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Junior Member
8. November 2005 @ 15:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok well I'm basically screwed until someone comes up with a downgrader for fireware version 2.01, sadly the very day I decided to upgrade the firmware was the day 2.01 came out, so now I can't play any games unless I buy it.

I was wondering where I can look for some cheap games? Of if by any remote chance anyone has games they are willing to give...LOL ok or maybe sell over.
Senior Member
9. November 2005 @ 03:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ya know what?

My Heart yerns and turns, while my stomich burns for ya!!

Bo-hoo!! Now I'll have to buy by Games like all the other Lemmings! Boo-hoo.

Get a life!!
Junior Member
9. November 2005 @ 04:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You know I don't get it, if people don't have anything constructive to say why they open their trap.
Senior Member
9. November 2005 @ 05:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And I don't like people with your 'Gung-Ho' Pirateing Tactics that preatty much killed off the Dreamcast. The PSP is still in it's infancy, and lets be realistic here. The S0NY PSP? has the best chance of any non Nintendo Heandheald to date. But, even then there's no guarantee that Nintendo will eventually win the day again. =(

But, if 99% of those with a PSP had your opinion about 'Free Games!", then the PSP? is allready a dead platform.

If you had just left it at wanting to play Homebrew I'd have left you alone. Hell I have my PSP set to v1.50 too! I love beeing able to play all kinds of homebrew and Emulators aswell.

But I do not condone outright Piracy of S0NY's PSP Games. If you want those, go out and actully buy 'em. Hell it's only $40~45.00(USD) for a Game for gosh sakes!!!
Junior Member
9. November 2005 @ 05:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dude chill da hell out it was a joke and you are taking it the wrong way SHEESH!

If I wanted FREE games I would have named the threat FREE GAMES??? Just because its ONLY $40 for you doesn't mean it's the same for other people. I live in a different country and $40US is $252 of our money, that's not cheap for a game bro! So like I said CHILL OUT, I am looking to see if anyone knows where I can find good games that are cheaper than $40
Senior Member
9. November 2005 @ 07:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah but then whats your Money worth when it's so inflated? Perhaps it's time for your Government to revaluate it's Monatary Policies In any case whatever it maybe it's still ca., only $?40(USD / EUR), and if you have troubles with something as trivial as this. I have to wonder how you managed to get your hands on a PSP to begin with?!
Senior Member
9. November 2005 @ 07:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To take a lighter note on this.
How old is your PSP? If you still can find a good excuse to take it back to the Store (clame your PSP? has "Dead-Pixels" or something, and pray they'll replace it with a different One. With luck you might still be able to get a PSP? with v1.52 installed.

Allthough it's been reported that S0NY are only shipping new stock of PSP's? out as v2.0 / v2.50. So if your opt to try this, best hurry back to the Shop...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2005 @ 08:22

9. November 2005 @ 08:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yea man you need to chill. While I do agree with you on the whole psp being dead thing You also have to realize that for most of us videogames are just a hobby. I don't mind putting a few bucks down to buy 1 or 2 games for the psp but I have bills and other necessities to be taken care of that are more important than games. Another reason is that games for the psp are just starting to get good because a lot of them suck and putting down $40 bucks for something you won't enjoy does not leave you with a good feeling. If you have the money to buy all the games you desire then by all means go ahead later on something better is going to come out and you'll probably buy that too, but if there's an alternative way that's for your own personal use!! then go ahead. That's my opinion I know somebody's gonna flame me for it but hey if they have a good reason why then i'll probably agree with them.

If Sony and Microsoft helped me out financially i wouldn't mind buying any of their products don't you agree.
Senior Member
9. November 2005 @ 08:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Gee like I don't have to pay Bills!

What a lame arsed excuse, so you think that gives you a right to rip Sony off or something! Hell it's no wonder why S0NY has to stoop so low as to install Rootkits into there Audio CD's and such.

