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nero burning problem plz help!!!!
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6. November 2005 @ 09:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
okay im somewhat new to this but im sure someone here can help.. ive been using nero for some time now with no problems.. just recently i tried burning some music off of my hard drive. When I started burning Nero suddenly stopped and said "unknow error". Ever since i havent been able to burn on to cds. It Burns dvd's just fine. here is my log. I believe it might have something to do with burning cd's at "track at once" it will not let me do that for some reason. "also...during the beginning of the burning process it says" unknown burn phase"..this wasnt the case before....please help.............

Windows XP 5.1
WinAspi: -
ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=160016 bytes, created 6/17/2003 6:25:03 AM
Nero version: (Nero Express)
Recorder: <HP DVD Writer 640b> Version: E152 - HA 0 TA 0 -
Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 0
Drive buffer : 2048kB
Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder
CD-ROM: <SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A >Version: B402 - HA 0 TA 1 -
Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 0

=== Scsi-Device-Map ===
CdRomPeripheral : HP DVD Writer 640b atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: Off
CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A atapi Port 0 ID 1 DMA: On
DiskPeripheral : WDC WD2000JD-22HBB0 atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On

=== CDRom-Device-Map ===
HP DVD Writer 640b E: CDRom0

AutoRun : 1
Excluded drive IDs:
CmdQueuing : 1
CmdNotification: 2
WriteBufferSize: 83886080 (0) Byte
ShowDrvBufStat : 0
EraseSpeed : 0
BUFE : 0
Physical memory : 1015MB (1039660kB)
Free physical memory: 588MB (602688kB)
Memory in use : 42 %
Uncached PFiles: 0x0
Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
Use Inquiry : 1
Global Bus Type: default (0)
Check supported media : Disabled (0)

Audio CD
3:22:03 PM #1 CDADOC -1 File Cdadoc.cpp, Line 1508
Audio item log info:
Audio document burn settings:
Burn mode: DAO,
CD Text: On,
Cache disk or network files: No,
Cache small files: No,
Cache files smaller than 65536 bytes.
Audio Multisession: No
List of audio tracks:
Track 01: Length: 03:00.19, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal14.wav'.
Track 02: Length: 04:19.09, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal13.wav'.
Track 03: Length: 04:51.02, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal12.wav'.
Track 04: Length: 05:01.21, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal11.wav'.
Track 05: Length: 04:53.70, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal10.wav'.
Track 06: Length: 02:54.02, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal09.wav'.
Track 07: Length: 03:23.16, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal08.wav'.
Track 08: Length: 04:36.68, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal07.wav'.
Track 09: Length: 01:57.49, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal06.wav'.
Track 10: Length: 04:09.71, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal05.wav'.
Track 11: Length: 02:56.44, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal04.wav'.
Track 12: Length: 06:38.68, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal03.wav'.
Track 13: Length: 03:36.12, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal02.wav'.
Track 14: Length: 03:41.30, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal01.wav'.
Total size: 56:02.31

3:22:03 PM #2 Phase 90 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1843
Buffer Underrun Protection activated

3:22:03 PM #3 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 118
Reader running

3:22:03 PM #4 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3176
Turn on Disc-at-once, using CD-R/RW media

3:22:03 PM #5 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 228
Last possible write address on media: 359848 (79:59.73)
Last address to be written: 252030 (56:02.30)

3:22:03 PM #6 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 233
Write in overburning mode: FALSE

3:22:03 PM #7 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 1722
Recorder: HP DVD Writer 640b;
CDR code: 00 97 24 16; OSJ entry from: SONY Corporation
ATIP Data:
Special Info [hex] 1: D0 00 A0, 2: 61 18 10 (LI 97:24.16), 3: 4F 3B 4A (LO 79:59.74)
Additional Info [hex] 1: 00 00 80 (invalid), 2: 00 80 00 (invalid), 3: 00 00 00 (invalid)

