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Man faces maximum of 210 years for P2P child porn trading
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Man faces maximum of 210 years for P2P child porn trading

article published on 16 September, 2007

A 44 year old man from Dundalk, Maryland, is facing 11 charges for child pornography offenses, five counts of receipt of child pornography, five counts of transportation of child pornography, and one count of possession of child pornography. He got caught in an FBI investigation that targeted sharers of child porn on P2P networks. Project Safe Childhood was created by Attorney General Alberto ... [ read the full article ]

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18. September 2007 @ 17:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by aldan:
hes lucky.the sonofabitch lives in protective custody and gets three squares a day,unlike some of the children exploited by these bastards.death by castration is too good for him and all others like him.
Just wait untill he gets to prison. I don't think pedo's are looked to kindly upon in the big house, by the guards or the inmates. So we'll just see if the sicko get what's comming to him.
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19. September 2007 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
by the way if you think looking at the pictures isnt as bad as making them guess again.if no one looked at the shit making it would become pretty redundant.
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21. September 2007 @ 05:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I believe in the 3 strikes your dead law.
3 Felonies and we execute, no 10 years on death row, special courts made up of only judges to expedite the criminals leaving of the planet. Wake up people, do you know what it costs to keep a prisoner in jail? If these pieces of shit do not want to be a productive part of society then OK, bam, your not! And I do not want to hear from all the liberals who whine about ooh he had a bad childhood or his mommy didn't love him...bla bla bla bullshit. I think from a very young age we all know right from wrong, and if you do not want to live within societies rules then please don't. But don't make us all pay for your housing for the next fifty years either! Wake up people, crime is not getting better, it is more violent and blatant then ever before, and yes maybe the death penalty may not stop a criminal the first time.....but after they are dead they won't be able to do it again!
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21. September 2007 @ 06:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i wish there were stricter punishmnt for child molestation as well.. i was molested uncountable no. of times startin frm the age of 5 in my own home....and now im 21 n still vr fukd in the as far as im concrened im scarred for life...n the culprit gets free in 5 yrs or smtin...n smtimes nthn..!
21. September 2007 @ 10:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A 44 year old man from Dundalk, Maryland, is facing 11 charges for child pornography offenses, 5 counts of receipt of child pornography, 5 counts of transportation of child pornography, and 1 count of possession of child pornography. He got caught in an FBI investigation that targeted sharers of child porn on P2P networks. Project Safe Childhood was created by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, last year.
For all those complaining about the time he is facing and comparing it to murder and rape, please actually read the news posting before you comment. It isn't 210 years for one charge, he is facing 22 different charges and if convicted of all 22 charges he faces a maximum sentence of 210 years. The judge decides how long of a time he will serve, even if his lawyers and the governments lawyers come to an agreement, the judge can still decide to give him more time. He can not appeal the decision if that happens but the government can if it thinks the sentence is to light. And for those saying that he should be sentenced to the electric chair, I don't believe that happens anymore, usually it is just lethal injection. But that shouldn't happen because of all the attorneys fees and court time makes the monetary cost that the taxpayers have to pick up cost more than him spending the rest of his life in prison because they want to do everything possible that they don't execute an innocent person.
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21. September 2007 @ 13:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i hope he gets the book thrown at him sick *bleep*

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. October 2007 @ 06:53

22. September 2007 @ 02:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What a sick bastard...
AfterDawn Addict

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23. September 2007 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Dela:
Execution is not a measured response to what this man has done in my honest opinion, and neither is 210 years in prison. I think it has been mentioned on these comments already and I can't believe it sometimes, but the people who actually do go out and harm children themselves often get very little time in jail whereas people found in possession of this material often get more harsh penalties, even though they may never have harmed a child and maybe they just never could.

It also goes against what many experts are saying. The biggest threat to your children are not the strangers on the Internet, they are actually people in your own family or who are close to your children, this is the horrifying truth in the vast majority of these cases. I think it is just easier for many people to pretend like the real threat to their children is "far away" from them under normal circumstances, not in their company regularly.

Of course, this man broke the law, he committed a crime, but there's another aspect to think about here. Personally, I just "cant" understand the need for people to look at pictures like that. Even if you put aside all the illegality and morals of it, I still just wouldn't see the point or why somebody would actually be attracted to this type of content.

