom firmware 3.40 OE-A
I don't think I worded my question correctly.
I have a few ISO games and I understand that some ISO's require a UMD game in the psp at the time, Does it matter which UMD game is in the psp?
Senior Member
29. February 2008 @ 07:28 |
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no it doesnt mater which umd disc you put in because it using the drivers for the umd to boot the iso like tricking in thinking that its running a umd (i think). you can set it so that it doesnt even need to have a umd in if you put no umd on.
Originally posted by cjsok: I understand that some ISO's require a UMD game in the psp
all isos and csos require a umd disc in if its got no umd turned off but if its switch on then you dont need a umd in. 0_<
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. February 2008 @ 07:29
2. March 2008 @ 17:15 |
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Thanks for your time and effort Dr1ver for answering my question.
3. March 2008 @ 17:39 |
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Further exploration: I cannot use ANY homebrew.
My system information tab says 3.52 m33 I patched using the files at psp (dash) hacks (dot) com, just cause I had them bookmarked.
Whenever I click on the Games - Memory Card tab, I get a little circle in the lower left corner of the screen for about 1 second then it vanishes. No other feedback occurs -- no sound, no screen changes, etc. On all other tabs, accessing the memory card, it says "No Data".
I have tried in both 1.5 mode and 3.52 mode. I have formatted my memory card. I have copied over the patcher again, just to make sure, and tried /psp/games, /psp/games150, and /psp/games340. No dice.
For some reason my PSP's UI has stopped being able to access the memory card entirely for any form of program running.
I have tried UMD mode on and off, no change. Currently all advanced - Advanced options in recovery are disabled.
Any ideas? Did I brick my PSP?