3:22:03 PM #8 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 769
Setup items (after recorder preparation)
0: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal14.wav)
2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 13519 (13519) = #13519/3:0.19
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13519 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal13.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 19434 (19434) = #19434/4:19.9
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 19434 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal12.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 21827 (21827) = #21827/4:51.2
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 21827 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal11.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 22596 (22596) = #22596/5:1.21
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 22596 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal10.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 22045 (22045) = #22045/4:53.70
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 22045 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal09.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 13052 (13052) = #13052/2:54.2
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13052 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal08.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 15241 (15241) = #15241/3:23.16
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 15241 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal07.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 20768 (20768) = #20768/4:36.68
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 20768 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal06.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 8824 (8824) = #8824/1:57.49
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 8824 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal05.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 18746 (18746) = #18746/4:9.71
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18746 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal04.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 13244 (13244) = #13244/2:56.44
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13244 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal03.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 29918 (29918) = #29918/6:38.68
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 29918 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal02.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 16212 (16212) = #16212/3:36.12
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16212 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal01.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 16605 (16605) = #16605/3:41.30
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16605 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]

3:22:03 PM #9 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 938
Prepare recorder [HP DVD Writer 640b ] for write in CUE-sheet-DAO
DAO infos:
MCN: ""
TOCType: 0x00; Session Closed, disc fixated
Tracks 1 to 14:
1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 0 352800 32149488, ISRC ""
2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 32149488 32149488 77858256, ISRC ""
3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 77858256 77858256 129195360, ISRC ""
4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 129195360 129195360 182341152, ISRC ""
5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 182341152 182341152 234190992, ISRC ""
6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 234190992 234190992 264889296, ISRC ""
7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 264889296 264889296 300736128, ISRC ""
8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 300736128 300736128 349582464, ISRC ""
9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 349582464 349582464 370336512, ISRC ""
10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 370336512 370336512 414427104, ISRC ""
11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 414427104 414427104 445576992, ISRC ""
12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 445576992 445576992 515944128, ISRC ""
13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 515944128 515944128 554074752, ISRC ""
14: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 554074752 554074752 593129712, ISRC ""
DAO layout:
-150 | lead-in | 0 | 0x00 | 0x01
-150 | 1 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
0 | 1 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
13519 | 2 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
13519 | 2 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
32953 | 3 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
32953 | 3 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
54780 | 4 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
54780 | 4 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
77376 | 5 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
77376 | 5 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
99421 | 6 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
99421 | 6 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
112473 | 7 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
112473 | 7 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
127714 | 8 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
127714 | 8 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
148482 | 9 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
148482 | 9 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
157306 | 10 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
157306 | 10 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
176052 | 11 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
176052 | 11 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
189296 | 12 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
189296 | 12 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
219214 | 13 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
219214 | 13 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
235426 | 14 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
235426 | 14 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
252031 | lead-out | 1 | 0x00 | 0x01

3:22:10 PM #10 Phase 40 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1500
Aborted by user

Existing drivers:
File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.03.16a, size=20576 bytes, created 2/16/2005 6:27:40 PM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
File 'Drivers\atapi.sys': Ver=5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), size=95360 bytes, created 8/3/2004 11:59:44 PM (Adapter driver for rec)

Registry Keys:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

====== *** Nero-Burning Rom, History File *** ======
art flores


Windows XP 5.1
WinAspi: -
ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=160016 bytes, created 6/17/2003 6:25:03 AM
Nero version: (Nero Express)
Recorder: <HP DVD Writer 640b> Version: E152 - HA 0 TA 0 -
Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 0
Drive buffer : 2048kB
Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder
CD-ROM: <SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A >Version: B402 - HA 0 TA 1 -
Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 0

=== Scsi-Device-Map ===
CdRomPeripheral : HP DVD Writer 640b atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: Off
CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A atapi Port 0 ID 1 DMA: On
DiskPeripheral : WDC WD2000JD-22HBB0 atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On

