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D-Link DIR-625 - Wireless is unstable, any sugestions?
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18. September 2008 @ 04:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know if any routers come with QOS abilities as standard, but DD-WRT firmware has it.. so my Buffalo & Linksys routers have this functionality via DD-WRT.. (haven't used it yet but it's there)..

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
AfterDawn Addict

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18. September 2008 @ 08:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
We use a cheap £40 Linksys WRT54GL flashed with Tomato firmware. That lets us split various types of data into low, medium, high priority etc. - it's not absolute, but it works well, and we've never had an issue with its wireless capabilities.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
18. September 2008 @ 08:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That's good to know Sam, for me torrenting kills non-torrent traffic (even though i don't use crappy stock firmware on any of my routers, only DD-WRT), but testing out QOS is on my to-do list. I now have a 3rd router that i occasionally hook up as a 3rd WDS node which increases range thru the house, but QOS is definitely something i still need to test out.

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. September 2008 @ 08:07

AfterDawn Addict

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18. September 2008 @ 08:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As I say, the QoS isn't absolute. If we torrent hard on it, it can't keep normal traffic at a reasonable pace, that just isn't doable. However it does help, and it can monitor how much bandwidth is going out of certain priority groups, how many connections are running, and to where. The best thing to do with torrents is to experiment with what level of download and upload starts to choke whatever you're doing (for us it's online gaming so we have to be more strict to get decent pings), and then cap your client at that. Torrent clients can cap data transfer rates without incident. Cap them using QoS and although you get less speed, you don't really get much less lag.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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19. September 2008 @ 17:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well my whole point of using my QOS is to have the torrents slow down when I'm surfing but have it speed up when I stop. If you cap the torrents via their apps you are slowing them down weather you need to or not at any given moment.
AfterDawn Addict

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19. September 2008 @ 18:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is what bandwidth schedulers are for...

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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19. September 2008 @ 23:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok I have been doing some online research and everyone is saying that the dir 655 is the best router out there. So I will return my dwa-643 and pick up a dir 655. I'm going to put my dir 625 on craigslist regardless if the dir 655 solves my networking problems or not. I need to up grade to gigabit anyway. I'll hopefully only take a 20 dollar loss if I can move this router for 60 bucks.

bandwidth scheduling would only work if I only surfed during certain times. my internet usage is sporadic.

As far as my networking problems go my original intentions were to be able to watch a movie on my laptop from my desktop hard drive without the movie skipping using the wireless. Using the broadcom and dir 625 combo I suffered unbelievable lag and it would boot me off constantly. I switched to broadcasting only n and switched to channel 1 and it helped. still had issues so I switched to a dwa-643 and I can maintain a 300 mbs connection well (braodcom peaked at 270). I still can't watch a movie without it skipping so my next step will be to replace the dir 625 with a dir 655. I will post back my results when I get enough money to pick one up.

A question before I go, is the only difference between a dir 625 and 655 the gigabit capabilities?
20. September 2008 @ 05:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by truno:
A question before I go, is the only difference between a dir 625 and 655 the gigabit capabilities?
Am googling now. so far -
As we’ve comes to expect from all draft-802.11n products, wireless performance is well below the claims. For testing, we installed D-Link’s RangeBooster N DWA-645 PC Card in a 1.6GHz Fujitsu Siemens notebook running Windows XP SP2. Running the Iometer utility over a close range open link to a Supermicro Pentium D 3.2GHz PC on the LAN saw an average raw read throughput of 72Mbps which dropped marginally to 68Mbps with WPA2 encryption enabled. Real world speeds took a tumble as copying a 690MB video file to the PC took nearly two minutes for an average of only 46Mbps which dropped to 41Mbps with encryption activated. With the laptop located on the floor below the router the PC Card utility showed a signal strength of around fifty per cent and Iometer reported a drop in raw performance to 49Mbps over an encrypted link.
D-Link's latest Draft-N router, the DIR-655, improves on the previous DIR-635 by adding four Gigabit Lan ports.

