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i need help with the xmugen
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2. March 2008 @ 13:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
o my bad... was it due to the link being "visisble" or you just dont allow piratebay links??
Suspended permanently
2. March 2008 @ 13:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
scratch that.....
Im assuming im at the least allowed to describe the name of the file right??
happy hunting :) ..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. March 2008 @ 13:26

2. March 2008 @ 13:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you're not getting the point.. it's all in them thar rules me hearty.

As to google -

..all i'm illustrating is how easy it is to google for things, no need for links to things..

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. March 2008 @ 13:27

Junior Member
2. April 2008 @ 20:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HEY DID ANYONE HELP YOU? i can try....i love xmugen check out my channel... drop me a line/////
18. April 2008 @ 15:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I need help trying to get xmugen set up. I got the DVD version and HDD version. i've followed the instructions that came with the rars but no luck on the game working. Is there anyone who can message me their aim, icq, yahoo, or hotmail messenger so we can get in touch to see if i'm doin the steps right? please help. thanks.
29. July 2008 @ 23:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys, tearing my hair out here!

Managed to get xmugen up and running, but only in a green screen. I get that this is a video mode problem, but am out of ideas when it comes to fixing it!

Not sure what my xbox version is, but im running it through a HD tv with a bog standard SCART cable (my component sockets are taken up by my 360)

Surley there's a way to fix this without me buying new cables and switching them round?

Thanks, Chris
16. October 2008 @ 13:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i got a problen now that...

the xmugen is running great but the resolution isn't great because is like streching the screen and the resolution is 640x480 but is more than that i can't see the chars from the bottom and the sides of the mugen. i try with anoter xbox and is perfect ok but the question is:
have the model of the xbox make the problem or can be fixed by the mugenboot.cfg or another paper? please answer soon!!!

PS: if someone have the 2Gb swapfile or how to make it please tell me the place to have it!!! cheers and never give up!!!!!!!!!!
10. January 2009 @ 02:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by seanp2500:
HEY DID ANYONE HELP YOU? i can try....i love xmugen check out my channel... drop me a line/////
2. February 2009 @ 14:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dwon----I need alittle help with mine. I've downloaded and extracted Xmugen but i'm getting stuck at the linux boot screen. Here is my error message, same as above.
"static/ash : can't access tty, job control turned off
joy@key -joystick one to keys
using parameters.
joy2key2 - joystick two to keys.
using parameters."
I'm using an 80gb hard drive with X25035 as the BIOS for my XBOX.
I know that you cant link it to me but could you tell me what version of Xmugen you are using? > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > i need help with the xmugen

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