i just got my psp. I know how to put music,photos,movies into the memory card and play it.
How can i put games into the memory card. SOmething called Homebrew.
You'll need a version 1.0 or 1.5 firmware to use homebrew, if you have a 1.51 or 1.52 upgrade to 2.0 then use the downgrader if u want homebrew. If you have 2.01 your out of luck
When did they crack the UMD disks? How did they transfer the game to computer? So if i buy a game i can transfer the game to pc? Or UMD movie. HElp me out here.
They cracked them around May i want to say (Cant quite remember exact date). Basically someone created a program that lets you extract the ISO from the UMD onto a Memorystick, then you can transfer the ISO onto your computer.
If you buy a game, you can use either UmdDumper or Fastloader to extract the iso to your memorystick, then to your computer. ISO's range from 8mb to 1.8gb.
Where can i get the progrma that extract the ISO from the UMD? Does this work with UMD movies to? So I get ISO to computer then to MEmeroy card? Is the progrma free? Is this all i need just one progrma?
Yes the program is free, go to psp-hacks.com or pspupdates (use google)and go to the download section and find it, not sure if it can do it with umd movies.
i tried dumping the umd with fastloader..but i didnt get an ISO file...i put the umd in..ran fastloader...then selected dump inserted umd...i looked at the file and it was named first dumped umd or something like that i dont remember...can anyone help me?