One am I screwed if I dounloaded that update on my psp, (by the word screwed I mean No emulators). Two How do I put A back ground on my psp? Three Ive heard of people downloading a games iso file and putting it on thier psp I would just like a small explanation On this. The only thing Ive really done with my psp so far is put a few movies on it.
If your PSP is anything other than a v1.0 or v1.50 (not .51 or .52) you will not be running emulators, at least not for the moment. There is also no way to downgrade, at the moment. So if you got the v2.0 upgrade, with the browser, no emu's... To check your version, go to the menu on the far left "Settings", scroll down to "system settings" then scroll down to "system information" and you'll get your version number on that screen.
As for the backgrounds, I've not upgraded to v2.0 which I believe supports this, so I'm not sure how it's done on that firmware. If you're on v1.0 or v1.50 then you can use this - - to change your backgrounds. There's a tutorial there on how to do it...
Well I just updated to 2.0 and its pretty kool you can just go to a pic u have and say set as background. I already had 1.52 so No emulators, Dumb codded arms made me update and its not even that good of a game. The web browser is pretty kool its a big step up from the last one IMO.