Theoretically, using standard 10/100Mbits/sec Lan ports on a Draft-N router capable of up to 300Mbits/sec creates a bottleneck.

However, in practice you'd be very lucky to exceed 100Mbits/sec using Draft-N.
Still looking. Just read a review where someone used one for a few months, had great range and mostly praised the router; however like most reviews he agreed that you can't trust the claims re how many times over a 54g router the D-Link is faster than. Plus the USB port on the back is only used for 'Windows Connect Now easy configuration', don't know what that is though. It can't be used for attaching external hard drives, printers etc.

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. September 2008 @ 06:47

AfterDawn Addict

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20. September 2008 @ 17:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've never managed to stream movies wirelessly, it just doesn't seem up to the task...

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
20. September 2008 @ 17:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I find streaming works ok (for a while) via wireless, but i wanted stable streaming, hence why the only wireless bits n' pieces i now use are my 2 or 3 routers, everything else is wired to those routers, so i get the benefits ie coverage (without wires) that wireless provides, with the stability that wires provide.

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. September 2008 @ 17:44

AfterDawn Addict

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20. September 2008 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Haha, now try it with High-def...

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
20. September 2008 @ 17:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Indeed, good point. I'm only talking non-HiDef..

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
Junior Member
23. September 2008 @ 11:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Alright, I stopped by bestbuy last night, returned my d link express card and picked up a dir 655, I would have sprung for the 855 but they didn't have that one. I also picked up a a gigabit pci card for my wired desktop, that should eliminate the bottleneck created by 100mb card it has built in.

So far so good, The box says not to place the router close to speakers or monitors. I can move the speakers but the way my machines are set up the router has to be by my monitor. I have a flat panel not a crt so it shouldn't matter right? I'm only getting 130mbs through the wireless but its a stable 130 so i'm not to disappointed. I still have some testing to do

I turns out that my dir 625 is the crappy model. the dir 635 is the same price as when i bought the dir 625. the 635 supposedly fixes some issues the 625 has. I cant sell be cause no one is buying. so what i want to do is

set up an access point in my hallway using the 625. I want to use it as a repeater so I can get better signal when I'm in the back of the apartment. anyone have a clue as to how I would go about doing this?
AfterDawn Addict

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23. September 2008 @ 11:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You should be fine with an LCD monitor.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
23. September 2008 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by truno:
what i want to do is set up an access point in my hallway using the 625.
Well it's not yet supported by dd-wrt - but i don't know if others such as Tomato etc support it as haven't used any of those.

Originally posted by truno:
I want to use it as a repeater so I can get better signal when I'm in the back of the apartment.
I take it the 655 doesn't give good coverage then ?. Strange, my 2 54g routers give very good coverage, in a large Vistorian house to boot..

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. September 2008 @ 11:48

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23. September 2008 @ 12:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm going to look into it but I know if you have dd-wrt there is a way to steal bandwidth. I read about it a while ago that you can use the wireless as a client and log onto another wireless router and loadshare with that host. The idea is you can hop on your neighbors wifi and use some of his bandwidth to give you higher torrenting speeds than your isp allows. I never got it to work though.

Also one more note about my wifi problems. as someone mentioned before the encryption enabled will create a lot of extra overhead on the wireless network so turning it off will give you faster speed. My solution was to not broadcast my ssid so my network will be "invisible" this way i can disable the encryption. I know the network is not actually invisible but i live in the projects and I highly doubt anyone around here is smart enough to figure out how to packet sniff and find out how to log into my network.
23. September 2008 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Encryption doesn't take up much overhead at all. Plus remember i'm using WDS ie bandwidth is halved for each WDS node. I get perfectly sufficient bandwidth and coverage even though i'm on WDS (plus the WDS is over WPA encryption too). And sometimes i hook up the 3rd WDS node and bandwidth is lowered again yet still perfectly fine.

I've never got SSID hiding to work, plus i've read that hiding it is pointless anyways.