=== CDRom-Device-Map ===
HP DVD Writer 640b E: CDRom0

AutoRun : 1
Excluded drive IDs:
CmdQueuing : 1
CmdNotification: 2
WriteBufferSize: 83886080 (0) Byte
ShowDrvBufStat : 0
EraseSpeed : 0
BUFE : 0
Physical memory : 1015MB (1039660kB)
Free physical memory: 586MB (600524kB)
Memory in use : 42 %
Uncached PFiles: 0x0
Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
Use Inquiry : 1
Global Bus Type: default (0)
Check supported media : Disabled (0)

Audio CD
3:23:02 PM #1 CDADOC -1 File Cdadoc.cpp, Line 1508
Audio item log info:
Audio document burn settings:
Burn mode: DAO,
CD Text: On,
Cache disk or network files: No,
Cache small files: No,
Cache files smaller than 65536 bytes.
Audio Multisession: No
List of audio tracks:
Track 01: Length: 03:41.30, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal01.wav'.
Track 02: Length: 03:36.12, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal02.wav'.
Track 03: Length: 06:38.68, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal03.wav'.
Track 04: Length: 02:56.44, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal04.wav'.
Track 05: Length: 04:09.71, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal05.wav'.
Track 06: Length: 01:57.49, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal06.wav'.
Track 07: Length: 04:36.68, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal07.wav'.
Track 08: Length: 03:23.16, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal08.wav'.
Track 09: Length: 02:54.02, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal09.wav'.
Track 10: Length: 04:53.70, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal10.wav'.
Track 11: Length: 05:01.21, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal11.wav'.
Track 12: Length: 04:51.02, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal12.wav'.
Track 13: Length: 04:19.09, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal13.wav'.
Track 14: Length: 03:00.19, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal14.wav'.
Total size: 56:02.31

3:23:02 PM #2 Phase 90 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1843
Buffer Underrun Protection activated

3:23:02 PM #3 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 118
Reader running

3:23:02 PM #4 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3176
Turn on Disc-at-once, using CD-R/RW media

Existing drivers:
File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.03.16a, size=20576 bytes, created 2/16/2005 6:27:40 PM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
File 'Drivers\atapi.sys': Ver=5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), size=95360 bytes, created 8/3/2004 11:59:44 PM (Adapter driver for rec)

Registry Keys:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

====== *** Nero-Burning Rom, History File *** ======
art flores


Windows XP 5.1
WinAspi: -
ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=160016 bytes, created 6/17/2003 6:25:03 AM
Nero version: (Nero Express)
Recorder: <HP DVD Writer 640b> Version: E152 - HA 0 TA 0 -
Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 0
Drive buffer : 2048kB
Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder
CD-ROM: <SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A >Version: B402 - HA 0 TA 1 -
Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 0

=== Scsi-Device-Map ===
CdRomPeripheral : HP DVD Writer 640b atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: Off
CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A atapi Port 0 ID 1 DMA: On
DiskPeripheral : WDC WD2000JD-22HBB0 atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On

=== CDRom-Device-Map ===
HP DVD Writer 640b E: CDRom0

AutoRun : 1
Excluded drive IDs:
CmdQueuing : 1
CmdNotification: 2
WriteBufferSize: 83886080 (0) Byte
ShowDrvBufStat : 0
EraseSpeed : 0
BUFE : 0
Physical memory : 1015MB (1039660kB)
Free physical memory: 509MB (521876kB)
Memory in use : 49 %
Uncached PFiles: 0x0
Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
Use Inquiry : 1
Global Bus Type: default (0)
Check supported media : Disabled (0)