The explanation for this is usually that these people had something happen to them in their lives that made them feel like "it's ok" and "it's normal", and I personally think thats a very sad thing for people who've been abused and even in their middle aged years it still has its affect on them. Like many people who experience similar problems due to their childhood experiences, they don't actually think they need help at all until the gravity of this crime under law is beat into them by a Judge.

Still though, I think using P2P networks and other services to trade this stuff is again, exploitation of technology for the very wrong reasons. I also am not a parent, but I do understand why any parent would get freaked out about this stuff. Hopefully we'll find out soon what happens in this case anyway.
It goes back to the hatred of porn ther distrobuters of this crap need to get alil time the downlanders of this crap minor fines the people that take the pictures and hurt kids need a lot of time.
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18. October 2007 @ 10:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not a very judgmental person. But, if this man is found guilty then I hope he rots in jail!

18. October 2007 @ 11:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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18. October 2007 @ 12:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Razengan:
Dude...???? WHAT?!! He should be given 210 years and I hope that by the time he's done 20 they come up with a way to ratard human aging so he can actually rot in jail for over 200. Child molestation is the worst sin ever. Do you know what it is to be a child and when your are supposed to be thinking in Barney or the Power Rangers you are thinking about sex, because some psycho decided to play with your stuff?

And the worst part is the war you must endure everyday with your messed-up instincts to prevent becoming what you hate most. Child pornography is a way to back up and encourage child molestation, never forget that.

This stuff disgusts me as well, but why not address the underlying issues. Obviously the guy has problems. Why not try to rehabilitate him? Sentence him to time in a facility with therapy sessions. Why send him to a prison where he will get beaten and raped for looking at something he shouldn't have? What if he was raped the same way as a child? He never received the care needed to overcome those messed-up instincts. Those messed-up instincts interfere with his being able to determine right from wrong. Having messed-up instincts puts you at a disadvantage from the start. Or Maybe it was an addiction that he needs help overcoming. Addictions of any form are harmful. For some, the vice is porn. For others, it's substance abuse. He could have accidentally viewed the material once, and then couldn't stop the curiosity from growing. Save the space in the jails for the people actually committing these horrific acts against children. Sending him to jail would just be nurturing his deviant behavior.

Originally posted by RNR1995:
I think from a very young age we all know right from wrong, and if you do not want to live within societies rules then please don't.
Well, then...cased close. Let's set new laws based on what you "think."
AfterDawn Addict

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18. October 2007 @ 13:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by emugamer:
Originally posted by Razengan:
Dude...???? WHAT?!! He should be given 210 years and I hope that by the time he's done 20 they come up with a way to ratard human aging so he can actually rot in jail for over 200. Child molestation is the worst sin ever. Do you know what it is to be a child and when your are supposed to be thinking in Barney or the Power Rangers you are thinking about sex, because some psycho decided to play with your stuff?

And the worst part is the war you must endure everyday with your messed-up instincts to prevent becoming what you hate most. Child pornography is a way to back up and encourage child molestation, never forget that.

This stuff disgusts me as well, but why not address the underlying issues. Obviously the guy has problems. Why not try to rehabilitate him? Sentence him to time in a facility with therapy sessions. Why send him to a prison where he will get beaten and raped for looking at something he shouldn't have? What if he was raped the same way as a child? He never received the care needed to overcome those messed-up instincts. Those messed-up instincts interfere with his being able to determine right from wrong. Having messed-up instincts puts you at a disadvantage from the start. Or Maybe it was an addiction that he needs help overcoming. Addictions of any form are harmful. For some, the vice is porn. For others, it's substance abuse. He could have accidentally viewed the material once, and then couldn't stop the curiosity from growing. Save the space in the jails for the people actually committing these horrific acts against children. Sending him to jail would just be nurturing his deviant behavior.

Originally posted by RNR1995:
I think from a very young age we all know right from wrong, and if you do not want to live within societies rules then please don't.
Well, then...cased close. Let's set new laws based on what you "think."
If he is a known abuser send him to prison,if he just had pics send him to therapy, sometimes people passions to protect the childrens is insane,protecting the world from steak will only make more cannibals ....

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
27. October 2007 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by cousinkix:
child pornography is sick and evil, I hope this fucker frys on the electric chair.
They don't execute dirtbags in the liberal state of Maryland. The older DC sniper was sentenced to death only after he was convicted of some more murders next door in Virginia.

I get rid of anything that looks like it might be kiddie porn when I see it...