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. September 2008 @ 13:01

AfterDawn Addict

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23. September 2008 @ 13:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SSID hiding worked fine for our box, but it proved problematic when we needed to get someone with an older wireless card onto the network - so we re-enabled it.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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23. September 2008 @ 15:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hiding ssid is problematic for some cards.

your right it isn't a fortified way to protect your wireless but it is an extra precaution that is better than having it broadcast. like i said my packets are unencrypted so if someone were to capture them, all my info is wide open. In order to do that though you'd have to have a card that can run in bypass mode (not sure of the terminology) and as I stated earlier the level of tech sophistication around here is very very low. But then again they say never judge a book so I'll turn my wpa back on. I'll see if it makes a difference.

I think I figured out the cause of all my woes. I noticed that the new router was still kicking me off. I go into the routers log and it turns out the wireless shut it self down and restarted itself back up. Now all i have to do is figure out why its shutting down and I think I will have solved my problems. I will give d links customer care a call when I get home but If anyone has a theory as to why my brand new dir 655 is shutting down the wireless please feel free to share.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. September 2008 @ 15:52

23. September 2008 @ 16:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good stuff. I'm no wireless expert by any means, but i can certainly vouch for olde worlde 802.11g technology and WPA being more than able to transmit thru Victorian walls (and asbestos LOL). There's very few people living around here but it only takes one to hack in :P

My old D-Link router (not wireless admittedly) was stable but had an annoying habit of crashing once a week; never did get to the bottom of it and it's just used as a dumb ethernet switch now anyways.
Maybe there's just a setting in your router that needs tweaking. I don't rate stock D-Link firmware anyway (mine would lose settings even after they'd been saved, very hit and miss. Hence why i no longer trust D-Link routers..

edit- am just reading thru this -

If you read past all the "wish i hadn't bought Draft N" replies, it seems there's 2 hardware revisions of the 655. It's probably got nothing to do with your disconnections but you never know..

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. September 2008 @ 16:15

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24. September 2008 @ 23:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks to craigs list I sold my dir 625 for 50 bucks. So scrap that wireless repeater project. I did manage to get to the bottom of the random wireless shut down. I changed it to auto channel scan and it seems to be working good. My connection stays around 100 mbs but I am back to using the built in braodcom on my HP dv9000us. Its seems stable enough so yeah.

I read through that forum and the first thing I did when I got my 655 was upgrade the firmware. I have an A2 so your right it doesn't apply to me, but a good read non the less. I never owned a d link router so I never new that they had such a bad rep. My first router in fact was a belkin. Now that was a POS. It use to shut it self off at least once a day. I'd have to go and manually restart it all the time. It was replaced by a netgear. Then I got my wrt54g and flashed it with dd-wrt (after I heard about it on Digg) and I was in router heaven.
24. September 2008 @ 23:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good stuff, glad to hear all is well.
I had a few Belkin's, they were utterly atrocious landfill quality. I too moved to the WRT54G (v5) and suddenly i had a stable modem for months at a time. In my case the stock firmware worked perfectly, other than being crap with torrenting. At the time the latest stock firmware release solved that problem, the router was only decomissioned due to me moving to the Buffalo's, but recently i felt guilty about the WRT54G being confined to the spares cupboard so it got flashed with DD-WRT Micro and is now my 3rd WDS node (occasionally, but only as it's not needed often).

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
AfterDawn Addict

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25. September 2008 @ 07:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Isn't the WRT54G just a router though, not a modem? Routers are fine, but the modems are VERY hard to get right, a friend is telling me to try a Netgear DG834G...

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
25. September 2008 @ 07:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, the WRT54G's hang off cable modems (can't remember if they work off ADSL modems though), however my Buffalo's work on both.

I don't rate Netgear's very much, the couple routers i've used were pants.

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
AfterDawn Addict

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25. September 2008 @ 07:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Same, but they were older models...

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13 > forums > pc hardware > other pc hardware > d-link dir-625 - wireless is unstable, any sugestions?

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