Audio CD
3:28:42 PM #1 CDADOC -1 File Cdadoc.cpp, Line 1508
Audio item log info:
Audio document burn settings:
Burn mode: DAO,
CD Text: On,
Cache disk or network files: No,
Cache small files: No,
Cache files smaller than 65536 bytes.
Audio Multisession: No
List of audio tracks:
Track 01: Length: 03:41.30, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal01.wav'.
Track 02: Length: 03:36.12, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal02.wav'.
Track 03: Length: 06:38.68, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal03.wav'.
Track 04: Length: 02:56.44, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal04.wav'.
Track 05: Length: 04:09.71, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal05.wav'.
Track 06: Length: 01:57.49, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal06.wav'.
Track 07: Length: 04:36.68, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal07.wav'.
Track 08: Length: 03:23.16, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal08.wav'.
Track 09: Length: 02:54.02, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal09.wav'.
Track 10: Length: 04:53.70, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal10.wav'.
Track 11: Length: 05:01.21, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal11.wav'.
Track 12: Length: 04:51.02, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal12.wav'.
Track 13: Length: 04:19.09, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal13.wav'.
Track 14: Length: 03:00.19, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 1, Name: 'Rene-Gado@sbcglobal14.wav'.
Total size: 56:02.31

3:28:42 PM #2 Phase 90 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1843
Buffer Underrun Protection activated

3:28:42 PM #3 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 118
Reader running

3:28:42 PM #4 Text 0 File Writer.cpp, Line 127
Writer HP DVD Writer 640b running

3:28:42 PM #5 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3176
Turn on Disc-at-once, using CD-R/RW media

3:28:44 PM #6 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 228
Last possible write address on media: 359848 (79:59.73)
Last address to be written: 252180 (56:04.30)

3:28:44 PM #7 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 233
Write in overburning mode: FALSE

3:28:44 PM #8 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 1722
Recorder: HP DVD Writer 640b;
CDR code: 00 97 24 16; OSJ entry from: SONY Corporation
ATIP Data:
Special Info [hex] 1: D0 00 A0, 2: 61 18 10 (LI 97:24.16), 3: 4F 3B 4A (LO 79:59.74)
Additional Info [hex] 1: 00 00 80 (invalid), 2: 00 80 00 (invalid), 3: 00 00 00 (invalid)

3:28:44 PM #9 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 769
Setup items (after recorder preparation)
0: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal01.wav)
2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 16605 (16605) = #16605/3:41.30
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16605 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal02.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 16212 (16212) = #16212/3:36.12
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16212 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal03.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 29918 (29918) = #29918/6:38.68
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 29918 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal04.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 13244 (13244) = #13244/2:56.44
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13244 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal05.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 18746 (18746) = #18746/4:9.71
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18746 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal06.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 8824 (8824) = #8824/1:57.49
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 8824 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal07.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 20768 (20768) = #20768/4:36.68
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 20768 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal08.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 15241 (15241) = #15241/3:23.16
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 15241 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal09.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 13052 (13052) = #13052/2:54.2
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13052 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal10.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 22045 (22045) = #22045/4:53.70
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 22045 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal11.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 22596 (22596) = #22596/5:1.21
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 22596 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal12.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 21827 (21827) = #21827/4:51.2
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 21827 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal13.wav)
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 19434 (19434) = #19434/4:19.9
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 19434 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]
13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (Rene-Gado@sbcglobal14.wav)
2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 13519 (13519) = #13519/3:0.19
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13519 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]

