THe DNS Nimber should be the same as your Router's IP.
Unless you trying to use the Tenchi / Whpeout / Fired Up - Browsers. Then it should probably be,
No it either has to be that of your Wireless Router or the One I Posted above for the PSP Portal for the Tenchi / Wipeout or Fired Up Browsers'. You can not use the IP from your PC as that is NOT your WLAN now is it??
Should you be thinking of trying to connect to your PC though a WLAN PCI Card. This will not work, unless your willing to connect to your PC though a Ad-Hoc Mode which will not work towards getting you on the Web. You might be able to link your PSP this way once you get a Wireless Access Point. Thuss allowing you to use the Infrastucture Mode.
If you have a WLAN Router, Make sure you have it setup. (and that you know the Key(s), needed to use it! then you can then setup you PSP with this Info. The IP on the PSP should be within the same IP range as your Router (i.e. 192.168.2.x), Subnet If your on the v2.0 Firmware as you should be! =) And you're still having DNS Problems try this:
START -> RUN Type 'cmd' W/o the '' -> OK
At the DOS Promt; ipconfig/all
This should list your IP Adress and DNS Settings...
I forgot to mention you may or may not have to add the MAC Address of the PSP to your Router. depending on wether or not you have MAC Adress Filtering on or not. Again safty first People there are a lot of bad People out there just looking for some free Bandwidth!! >=)
"If you have a WLAN Router, Make sure you have it setup. (and that you know the Key(s), needed to use it! then you can then setup you PSP with this Info. The IP on the PSP should be within the same IP range as your Router (i.e. 192.168.2.x), Subnet If your on the v2.0 Firmware as you should be! =) And you're still having DNS Problems try this:
START -> RUN Type 'cmd' W/o the '' -> OK
At the DOS Promt; ipconfig/all
This should list your IP Adress and DNS Settings..."
I do have a WLAN router and I know my WEP code, I'm not stupid I've set everything up the way I'm meant to.
The only reason you would get an error 8041040F is if your router is locked down not to allow stray wireless access. Have you added the PSP mac address to the allow list on the router?