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30. October 2005 @ 15:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Guys!!

My dad and I just purchased a Panasonic TH-42PM50U Plasma..(is it good?) We now want to set up a mini theater in our basement.We want some powerful great sounding equipment , but dont know what to get. Please help us. We also want to know of a HD DVD player that can play backed up DVD copies and give us that surround sound we want. Any ideas? Our budget is about $2500us. But if we have to go over a little we wouldnt mind hearing specifics on the recievers and speakers and whatever else we need to enjoy our cinema.

Thanks for your help!!!
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1. November 2005 @ 05:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know anything about your plasma (read some decent reviews thought) but regarding your sound system, how large is the room and secondly, will you be using the system strictly for video or for music as well? With what you're willing to pay, you should be able to get something really decent, not the top of the line best, but certainly something really nice if you shop carefully. Regarding your DVD player, I would wait because some AVRs come equipped with upconverters that are really amazing...Gerry
1. November 2005 @ 09:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Gerry for taking the time to help us out...The system will be mainly for movies. We want that theator feel. The room is 35'x 24'...the viewing area where the tv and the couch will be is 10' x 15' the height of the basement is 6'4"...
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2. November 2005 @ 13:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i bought a yammy rx-v1500 for about 6 bills on clearance...
any brands of a receiver that you like? for the budget you have listed, and room dimensions, i'd look into the onkyo txsr-702 )7 channel, 700 watts, auto room set up) nice receiver. i almost bought that one, but came across the yammy for a deal and bought that one.
speakers for that onkyo, polk always sounds good with onkyo, just get matching speakers so you have timbered smooth sounds. give me a bit more info.... what brands you like, we can go from there...

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
2. November 2005 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To be honest. I am new to this and out of all the names i've seen on here...Sony,Bose and Yamaha are the only ones that I know. I am looking for whatever is great for the amount of money that I have in the budget. All I have is the Plasma...I dont even know what else I need to make it complete. Please give me the models/# so I can start to price it out and read the reveiws on them. This is so foreign to as much help as we can get...we are willing to listen ...because we want this to be somthing we enjoy right off the back...

thanks for your time and advice
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2. November 2005 @ 18:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you can get advice for free, but what one suggests you get, may not sound the same in your room due to accoustics, size, set up, power, the list goes on and on.
i mentioned a model, the onkyo txsr-702 (circuit city has)
i'd personally stay away from Bose, much to expensive and over rated, but that's my opinion.
check these out for your viewing pleasure........
this is the 703 model, but the only difference is, they added XM radio
here is mine.......

get you some nice towers........ like these..
then a good center, don't skimp on this one, because all your dialogue will come from this piece...... like this one...
very good di-pole/bi-pole surround speakers......
and last, but not least.......a GOOD sub
thats a 12" sub, but you can get a 10 incher for less

i only pasted a few modles, not that i suggest you get those exactly, but you get the idea. stay with matching speakers and lines if possible. with a 7.1 system (which is more common now a days) you can still run 5.1 and be good. there are not many dvd's out on the market today that are actually in 6.1 (very small handfull)
and nothing is out in 7.1 yet............. YET
when blue ray comes out, things may change.
but use that as a starting point.
try these as well, to read up and get good info from, other then that, ask, i will do my best to answer you.
this will get you headed in the right direction.
let me know if you have questions ok !!