3:28:44 PM #10 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 938
Prepare recorder [HP DVD Writer 640b ] for write in CUE-sheet-DAO
DAO infos:
MCN: ""
TOCType: 0x00; Session Closed, disc fixated
Tracks 1 to 14:
1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 0 352800 39407760, ISRC ""
2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 39407760 39407760 77538384, ISRC ""
3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 77538384 77538384 147905520, ISRC ""
4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 147905520 147905520 179055408, ISRC ""
5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 179055408 179055408 223146000, ISRC ""
6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 223146000 223146000 243900048, ISRC ""
7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 243900048 243900048 292746384, ISRC ""
8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 292746384 292746384 328593216, ISRC ""
9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 328593216 328593216 359291520, ISRC ""
10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 359291520 359291520 411141360, ISRC ""
11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 411141360 411141360 464287152, ISRC ""
12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 464287152 464287152 515624256, ISRC ""
13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 515624256 515624256 561333024, ISRC ""
14: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 561333024 561685824 593482512, ISRC ""
DAO layout:
-150 | lead-in | 0 | 0x00 | 0x01
-150 | 1 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
0 | 1 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
16605 | 2 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
16605 | 2 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
32817 | 3 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
32817 | 3 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
62735 | 4 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
62735 | 4 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
75979 | 5 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
75979 | 5 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
94725 | 6 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
94725 | 6 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
103549 | 7 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
103549 | 7 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
124317 | 8 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
124317 | 8 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
139558 | 9 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
139558 | 9 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
152610 | 10 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
152610 | 10 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
174655 | 11 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
174655 | 11 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
197251 | 12 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
197251 | 12 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
219078 | 13 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
219078 | 13 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
238512 | 14 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x21
238662 | 14 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x21
252181 | lead-out | 1 | 0x00 | 0x01

3:31:12 PM #11 Phase 36 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1843
Burn process started at 40x (6,000 KB/s)

3:31:12 PM #12 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 0 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0

3:31:12 PM #13 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 1 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #16605

3:31:12 PM #14 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 2 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #32817

3:31:12 PM #15 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 3 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #62735

3:31:12 PM #16 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 4 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #75979

3:31:12 PM #17 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 5 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #94725

3:31:12 PM #18 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 6 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #103549

3:31:12 PM #19 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 7 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #124317

3:31:12 PM #20 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 8 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #139558

3:31:12 PM #21 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 9 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #152610

3:31:12 PM #22 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 10 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #174655

3:31:12 PM #23 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 11 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #197251

3:31:12 PM #24 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 12 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #219078

3:31:12 PM #25 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 13 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #238662

3:31:12 PM #26 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 14501
StartDAO : CD-Text - On

3:31:12 PM #27 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 18973
Set BUFE: supported -> ON

3:31:12 PM #28 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 14804
CueData, Len=240
21 00 00 41 00 00 00 00
21 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
21 01 01 00 00 00 02 00
21 02 00 00 00 03 2b 1e
21 02 01 00 00 03 2b 1e
21 03 00 00 00 07 13 2a
21 03 01 00 00 07 13 2a
21 04 00 00 00 0d 3a 23
21 04 01 00 00 0d 3a 23
21 05 00 00 00 10 37 04
21 05 01 00 00 10 37 04
21 06 00 00 00 15 05 00
21 06 01 00 00 15 05 00
21 07 00 00 00 17 02 31
21 07 01 00 00 17 02 31
21 08 00 00 00 1b 27 2a
21 08 01 00 00 1b 27 2a
21 09 00 00 00 1f 02 3a
21 09 01 00 00 1f 02 3a
21 0a 00 00 00 21 38 3c
21 0a 01 00 00 21 38 3c
21 0b 00 00 00 26 32 37
21 0b 01 00 00 26 32 37
21 0c 00 00 00 2b 34 01
21 0c 01 00 00 2b 34 01
21 0d 00 00 00 30 2b 03
21 0d 01 00 00 30 2b 03
21 0e 00 00 00 35 02 0c
21 0e 01 00 00 35 04 0c
01 aa 01 01 00 38 04 1f

3:32:45 PM #29 SCSI -400 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 1415
SCSI Exec, HA 0, TA 0, LUN 0, buffer 0x04D20000
Status: 0x04 (0x01, SCSI_ERR)
HA-Status 0x00 (0x00, OK)
TA-Status 0x02 (0x01, SCSI_TASTATUS_CHKCOND)
Sense Key: 0x04 (KEY_HARDWARE_ERROR)
Sense Code: 0x3E
Sense Qual: 0x02
CDB Data: 0x2A 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x40 0xDD 0x00 0x00 0x1B 0x00 0x00 0x00
Sense Data: 0x70 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0E
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3E 0x02