It's sure going to be a laugh when the PS3 hits the shops Next Year, if some of the current sub news that's been hitting the 'net is true that Sony is working on a way to lock Game Media to just the Original Device (i.e. PS3)m that reads it. (e.g. Ya 'pop-in a new Game into that PS3 and it's all over, If you want to play that Game @ a Friends House, You'll have to lug the entire PS3 with ya!

Now I'm not a SONY Fanboy! The PS2? and XBOX? arin't going anywhere, for the moment! The PSP? on the other hand is haveing a Hell of a Time right now. And People like you arn't helping any..

At least as a dev I can calculate for People like you and know that most People will buy the Game(s), the PSP? is not even close to a PS2? or XBOX? in terms of raw units. Given it's high cost compaired to say the inferior NDS, or that joke of a System that Gizmondo have! It's not entirely justafiable, to sit here and say that the PSP? is overpriced. It's not!

But given that, and People like yourselves + the Costs of developing a game I'd rather turn my attenion towards the PS3? or XBOX360°?, muchless there prior Systems. I mean Hell even I can only afford (and just afford at that!), the One Game per Month. Ya have to learn to budget better! Or learn to do without, and save!

The 'I got Bills!' excusse does not cut it!!
Senior Member
9. November 2005 @ 08:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Soory I missed the best part of your last Post
If Sony and Microsoft helped me out financially i wouldn't mind buying any of their products don't you agree.
WTF?!?! I not sure I get this, then again perhaps I don't want to? You want to rip those above off, and have then Pay you for doing so too??

I think the idea you were looking for was called Credit-Card! Where you could buy a ~$40.00(USD), Game and pay like $5~10.00(USD) a Month back to pay it off. Now unless I'm mistaken Sony and Microsoft don't offer Financial Services to there End-Users. That's what you have Visa and Mastercharge for...
Junior Member
9. November 2005 @ 13:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ahem, like my original post asked....does anyone know where I can get cheap games, if not oh well.

I read somewhere that Target has some for around $20 but it's not listed online and you have to go to the actual store to get them. Anyone seen these?

Thanks in advance.
Junior Member
9. November 2005 @ 14:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
At least as a dev I can calculate for People like you and know that most People will buy the Game(s), the PSP™ is not even close to a PS2™ or XBOX™ in terms of raw units. Given it's high cost compaired to say the inferior NDS, or that joke of a System that Gizmondo have! It's not entirely justafiable, to sit here and say that the PSP™ is overpriced. It's not!
I can understand your veiws on piracy, but the DS is not an inferior system, it has more good games out than the PSP in my opinion
9. November 2005 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
IchiJoe I'm starting to think you work for sony. If not than man you sure love your videogames. Why does it affect you so personally if sony is losing money, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo can all go to hell for all i care. Like I said videogames are one of my many hobbies if they go away i'll find something else to do. I love videogames but i'm not gonna bitch if sony is losing money.
Senior Member
9. November 2005 @ 15:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Because Sony makes games, systems, computers, whatever, that we like to use. If you steal enough money from a company, eventually they lose financialy. Ever hear of going Bankrupt? Yes, it does happen to major corporations. Then we dont get any new systems, or any new games. Ichijoe is entitled to his own opinion on piracy, so let him have it. As for you singerboy, try ebay!

I'll see you on Xbox Live...mike814
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9. November 2005 @ 19:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I do think he's entitled to his opinion never did i say he wasn't. But why should it bother him so much that a company that doesn't give a shit about him is losing money. And he said that paying bills is a "lamed arse excuse" for not playing videogames, WHAT BETTER EXCUSE COULD YOU WANT!!! "Well I got kicked out of my apartment for not paying rent but I still have my videogames to keep me warm at night, Duuuh". I like videogames as much as the next guy but come on man.
Junior Member
10. November 2005 @ 18:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This a case of a simple thread gone aray!

mkaseatgb I'd buy them off of ebay however they don't accept international credit cards anymore. So I guess I'm just left out in the cold for a while, as it pertains to games, cause I can't downgrade from 2.01 and I can't afford those games right now.