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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4. November 2005 @ 06:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am going to make a suggestion which may well start people to screaming! You see, there are different sorts of personalities looking to buy video/audio equipment. Gear and I have different systems yet similar in many ways; we enjoy the set up process, the techie stuff etc. I have a Denon 3805, I thought the set up process was easy and kind of fun. A friend liked my system and bought an identical one. While I thought the set up was both fun and child's play, he was really frustrated and ready throw the system out of the window. I set it up for him. Even now, if he has to make changes, he calls me. He's a very bright guy and I don't understand why he finds it so difficult... just a technophobe who goes into a panic, I suppose. With the money you have to spend, you could still get a very impressive out of the box system which are a piece of cake to set up and equally easy to operate. Don't let anyone tell you that such systems are junk and don't sound good...let your own ears be the judge of that; guys like me like our toys and gadgets and we can assemble some truly awesome systems, we often forget that there are scores of people who end up with migrain headaches trying to do what we find so fun and easy. You've got a good chunk of change to spend and could get the top of the line of such systems and some DO sound really incredible. I don't mean any offense and I hope you don't take any but you do sound like my buddy who I spoke of earlier who wants awesome sound, yet, just isn't the sort of personality who really gets into set up, following the on-screen instructions for the units etc. I've seen many of those top of the line, yet, out of the box systems that were very impressive...and you've got the bucks to buy just such a system. I've heard some nasty remarks about Bose on this site...and while I know where these guys are coming from, I've got to disagree with them. I've heard out of the box systems by Bose, Samsung and a number of others that were very impressive sounding, more than enough power, awesome bass and front/surround effects and, very important to some, designed to be easy to set up and operate...useful when it will be used by multiple people. The old saying that you get what you pay for is true; the low priced packages suck, but you've got the bucks to get some top of the line packages. I believe both Denon and Yamaha make such packages now. Both Bose and Samsung make some that are very impressive. I'd stay away from Pioneer and Sony though. Sending you model numbers tell you nothing; go and hear them for yourself then read reviews on those you thought were the best. I've been promising Gear to send him this great site for reviews but lately it's been one thing after the next. I hope to send it tonight and I think it would be useful to you too. I guess one thing I would add is that most of these box systems are designed for watching/listening to movies and the top of the line systems are damned good but not necessarily good with strictly music which is why I had asked for your primary use. Gear once said that if a system is really good with music, it will no doubt be awesome with video and that is true but it doesn't work the other way around. A system can be awesome with video but that doesn't mean that it will be the same with purely music. Well, sorry to ramble on. I'll send that review site tonight if it's the last thing I do! Hope you are well...Gerry
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4. November 2005 @ 08:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
at least you have the concept gerry, i am having an ongoing debate with another guy in another forum on high end stuff. i dont intend to sound like i know everything, which i dont, and the day i say i do, is when i stop learning (same goes for my profession as a auto technician).
anyway, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but me personally, i dont like bose. i had a cousn who worked for a retailer and had many product testing and literature on bose, and all i can say is, i did not like it then, even now.
anyway, if you buy individual components, thats your best bet. a HTIB is not my cup of tea...

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
4. November 2005 @ 17:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks again for your time and advise..I wished more people would have added their 2 cents to help a novice out...but thanks for guiding me to the right area
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4. November 2005 @ 18:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
.I wished more people would have added their 2 cents to help a novice
i almost feel hurt.......... like as if mine and gerry's input was not worth your while...

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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4. November 2005 @ 18:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, check this guy and his stuff........... along with my comments...
nevermind the cable questions,go to page 2 and look for bigbob, but check his stash and what he pays for it......... then reconsider your purchase !!

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. November 2005 @ 18:30

5. November 2005 @ 13:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks again...You guys really made a difference
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5. November 2005 @ 13:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so did you buy anything yet? post what you get/got !!!

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
5. November 2005 @ 13:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not yet...i will be looking this week..i sure will not be able to do it the Bigbob let you guys know before i even make my purchase...
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5. November 2005 @ 13:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sounds good......

and that guy bigbob has been around the business (he says) since age 12
and now owns his own store.

either way, let us know

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
6. November 2005 @ 08:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have the Harmon/Kardon AVR 435, if you want superior theater sound then go with that, but it also depends on your speakers. You can have the best receiver, but with crappy speakers you'll get crappy sound. The AVR 435 has a microphone that will set up the speakers to the size of the room, Very easy to use.
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6. November 2005 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ chubbyinc
most newer respectable receivers now a day have a room mic available for auto set up. and a nice feature it is to have, especially for the ones who have no clue how to set it up. the ideal way is with a SPL meter and set and aim your speakers accordingly.
i almost got an H/K receiver, but opted for a Yammy instead.

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
7. November 2005 @ 10:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Your space is problematic since you have a huge area behind the couch that would suck up your sound. You may need a lot of power. Here is an example system.

just don't get their sub, it's not great. Spend a bit on the sub or build your own sonotube sub. Since you are in a big room, the sub can be home made and out of the way and you will be very happy with its performance.

For receiver, get a Yammy 1500 and it should be good enough.

