LOL. Thats EXACTLY what I said when I looked at it! ROFLMAO
Ok... im uncertain how to do that. Del, enters my mainboard bios, and I dont get much for this card. Enable/disable.
You should reboot and keep your eyes peeled for a prompt from the PCI card, ie to know what key to press (and when) to access it's BIOS, presuming you can access it's BIOS.
LOL, I have :) It shows the devices attached. Shows it for about 1 sec, then xp splash screen. NO options :( Oh well. GM showed me a couple cards. AND I ran a different search at newegg. VERY disapointed with newegg. There site is NOT very organized. I blaim myself, but... its a shame I found the device I would have bought in the first place, had it been in the right section. Im giving up on this MICRO/baby pci e card. Rosewill has one showing GOOD successs!
Well... Startech got back to me. They asked me if I could see the advanced settings in the controller section of device manager. I laughed, as im aware of the function, :D I gather by their confusion, this card SHOULD be able to handle dvd/cd drives. I look forward to hearing back from them. PRETTY SLOW customer service! Hopefully they can tell me how to enter its bios, or flash its f/w. As my iHAP422 had a corrupt f/w out of the box(guess big dog industry screws up every now and again LOL). Atleast im pretty sure... Flashing to new firmware fixed it right up :D