I priced some games here and they are like $480!!!!!!
11. November 2005 @ 05:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
singerboy, there's this website i go to most of the time to find things the only problem is that i don't know if it's available in your area. It is called and in this website you choose your location on the right side of the page and then you click on the for sale tab on the middle of the page and type what you're looking for. I bought and traded most of my psp games in there, you meet with the person and you make the deal instead of having to wait or pay for shipping. That website is great and it's free to sell your stuff too if you have something for sale.
Senior Member
11. November 2005 @ 10:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The only region I know of that has Value Budget Games is Japan. I guess it make the most sence since they have the most choise in Games at the moment. :(

What about Funcoland, Some other place that sells / trades used video Games?

BTW: Q: What happens when a Video Game system gets 'Hoed to death?!?
A: One Word! Dreamcast!!
Junior Member
11. November 2005 @ 11:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hmm thanks for the suggestions you guys. I live in Trindad (That's in the caribbean) so most of those things we are excluded from. If only ebay would allow international credit cards.....sigh

Thanks again, maybe others that are looking would get some luck with the suggestions in here :-)
Senior Member
11. November 2005 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As far as I know eBay / Paypal ~eBays Finacal Services~ Do support International Credit Cards. (i.e. Visa, Am-Ex and Master/charge/card),. So I don't get where your comming from.

Besides it's useualy up to the Seller to determin the best means of exchange. (i.e. Money Order, Paypal or Credit Card),...
Junior Member
11. November 2005 @ 12:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As far as I know eBay / Paypal ~eBays Finacal Services~ Do support International Credit Cards. (i.e. Visa, Am-Ex and Master/charge/card),. So I don't get where your comming from.
No they don't bro...
Senior Member
11. November 2005 @ 12:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Funny as I never had a problem ordering stuff outa the USA. And I'm from Europe!
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
11. November 2005 @ 13:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's sure going to be a laugh when the PS3 hits the shops Next Year, if some of the current sub news that's been hitting the 'net is true that Sony is working on a way to lock Game Media to just the Original Device (i.e. PS3)m that reads it. (e.g. Ya 'pop-in a new Game into that PS3 and it's all over, If you want to play that Game @ a Friends House, You'll have to lug the entire PS3 with ya!
So how is that supposed to work if your PS3 breaks? You have to buy a whole new library??? I don't think so.
11. November 2005 @ 20:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well how do you know he was pir8in? How do you know he was usin his PSP because he's a retro lover and plays gomebrew like emul8rs? and not fastloader?

And now he's lost his #1 fav, he's gunna go for #2? Still play games with his PSP, but pay for actual titles?

Also, with the whole Dreamcast thing (i kno this is off-topic, but i wanna know), what made it so pir8-able (like with the PS2 its not extinct but theres still modchips and slide cards and 5h1t) that it's a dinosaur? it's not ENTIRELY that it's pir8, dontya think? maybe the games werent too fun? eh?

I was told to change my sig so I did this.
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
11. November 2005 @ 21:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dreamcast had some very fun games. Some many forget Sega screwed themselves long before any Dreamcast games were pirated. Failures like Sega CD, 32x, and Saturn put Sega in a big hole. Dreamcast was well designed to succeed but Sega was broke and could not keep it going. It costs money to keep a console going. Pirating hurt it somwhat sure but it's been the same case with every console since PS1. PS2 is pirated like crazy and tons of PS2 games are still sold and Sony is doing fine. The piracy thing hurting game companies so much is really laughable when you think about the company with the hardest to pirate console games is the one selling the fewest gamesleast amount of them.

On to the PSP Dreamcast connection in defense of piracy hurting them more I will at least say with these system no hardware needs to be modded to play pirated games and that's something, but MOST people who own PSPs have no idea on how to run ISOs.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. November 2005 @ 21:20

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