3:32:45 PM #30 CDR -400 File Writer.cpp, Line 335
Unspecified target error

3:32:45 PM #31 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 228
all writers idle, stopping conversion

3:32:45 PM #32 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 222
conversion idle, stopping reader

3:32:48 PM #33 Text 0 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1703
Set remaining time: 0:00,000 (0ms) -> OK

3:32:48 PM #34 Phase 38 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1843
Burn process failed at 40x (6,000 KB/s)

Existing drivers:
File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.03.16a, size=20576 bytes, created 2/16/2005 6:27:40 PM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
File 'Drivers\atapi.sys': Ver=5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), size=95360 bytes, created 8/3/2004 11:59:44 PM (Adapter driver for rec)

Registry Keys:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

====== *** Nero-Burning Rom, History File *** ======

Windows XP 5.1
WinAspi: -
ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=160016 bytes, created 6/17/2003 6:25:03 AM
Nero API version:
Using interface version:
Installed in: C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\
Application: ahead\Nero - Burning Rom
Recorder: <HP DVD Writer 640b> Version: E152 - HA 0 TA 0 -
Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 0
Drive buffer : 2048kB
Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder

=== Scsi-Device-Map ===
CdRomPeripheral : HP DVD Writer 640b atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: Off
CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A atapi Port 0 ID 1 DMA: On
DiskPeripheral : WDC WD2000JD-22HBB0 atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On

=== CDRom-Device-Map ===
HP DVD Writer 640b E: CDRom0

AutoRun : 1
Excluded drive IDs:
CmdQueuing : 1
CmdNotification: 2
WriteBufferSize: 83886080 (0) Byte
ShowDrvBufStat : 0
EraseSpeed : 0
BUFE : 0
Physical memory : 1015MB (1039660kB)
Free physical memory: 484MB (496012kB)
Memory in use : 52 %
Uncached PFiles: 0x0
Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
Use Inquiry : 1
Global Bus Type: default (0)
Check supported media : Disabled (0)

7:47:47 PM #1 Phase 112 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 235
DVD-Video files reallocation started

7:47:47 PM #2 Phase 114 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 235
DVD-Video files reallocation completed (no file modified)

7:47:47 PM #3 Phase 111 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 235
DVD-Video files sorted

7:47:47 PM #4 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 118
Reader running

7:47:47 PM #5 Text 0 File Writer.cpp, Line 127
Writer HP DVD Writer 640b running

7:47:47 PM #6 ISO9660GEN -11 File geniso.cpp, Line 3854
First writeable address = 0 (0x00000000)

7:47:47 PM #7 ISO9660GEN -11 File geniso.cpp, Line 3854
First writeable address = 0 (0x00000000)

7:47:48 PM #8 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3176
Turn on Disc-At-Once, using DVD media

7:59:52 PM #9 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 228
Last possible write address on media: 2295103 (510:01.28)
Last address to be written: 2286149 (508:01.74)

7:59:52 PM #10 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 233
Write in overburning mode: FALSE

7:59:52 PM #11 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 1722
Recorder: HP DVD Writer 640b, Media type: DVD+R
Disc Manufacturer ID: MAXELL, Media Type ID: 002, Product revision number: 0
Disc Application Code: 0, Extended Information Indicators: 3

7:59:52 PM #12 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 769
Setup items (after recorder preparation)
0: TRM_DATA_MODE1 (CTransferItem)
2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
original disc pos #0 + 2286150 (2286150) = #2286150/508:2.0
relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/required, no patch infos
-> TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 2286150 blocks [HP DVD Writer 640b ]

