I just want some help on knowing how to do one thing with NERO right now. I have an avi movie all I want to do is save it to a DVD-R disc just to get it off my hard drive. I do not want to encode it. I just want to know what the steps are to save movie format (files and folders) to a DVD-R disc for later viewing on my computer. Can someone who is an expert at NERO please tell me what to do. I sure hope so!.....Thanks.
first of all, make sure the blank DVD is in burner before you start, that way the disc's available burn speeds can be selected.
Then, in Nero, open a new compilation, choose "DVD-ROM (ISO)", make sure "No Multisession" is selected (this is under the 'Multisession' tab.
Next, go to 'burn' tab, select the burn speed you want, and hit New. Drag the file you want, from it's folder at right of screen to left of screen (2nd box from the left), then click on Burn icon...
any problems, or if you want me torun thru the resultant Nero log afterwards, as we could tweak /check a lot of settings from the Nero log, post LAST section of your Nero log, which is in c:\program files\ahead\nero\nerohistory.log, but DO NOT post your serial number which usually begins with '1A21' or similar