How do you get rid of it? Do you remove your remove your hard drive throw it into smoldering lava? IF you havent then you are still possessing it and can be charged with it even though you deleted it, and if it comes to more than 3 images its a federal offense, better hope you never ever used a p2p program either because that means you uploaded it to others even though they dont have to prove that you did upload it, so based on what you just said you are looking at about 20 years in federal prison. Keep in mind a child head pasted on an adults body is considered child porn and believe it or not a teen photo that happens to have an accidental camel toe is considered child porn too. Soo, might I ask, what is your name and address?
Everybody loves a witch hunt untill they realize they are a witch.
27. October 2007 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by pryme_H:
I'm not a very judgmental person. But, if this man is found guilty then I hope he rots in jail!
Imagine someone doesnt like you and breaks into your home, downloads kazaa, downloads some child porn, leaves and then calls the police on you. Bam, Instant framing, no defense. with the amount of hysteria surrounding this stuff I wonder why no one has thought of it yet
but, you arent a judgemental person, but you bet he rots in hell. I think you need to look at yourself a little better.
AfterDawn Addict
27. October 2007 @ 20:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by LeoH30:
Originally posted by pryme_H:
I'm not a very judgmental person. But, if this man is found guilty then I hope he rots in jail!
Imagine someone doesnt like you and breaks into your home, downloads kazaa, downloads some child porn, leaves and then calls the police on you. Bam, Instant framing, no defense. with the amount of hysteria surrounding this stuff I wonder why no one has thought of it yet
but, you arent a judgemental person, but you bet he rots in hell. I think you need to look at yourself a little better.
A bit absurd eh? I understand how someone facing such sick charges could fabricate such an extravagant load of bs, but lets get real. I am not one to pass judgement on others because most of the time I do not know the underlying cause of why certain decisions are made, whether it be a sad childhood or some traumatic life experience....but what is wrong with hoping some sicko that in the least thinks about molesting children and at most has, rots in hell? Murder and rape are some serious crimes; hard not to judge these types of criminals.

AfterDawn Addict

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27. October 2007 @ 20:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by svtstang:
Originally posted by LeoH30:
Originally posted by pryme_H:
I'm not a very judgmental person. But, if this man is found guilty then I hope he rots in jail!
Imagine someone doesnt like you and breaks into your home, downloads kazaa, downloads some child porn, leaves and then calls the police on you. Bam, Instant framing, no defense. with the amount of hysteria surrounding this stuff I wonder why no one has thought of it yet
but, you arent a judgemental person, but you bet he rots in hell. I think you need to look at yourself a little better.
A bit absurd eh? I understand how someone facing such sick charges could fabricate such an extravagant load of bs, but lets get real. I am not one to pass judgement on others because most of the time I do not know the underlying cause of why certain decisions are made, whether it be a sad childhood or some traumatic life experience....but what is wrong with hoping some sicko that in the least thinks about molesting children and at most has, rots in hell? Murder and rape are some serious crimes; hard not to judge these types of criminals.
child porn dose not = child rape/molestion, these are minor crimes the ones taking the photos and harming the childern should be the ones gettign the max punishment.

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
AfterDawn Addict
27. October 2007 @ 20:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Exploiting children is a serious crime, no ifs, ands or buts....I will leave it at that.

AfterDawn Addict

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27. October 2007 @ 21:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by svtstang:
Exploiting children is a serious crime, no ifs, ands or buts....I will leave it at that.

Media exploits and harms children we must protect them and take away all media steak,anyhtign rated above PG must be burned in pyers NOW!

sorry reality and zero tolerance do not mix, it tends to toss baby and all out the window when the water is no longer warm...

is child porn a crime yes is it auto life (or soemthign like it)NO,taking child porn and harming kids should be , however possession of it should be smacked down to a level of minor drug possession.

One can not damn reason just because it appears to be a easier path to follow, when reason gets damned we can not backup dvds or buy modchips and we get spied on by our goverment becuse they are "protecting" us from the evil villains of the world and forgoing the laws that protect us from the goverment....because without reason the goverment can never hard its citizens.

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
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28. October 2007 @ 07:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you watch it you are contributing to the abuse.burn in hell.
AfterDawn Addict

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28. October 2007 @ 07:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by aldan:
if you watch it you are contributing to the abuse.burn in hell.
My point being you can say the same damn thing about letting them watch films and play games that are above their age rating, you can't pile the pyres up over what amounts to a fcking misdemeanor, its the same thing as backups from the view of the corporations you are doing wrong even if you are not doing any wrong this is zero tolerance and tends to implode on itself.

is it a crime yes but lets bring it down to reality hell even go after thos that sell the stuff, that moeny most likely would go into the black market thus is more than worth while to "toss books around" however just having pics and not selling them makes for lite crime.