If you can provide a bit more info on what kind of sound you like, perhaps I can narrow it down better.

here is another one, I guess more aesthetics than performance. I have not heard these particular speakers but I do have their speakers.

Optoma HD6800, 92" Greyhawk II
Opteron 165 HTPC
Marantz AV-9000
Outlaw 750
Def Tech BP-2000TL, C/L/R2000, BP-10B
Panasonic RP-82S
JVC MD recorder /CD changer
Technic 60+1 CD Changer
1150+ DVD
54+ DVD-A

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. November 2005 @ 10:18

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8. November 2005 @ 08:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Gear and bl_NY: I won't bother with the site I spoke of; you've already posted it gear! Didn't recognize it until I found what I'd printed on my Denon. Bl_ny, I read your post in the displays section and someone suggested you find someone to help you set up if you're not too certain; that's always a good suggestion if you're not experienced at this sort of'd have more fun and learn at the same time. I suggested earlier about the out of the box systems; I have indeed heard some bose and samsung that were quite good but have never read the reviews because, like gear, just not my type of system: I mentioned them because of ease of set up. Even with putting a system together though, given the small listening area in a large space, a basement with ceilings only just over six feet and the fact that the system won't be used for music, I'm still of the feeling that top of the line small speakers would serve better than towers. I have Mirage's flagship speakers of the OM series... which I love but I just can't imagine them in that sort of setting. I just can't imagine that the effects either through fronts to center and sub or fronts to rears would be as clear and distictive when faced with the massive wall of sound in front of you in such a small place. I've heard mirages onmistat and microstat speakers which are small, on a 3ft stand and unbelievable sounding (not as expensive as the towers but certainly not cheap either). I've got to think that, under the conditions outlined, such speakers would sound way better. Some people fervently think bigger is always better but I just don't think so from the description of the space. Such speakers, provided they're high end, still connect to AVRs like my Denon or Gear's Yammy and work with equal power and very high quality sound but with the AVR's speaker selection set to small fronts, someof that lower end sound blaring right at you in a small space is, instead, produced through the sub making the effects stand out more (again, in such a small listening area). Sounds great for video but I'm not crazy about them for music...not that they don't sound crystal clear but that missing lower frequency from the fronts to the sub makes it off balance somehow with just music. So too, I'm not sure if all AVRs, when set to small fronts, work in the same way...Gerry
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8. November 2005 @ 11:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thought I'd send the specs on my stuff. Not quite the system bigbob has but I'm still proud of my baby:

Side surrounds and Rear surrounds:

My sub is actually the weakest link in the system but it still does very nicely. Fronts and bi-amped and bi-wired. Gerry

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2005 @ 12:42

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8. November 2005 @ 14:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nice set up gerry
the sub aint too bad, better then mine, yours drops down to 22hz... low low bass, but you also have 2 more inches then me (sub wise) hehe !!
klipsch has always sounded good......... but i am working on gettin a cheap pair of definitive technology towers from my friend and his klipsch bi polar surrounds........ for trade in labor i hope

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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8. November 2005 @ 15:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks guy; I'm really happy with it. I may buy a second identical sub though. I know deep bass is supposed to be nondirectional and so it is for the most part, but that other small part irritates me sometimes. Some say two subs are just plain overkill and some say that my active fronts are overkill and maybe that true for most things but not what I listen to. I listen to all sorts of music but I think I mentioned in another thread that I teach classical organ on the side. There isn't a synthasizer (I didn't spell that right I don't think) or bass guitar made that will produce the force and depth of a pipe organ...imagine the sound of blowing into a fifty foot tall coke bottle...they don't call them "bombarde pipes" for nothing! Anyway, it's hard to find a system that even comes close to proper reproduction. I know it makes no sense but my supposedly non directional bass seems to come too much from the right! (If you think I may have improper settings, please give me your opinion). Even the best electric organs made to sound like pipes always fail miserably in the bass. I'm sure it's not your taste in music but try some pipe organ CD in your system sometime; you'd be amazed at the bass.

I'll have to check out the speakers your hoping to work for (sure can't beat that deal!). I've heard the name but am unfamiliar. By "bi-polar" surrounds, do you mean bi-wired? If so, I'm surprised your Yammy can bi-amp surrounds...that's awesome. I can only bi-amp and bi wire my fronts.