7:59:52 PM #13 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 938
Prepare recorder [HP DVD Writer 640b ] for write in CUE-sheet-DAO
DAO infos:
MCN: ""
TOCType: 0x00; Session Closed, disc fixated
Tracks 1 to 1:
1: TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048/0x00, FilePos 0 307200 4682342400, ISRC ""
DAO layout:
-150 | lead-in | 0 | 0x00 | 0x41
-150 | 1 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x41
0 | 1 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x41
2286150 | lead-out | 1 | 0x00 | 0x41

7:59:52 PM #14 Phase 24 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 235
Caching of files started

7:59:52 PM #15 Phase 25 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 235
Caching of files completed

7:59:52 PM #16 Phase 36 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 235
Burn process started at 4x (5,520 KB/s)

7:59:52 PM #17 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2136
Verifying disc position of item 0 (relocatable, disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0

7:59:52 PM #18 Text 0 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 7906
---- DVD Structure: Physical Format Information (00h) ----
Layer: 0, Address: 0 (0 h), AGID: 0; Length: 2050
Book Type: DVD+R (10), Part Version: 1
Disc Size: 120 mm, Maximum Rate: <not specified> (F h)
Number of Layers: 1, Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP), Layer Type: recordable
Linear Density: 0,267 um/bit, Track Density: 0,74 um/track
Starting Physical Sector Number of Data Area: 30000 h (DVD-ROM, DVD-R/-RW, DVD+R/+RW)
End Physical Sector Number of Data Area: 26053F h
End Sector Number in Layer 0: 0 h
Data in Burst Cutting Area (BCA) does not exist
Media Specific:
00 03 4D 41 58 45 4C 4C - 00 00 30 30 32 00 38 23 ..MAXELL..002.8#
54 37 12 02 42 71 02 8C - 68 15 15 0B 0B 08 08 01 T7..Bq..h.......
19 1B 0C 0C 0C 0D 01 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ................

7:59:52 PM #19 Text 0 File DVDPlusRW.cpp, Line 560
Start write address at LBA 0
DVD high compatibility mode: Yes

8:40:29 PM #20 Text 0 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 113
<HP DVD Writer 640b > start writing Lead-Out at LBA 2286150 (22E246h), lenght 0 blocks

8:40:30 PM #21 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 228
all writers idle, stopping conversion

8:40:57 PM #22 Phase 37 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 235
Burn process completed successfully at 4x (5,520 KB/s)

Existing drivers:
File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.03.16a, size=20576 bytes, created 2/16/2005 6:27:40 PM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)

Registry Keys:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

19:47:47 Robot error messages from:
====== *** NeroAPI, History File *** ======
Suspended permanently
14. November 2005 @ 00:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this would be better suited in the Nero forum.I'll see if a mod will move it
14. November 2005 @ 01:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi. i've just looked at the last log entry in the logfile...
- EDIT OUT your serial number; you've pasted your entire Nero log; no biggie but it means your serial number has crept in
Nero API version:
- my God that version is out of the bible, update to latest 6.x

version, (Update-Package 1) from here - - you probably want to pick the version that hasn't got the Yahoo toolbar stuff included
Recorder: <HP DVD Writer 640b> Version: E152
- don't yet know if your firmware is up to date or not
Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder
- yup, Nero's too old to recognise your burner; update Nero
CdRomPeripheral : HP DVD Writer 640b atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: Off
CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A atapi Port 0 ID 1 DMA: On
DiskPeripheral : WDC WD2000JD-22HBB0 atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On
- DMA needs to be ON, fix via this -
Last possible write address on media: 2295103 (510:01.28)
Last address to be written: 2286149 (508:01.74)
- you're burning too close to outer edge of discs. If you use DVD Shrink, set target size to 4300MB in Shrink's preferences thus avoiding outer edge and not sacrificing much space
Existing drivers:
- the ATAPI drivers are supposed to be listed in this section, this will be resolved by following the DMA fix further up the reply, then the drivers will appear in this section

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. November 2005 @ 01:39

Related links
Download Nero from here.
How to burn DVDs with Nero? Read our guide from here.
Support AfterDawn and purchase your copy of Nero from here!
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