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. October 2007 @ 07:52

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28. October 2007 @ 08:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry man,nothing light about it.i would kill the sonofa##tch that did that to my kids.maybe you miss the point:if you cater to these sobs you are as guilty as they are.
AfterDawn Addict

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28. October 2007 @ 08:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by aldan:
sorry man,nothing light about it.i would kill the sonofa##tch that did that to my kids.maybe you miss the point:if you cater to these sobs you are as guilty as they are.
and the corporations have the right to kill you because you trample on them, no you miss my point

having pics:low crime (casualty is not 100%)
taking pics:High Crime
selling pics:High Crime
harming kids:High Crime

Comprehension mutherfcker do you have it? (god to much snakes on a plane >< for zippy)

For me its simple the havign the pics are not automatically evil (it still needs to be a crime),casualty is a lovely thing if the pics can keep some from harming kids then the better, however its still pics of real kids thus why its illicit regardless, however punishment must fit the crime and just having pics is not enough.

Zero tolerance at work over fake kidde porn

When Zero tolerance is involved no one wins no now is protected but the fools that pass failed bills to look good, last I checked the law that was pasted that made fiction(cartoons hentai,ect,ect) that had under 18/16 charatcers in it was made illicit again whos protected from zero tolerance?

Again zero tolerance damns the man for his crimes and the passer by for being there, damn the man for his "hobby" control the flow of real kiddie porn by making it the same as lesser drugs 2 or 3 convections for it and you get a "buddy" be it a social worker or parole officer and that person is in the system to be watched its imperfect but its no worse than what a real rapist or a druggie would get.

and again for what having kiddy porn and not selling it or taking the pictures,when the line is crossed a felony is made (selling/taking).
Oh ya one last thing to keep the fundies from claiming godwin over teeny breast shots "kiddy porn" ends at 14, at 15+ the crime is questionable pictures of adolescents,selling brings the same fines/time having kiddy porn however it is not a crime to won it unless thos in the pictures(or their parents) bring charges this is just to keep BF's and GFs from being labeled sex offenders by the zero tolerance machine.

of coarse one could say the ratio there of the later only shows up now and then and thus is ignored unless clear endangering of a minor is going on.

Still zero tolerance is a bad thing it makes a 16 yr with a 18yr GF a sex offender....

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
28. October 2007 @ 09:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by RNR1995:
I believe in the 3 strikes your dead law.
3 Felonies and we execute, no 10 years on death row, special courts made up of only judges to expedite the criminals leaving of the planet. Wake up people, do you know what it costs to keep a prisoner in jail? If these pieces of shit do not want to be a productive part of society then OK, bam, your not! And I do not want to hear from all the liberals who whine about ooh he had a bad childhood or his mommy didn't love him...bla bla bla bullshit. I think from a very young age we all know right from wrong, and if you do not want to live within societies rules then please don't. But don't make us all pay for your housing for the next fifty years either! Wake up people, crime is not getting better, it is more violent and blatant then ever before, and yes maybe the death penalty may not stop a criminal the first time.....but after they are dead they won't be able to do it again!

you cant execute for 3 felonies unless its capital murder, so find another solution to our problems. Its unconstitutional ( I Know, damn constitition getting in the way of your revenge. It cost the average american about 30 a month to fund the prison system and gains how much from prison labor? (cant find any statistics on that I bet0 Actually the murder rate is almost half of what it was in 1984 so as far as you saying its far worse than before, where are your facts?
28. October 2007 @ 10:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by aldan:
if you watch it you are contributing to the abuse.burn in hell.