I thought I'd mention something that might give you a bit of a chuckle. As I'm sure you know, it was Yamaha that pioneered DSP simulation and to this day they're better at it than anyone else. I have (and still use) one of their very first digital delay units from the late 1970s. I have it connected to the tape line outs of my Denon and from there running to an ancient 300watt SanSui (sansui actually made good amps back in the dark ages). Like the newest systems, it essentially took midranges and bounced the signal back in certain widths and depths in simulation of side and back walls (in the 70s, the called it "psychoacoustics"...a neat word. They did something in those ancient models that they never improved on but rather dropped altogether and I can't figure out why because it was so awesome: you ould adjust the DSP simulation much like the new know, jazz club, concert hall, outdoor stadium manipulating the "delay" but the oldies also controlled the "decay" which was, essentially, a way to control the amount of time it took for the "delay" to fade out. Again, with my pipe organ stuff which anyone reading this must think I'm nuts listening to, it is so cool because it's like being in a real release the final notes or chord that your playing and you could regulate how much time it took for the sound to completely fade out. It was such a neat and very "real" effect that nobody has ever continued with. Oh well, I've rambled enough. I've posted a new threat asking about connecting a Comcast HD cable box video signal to an upconverter. Could you please read it and let me know if you have any suggestions? I posted it right here in the amps/receivers section. Thanks Boss!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2005 @ 15:53

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8. November 2005 @ 17:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i know the sound you talk of, pipe organ and such. our church we go to has one, and i know the 'feeling' of it too. the church we go to is rather large, stadium type, and (they put it up on the big screens every week how much in debt they are, 18 million to be exact) but this speaker.sound system they have truely rocks the house. even when they play the pipe organ, very very awesome sounding. i don't know much about your receiver, but the delay part i do (mine has it as well) i have mine just a tad bit over the presets for my room dimensions. my center and fronts are exactly 13 feet away from my big couch and the sides and surrounds are 6.5 feet, they sub is 13.5 feet, my delay is 20ms for the fronts and center (it seems be play rather weel at that setting). i am still learning my toy (only had it a month now) and i learn more each day. soon, i will do my multi-room set up (has 3 zone capable with internal amps for zone 2) i'll never do a third zone.....just no need for it.

anyway, those speakers i am looking into are these puppies.....
(click mythos 4)

here is a cool link on some speakers....... love the wood grain finish

(not that is pertains to the subject, i just came across them)

heres a descrip. on bipolar speakers (i was too lazy to type, so i copied and pasted from Def. Tech's site)
Bipolar technology is absolutely superior for surround speakers because it synergistically combines the performance advantages of direct radiating (imaging, focus, localization, and specificity) and dipolar speakers (spacious, sourceless, all-enveloping ambience) into one ideal system which is perfect for all discret 5.1 formats including Dolby Digital AC-3*, DTS* as well as the new Dolby EX* and Dolby Pro-Logic*. They are all full-range, extremely linear, low-distortion systems which are timbre-matched to blend perfectly with all our speakers as well as other high-quality speaker systems.
Bi-polar speakers have a triangular cross-section, with two sets of drive units that fire 'in-phase' - i.e. they both move out at the same time and in at the same time. this type of surround speaker will provide a much more disperse sound field, yet retains the ability to create a rear stereo field as there is still a direct path from the drive unit to ear. these again can be mounted on either a rear wall or a side wall, slightly behind the listener and again, raised above the listening position. so it makes better sound, think of it like car stereo, a sub box that is iso-baric (spelling*) versus solo-baric
1 sub pushing while the other pulls........ not the case with bi-polar speakers. both push at the same time. but there is also di-polar... which i have not researched, so i won't add my worthless 2 cents on that topic.

it seems back then, they made very good stuff, and now a days, its getting better then just a few years ago (technology has come a long way). my dad has old kenwood stuff and akai reel to reels, massive shelf speaker boxes that weigh upwards of 400 pounds each (2 12inch woofers, huge x-overs, wheels on them to move them) these things rock, he has carver junk and more, but does not use it. the units even have handles on them (the receivers, amps, and e.q's)

well, i have gone on enuff, time for a shower and some tv
talk 2 u later, i will check your other thread.

c ya

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69 > forums > home theater > receivers and amplifiers > please help..we are lost!!

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