We have been trying to use Nero to copy our CDs into mp3s because my husband recently bought a cd player that reads mp3 cds. The problem is that it wont convert at a faster rate than 4x. Can any of you help us? I dont know what info you need or how to retrieve it, but our comp is an emachines computer, it has 3000+ processor, 80 gb, and 512 mp DOR sdram.
pls post LAST section of your Nero log, which is in c:\program files\ahead\nero\nerohistory.log, but DO NOT post your serial number which usually begins with '1A21' or similar
- CMC make appalling utter rubbish quality DVD media, their CD's i'm not sure about, however if following other suggestions don't work, then try better quality CD's
Quote:Burn process completed successfully at 32x (4,800 KB/s)
- for audio i do 16x max, for data or mp3 data i do 24x max