If watching pictures of nude children contributes to the abuse then why does the news media stations show videos of children being violently hurt? Remember lately the white boy being beaten by 6 black boys? He didnt consent to that beating and I bet the person filming it wont be brought up on child porn charges? why not? Why is it legal to film them being violently hurt without their consent and show it to 100 million americans but not legal to take a nude picture of them with thier consent and show it to 10,000 people who actually wish to view it?
Because its sexual...Americans take issue with sex, we prefer violence here, thats why you can see simulated snuff at 3 pm on the sci fi channel but cant see a womans breast on doctor 90210. Just 10 years ago in the south the possession of regular adult porn brought prison time, I had a gf that was arressted for selling it, yes, regular adult porn. The issue isnt protecting kids, its stalling the further development of sexuality in americans, one more hurdle.
Also molestation=touching
penetration =sexual assault
molestation does not equal child rape. If an adult masturbates in the same room as a child then the child was molested according to the law. also 17 year olds consenting to sex are calling thier lovers molesters. I remember reading a man killed in jail because he "molested" his 17 year bf and video taped it. Grandpa was at the trial making most of the crude statements about the defendent. I think gramps didnt like know his grandson was gay. The news would rather call someone a molester than say what really happened. If the news didnt twist it around a little then you would less likely watch and not see that ad for dove soap.
AfterDawn Addict

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28. October 2007 @ 10:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by LeoH30:
Originally posted by RNR1995:
I believe in the 3 strikes your dead law.
3 Felonies and we execute, no 10 years on death row, special courts made up of only judges to expedite the criminals leaving of the planet. Wake up people, do you know what it costs to keep a prisoner in jail? If these pieces of shit do not want to be a productive part of society then OK, bam, your not! And I do not want to hear from all the liberals who whine about ooh he had a bad childhood or his mommy didn't love him...bla bla bla bullshit. I think from a very young age we all know right from wrong, and if you do not want to live within societies rules then please don't. But don't make us all pay for your housing for the next fifty years either! Wake up people, crime is not getting better, it is more violent and blatant then ever before, and yes maybe the death penalty may not stop a criminal the first time.....but after they are dead they won't be able to do it again!

you cant execute for 3 felonies unless its capital murder, so find another solution to our problems. Its unconstitutional ( I Know, damn constitition getting in the way of your revenge. It cost the average american about 30 a month to fund the prison system and gains how much from prison labor? (cant find any statistics on that I bet0 Actually the murder rate is almost half of what it was in 1984 so as far as you saying its far worse than before, where are your facts?
with all the sexual crime crap foalting on the net, zero tolerance time after time implodes on itself, I guess having "owning" kiddy porn is not direct ZT,getting in trouble for fake not real kiddy porn is, being sent away for having it is more like being sent away for repetitive minor crimes (like minor drug position).

Also if you look at your history with the march on gay porn,porn and what not and the puritan mindset that porn makes rapists you will find its not true, look at japan it has a "healthy" fictional market of demonic gory rape, and severely under age but it is fiction and dismissed as "hobbies", now am I saying real kiddie porn should be let in, no..... to many issues with the real stuff and because of all these issues it should be a restricted form of media but it should not be equal to killing someone or worse unless you engage in the the for profit trade or production of it.


If watching pictures of nude children contributes to the abuse then why does the news media stations show videos of children being violently hurt? Remember lately the white boy being beaten by 6 black boys? He didnt consent to that beating and I bet the person filming it wont be brought up on child porn charges? why not? Why is it legal to film them being violently hurt without their consent and show it to 100 million americans but not legal to take a nude picture of them with thier consent and show it to 10,000 people who actually wish to view it?
Because its sexual...Americans take issue with sex, we prefer violence here, thats why you can see simulated snuff at 3 pm on the sci fi channel but cant see a womans breast on doctor 90210. Just 10 years ago in the south the possession of regular adult porn brought prison time, I had a gf that was arressted for selling it, yes, regular adult porn. The issue isnt protecting kids, its stalling the further development of sexuality in americans, one more hurdle.
Also molestation=touching
penetration =sexual assault
molestation does not equal child rape. If an adult masturbates in the same room as a child then the child was molested according to the law. also 17 year olds consenting to sex are calling thier lovers molesters. I remember reading a man killed in jail because he "molested" his 17 year bf and video taped it. Grandpa was at the trial making most of the crude statements about the defendent. I think gramps didnt like know his grandson was gay. The news would rather call someone a molester than say what really happened. If the news didnt twist it around a little then you would less likely watch and not see that ad for dove soap.
Zero tolerance has a way to damn people by proxy even if their is casualty or not, the mindless puritan march to make things appear clean but not be so needs to end.

as for the media news or entertainment news as its called now, they have to ramp things up in order to sale them selfs so tis whoring all around from the news to the mastbaitng ambulance chaseing politicians and the real victims get DP'd from both sides, wheres the justice in that I wonder...

But really the moral order to ban the appearance of corruption to make the elite happy with their own OTT decadence is quite annoying.....

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
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